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Thread: What do you guys think of "Supplement Reps"

  1. #1

    What do you guys think of "Supplement Reps"

    So I've been looking at different supplement forums around the internet, and the main thing I'm noticing is that there's "reps" for different companies. From as near as I can figure, it seems like supplement companies give out freebies for people to try (or a monthly supplement stipend) and they go around the internet explaining and promoting various products from that Brand.

    What do you guys think about that type of thing? I'll reserve my comments until a few people reply, because I don't want to