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Thread: Myogenx log

  1. #1
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    Myogenx log

    I just got my order of myogenx and started taking it yesterday. 3 pills/day also taking creatine mono. multivit, flax seed oil, caffiene, vitamin c, and superpump 250 before workouts. I took three years off from lifting to box, and just started lifting again in mid sept. I dont feel i'm ready to begin cycleing agian but wanted to take something so i purchaed the myogenx. When i was lifting i did two cycles, 1st: omnadren 250, 2nd: sus 250 & deca . Experienced excellent gains from both. I hit around 230-235lbs when cycleing in past but with some fat and water gain. I dropped to 180 at my lightest when boxing. I'm pretty much done with the boxing and rekindled my love for lifting again this past fall.

    Age: 25 yrs old.,
    Weight: 217 lbs.,
    Height: 6'.5",
    Cycling experience: above but haven't cycled in 3.5 years,
    BF% : i dont know but from pics of other people i'd guesstimate around 15%
    Goals: Strength and mass gain
    Test levels: Dont know but want to get blood test done. I live at college so do you think i can have my test levels checked at the campus hospital? Since i started taking the myogenx already i'm just going to get my test levels checked at the end of the cycle and then a month after being off of it.

    Monday:chest and tris military press, and squats
    tuesday: Swimming & Running
    Wednesday: Back and Bi's
    thursday: legs
    friday: shoulders and flat bench
    weekend: cario, and hopefully snowbaord

    I usually attempt to do some cardio in the am and then lift in the pm, off to the gym now

  2. #2
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    Ok so i checked with teh university hospital and they do have a lab so i'm going tomorrow to see if i can get my test levels checked. They shouldnt be effected since i've only been on the myogenx for 2 days now.

    Lifting Today: Quads and calves, usually do chest and stuff today but lifting schedule is all messed up from being back at school

    Warm up: 7 min on bike
    could barely walk when done with these

    Sitting calf raise:
    90lbs x16
    90 x18
    90 x17
    90x 16
    90 x16

    Seated leg extension (one leg at a time)
    40lbs 5 sets 12 reps each

    12 minutes on bike at end of work out then hobbled out of the gym.

    Hopefully i'll be able to get my blood work done tomorrow, and its back bis and hamstrings @ the gym.

  3. #3
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    Ok past two days i have slept through the night which is something i haven't done in a while (have to get up to pee) i dont know if this is from drinking less water before bed or from the myogenx but i'll keep you guys advised.

    Off to swim and then to lab to see if i can get blood work done

  4. #4
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Good work, keep us updated.
    Last edited by vitor; 02-08-2007 at 10:04 AM.

  5. #5
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    Went to lab today with a list of about 30 things i wanted to get tested, they said it would cost $1000 and my insurance wouldnt cover it. Since i'm at school i'm a good distance away from my doctor so having him order the tests wouldnt be possible. Does anyone have any ideas on where i should go?
    When you get your blood tests what do you usually end up paying?
    Thx for the help in advance, off to gym be back to update later

  6. #6
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    Concerning the bloodwork: i'm going to check my health insurance plan and see where i can go to a doctors office in area and see what i can do, any other suggestions would be helpful. Awesome day at the gym.

    Today: Back Bi's hamstrings

    Barbell Rows:
    95 lbs x15
    135lbs x15
    185 x8

    135 x18
    185 x15
    225 x8 (forearms felt like they were going to explode after this set)
    255 x6
    255 x2 (couldnt hold bar any longer)

    back is def strong enough to do a good deal more weight but forearms are not strong enough to hold it

    Barbell shrugs
    185 x 12
    185 x12
    215x10 (forearms are shot)

    Pull ups

    Bicep curls (dumbells):
    35 x12
    40 x10
    45 x8
    50 x6

    one set of 21's with 50lbs (barbell)

    Hamstring curls:
    50 x16
    70 x15
    90 x10
    90 x8
    90 x8

    All lifts are up from last week, creatine is probly starting to kick in, probly too soon for teh mygenx. I've been on the creatine for about 2.5-3 weeks now.

    Back was def stronger then last week but forearms aren't strong enough to hold the weight my back is capable of lifting, considering throwing a forearms day in my workout, maybe sat. or something i'll keep the log updated.

  7. #7
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    The search for bloodwork has still turned up unsuccessful, i may have to go with my original plan and get it done at the end of the cycle, i should be able to find a place to have it done by then. I'm not really concerned with the blood work just wanted to get it done out of curiousity, and to share the results with other members.

    What is important to me is how this product will effect my strength and mass gains. I haven't read anyones experiences on taking myogenx only for gaining strength/mass so this log is a way for me to keep track of my results and share them with the interested members of this board. was a cardio day, back to the gym tomorrow for flat bench and shoulders. Planned on doing squats tomorrow but legs are still sore as hell from mondays workout, and so is the back from yesterdays workout.

    -Be back tomorrow-

  8. #8
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    Updates? Feel it working? Think it's working?

  9. #9
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    Def. feel it working. I felt great all day and was absolutely psyched to get to the gym (more so then usual). I also felt like i had more energy throughout the day and my workout as well. I'm hesitant to say that it feels like being on an injectable testosterone but i definitly had a feeling of well being all day today, I just feel like i'm getting stronger. Props on the product i'll def be ordering more of this. By the way this is the first day i've actually felt something from the myogenx. Ok log updates:

    Diet: The following day of eating pretty much resembles how i eat everyday with minor changes i.e. switching up chicken beef and pork, switching veggies etc..

    8 AM: Immediatly upon rising
    45 grams whey protein
    2 mega-men multi vit
    800mg vit c
    1000mg flax seed oil
    200mg caffiene
    1 Pill myogenx

    10:30 AM
    4 hard boiled egg whites
    1/2 wheat bagel thin spread of cream cheese
    1 slice bacon (for taste)
    24 ounces skim milk

    12:30 PM
    1 chicken breast
    2 servings brocolli, carrots, water chestnuts
    24 ounces skim milk
    1 serving Brown rice

    3:45 PM

    1 chicken breast
    1 small slice cheese pizza
    12 ounces skim milk
    1 Pill myogenx

    430 PM
    1.5 scoops superpump 250

    5 PM GYM

    630 PM
    50 grams whey protein
    5 grams creatine

    830 (haven't eaten yet but dinner usually looks like this)
    1 Serving lean protein (chicken, pork, beef)
    2 servings veggies
    24 ounces skim milk

    Todays Gym workout: Flat Bench & shoulders

    Flat Bench:
    135 x15
    185 x12
    225 x8 (help on last one, this is up from 225 x6 help on last one last week)
    250 x4 help on last two
    135 x20

    Seated Dumbell Press
    50lbs x15
    60lbs x12
    70lbs x8
    70lbs x4 (shoulders were kaput)
    45 lbs x12
    (shoulders are crazy pumped at this point couldnt reach aroudn and scratch my back)

    Barbell Shoulder Raise and Side dumbell raise (super setted these)
    40lbs (shoulder raise) x10, x8 x6, x8
    15lbs (side raise) x10, x8 x8 x10

    Arnold Press
    35lbs x12
    35lbs x10
    35lbs x6 failure
    too tired for more sets

    Shoulder workout was about the same as last week, but bench is up. Things are looking good for this product. I'll keep you guys updated.

  10. #10
    Schmidty's Avatar
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  11. #11
    sdtraining is offline New Member
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    Does it matter what time of day you take the Myo pills?

  12. #12
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    I try and space them evenly through out the day, but on the back of the bottle all it says is "take one pill three times a day"

  13. #13
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    Was going to take today off from lifting but i my body felt good so i did arms today.


    80lbs x12
    90lbs x10
    90lbs x8
    90lbs x6

    When i did these i used two different 25 lbs plates and one was heavier then the other. I looked retarded cause the right side was shooting up way faster then left but i still didnt feel like going and searching for the other matching 25 lb plate.

    Close Grip Bench:
    135 x15
    155 x10
    175 x8
    195 x5

    This is way way up from last time i did close grip. I did close grip two weeks ago and got 155 8 times so i would def say its "kickin in". I was really suprised by this because i only got 6.5 hours of sleep last night, and i usually always get 8, also i went to bed with and woke up with a sore throat so even though i may be getting sick strength is increasing.




    Dumbell Curl

    35lbs x12
    40lbs x10
    50lbs x8 (two more reps then last time)

    3 sets with 50lbs

    Also did some forearm work but i'm not going to elaborate on that, lets hope it helps on back day next week though.

  14. #14
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    Def. sick with head cold. I'm going to take the weekend off from exercise and hit the gym hard on mon.

  15. #15
    spywizard's Avatar
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    In the Gym, if i could
    drink plenty of water and vit c...remember rest is when the body grows..

    good luck
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  16. #16
    chuck89gt5.0's Avatar
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    How is your sex drive and size of your nuts?

  17. #17
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuck89gt5.0
    How is your sex drive and size of your nuts?
    Sex drive is always thru the roof so there's really no change, no noticeable change in nut size either.

    My original plan to hit the gym "hard" today didnt really pan out so well b/c i still feel like sh*t. I was pretty much ready to call it a day after my first two warm up sets but i stuck thru a whole workout today. I cut one set off my chest exercises and one off my tricep exercises.

    Today: Monday 2/12 Chest, tris, military press

    Flat bench (dumbells)
    65 x15
    80 x10
    90 x6
    90 x5 -these are both down slightly

    Decline Bench (barbells)

    135 x 15
    185 x12
    225 x4 (could've done more but didnt have spotter)
    225 x6 (got spotter, needed help with last rep)

    decline bench is up got 205 for 8 last time i did a full chest workout

    Standing military press (in front of neck)-barbell

    100 x12
    135 x5 (3 sets of this)

    absolutely dead at this point in workout

    close grip bench

    155 x8 -3 sets

    Dips - 3 sets 8 reps each

    I revised my diet with much help from I b d mkr so i'll get that up here too.

    Hopefully i'll almost be recovered for back on wed.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anaboxa34
    Sex drive is always thru the roof so there's really no change, no noticeable change in nut size either.

    Way to miss an opportunity! Next time someone asks you that, say "My sex Drive is always through the roof, and my Nuts are always through the floor!"

    In fact...that's going to be the new MyoGenX slogan:

    "MyoGenX- for sex drive through the roof and nuts through the floor!"

  19. #19
    boostedevo8's Avatar
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    Hahahahaha Lmao Rofl

  20. #20
    Shane35aa's Avatar
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    Hell sounds like a good marketing idea to me

  21. #21
    IronAdam's Avatar
    IronAdam is offline Member
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    I've noticed a few posts now where people taking mygenx got colds or cold sypmtoms, which I also experienced. Anyone else notice this?

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronAdam
    I've noticed a few posts now where people taking mygenx got colds or cold sypmtoms, which I also experienced. Anyone else notice this?
    I actually don't think that has anything to do with the MyoGenX. Zinc helps fight off the flu, and vitamin e is a nice anti-oxidant. It's becoming unseasonably cold now (below freezing in some of the country) and it's flu season. I think that's more likely to blame than the MyoGenX itself.

    I admitted to the upset stomach thing right away, but the other stuff is not likely to be from the Myo.

  23. #23
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronAdam
    I've noticed a few posts now where people taking mygenx got colds or cold sypmtoms, which I also experienced. Anyone else notice this?
    I doubt the myo has anything to do with the cold, like anthony said its cold/flu season and its cold as hell where i live. I most likely got my cold from swimming (indoor pool obviously) then walking across campus with wet hair in the cold weather.

    The cold is really pissing me off b/c if you follow my log one day i was feeling f*ckin awesome then a day or two later i feel like shit. Cold will hopefully end shortly though.

  24. #24
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts

    I admitted to the upset stomach thing right away, but the other stuff is not likely to be from the Myo.
    I've never experienced any stomach issues with the myo but i always take it right after meals. Do you think taking it on an empty stomach could be to blame?

  25. #25
    IronAdam's Avatar
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    Just curious if maybe a sudden increase in test can weaken the immune system. I realize it's probably just the cold season but I was just wondering. Great product by the way Anthony, I wish you the best of luck with it. You're a great asset to the board.


  26. #26
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    Wednesday feb. 14

    finally feel better, i just got back from the gym and strength is down slightly but i think by this friday or next monday i'll be back at full strength.

    Todays lifts: Back and Bi's

    Barbell Row:
    135 x12
    135 x12
    165 x10
    165 x10
    185 x8

    Dead Lifts:
    165 x15
    225 x12
    275 x3 (fingers /forearms gave out)
    275 x6
    275 x4
    135 x12

    Barbell Shrugs:

    135 x15
    185 x12 (def. could've done more)
    225 x10
    225 x8
    225 x8

    forearms are toast at this point

    Wide grip over-hand pullups:

    Dumbell Preacher Curl:
    35 x12
    45 x8
    45 x6

    Barbell hammer curl:

    2 sets 70lbs x8

    Side Effects :
    Slight acne on face and thighs, i'm back to sleeping well, feeling of well being has replaced feeling of sh*t from being sick, dreams have been more noticeably vivid- i wasn't going to comment on this b/c i didnt really think anything of it until i read it reported in several other posts. Does increase in test levels = more vivid dreams ?

    Tomorrow is legs day hopefully i'll be at full strength.

  27. #27
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    I'm thinking of extending my time on myo to two months instead of one and perhaps doubling my dose (6 pills/day instead of 3). Does anyone have any thoughts on this. Do you think this would be beneficial in the sense that i would continue to gain strength. Would there be any negative effects in doing this, or would i have to take some type of anti e if i did continue use for another month? Advice on this topic would be appreciated.

  28. #28
    Sigmaguy2 is offline Junior Member
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    not to hijack, but have you noticed any testicle pain while on myo? I have been on for 2 weeks and I have noticed some ball aching from time to time. Not any sharp pains but just some dull aching

  29. #29
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    Nah man balls are fine, but i'm only a week in a half in, if something weird pops up i'll report it in my log

  30. #30
    chest6's Avatar
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    LOL im an idiot...carry on

    will be watching this
    Last edited by chest6; 02-14-2007 at 06:23 PM.

  31. #31
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    Just returned from the gym, strength is still down a little

    Today's Lifts:

    135 x15
    185 x12
    225 x10
    255 x5 (went below parallel on last two and that took all the energy out of my legs)
    135 x15

    Leg Press
    (Haven't done these for four years so dont laugh at my weak ass)

    6 plates x15
    8 plates x10-10-8-15

    (no idea where burst of strength came from on last set, after this exercise i hobbled around the gym for the rest of my work out)

    Flat Bench:
    135 x15
    185 x12
    225 x5
    225 x5
    135 x15

    Seated Leg extension (one leg at a time):

    50lbs 15-12-12-12-10

    Seated Calf Raise

    90 x17
    120 x15-14-12-12

  32. #32
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    Friday Feb. 16: Shoulders/skullcruxshers

    Standing Military Press (front of neck)
    95 x15
    135 x12
    135 x10
    145 x6
    95 x20

    (after i did these i had a strange pain at the top of my shoulder where the muscle meets the bone)

    Dumbell Front Raises Superset with side lateral raises
    5 sets 8-10 reps each set

    Arnold Press
    35 x12
    40 x10
    40 x8
    40 x8

    5 sets 12-10 reps each

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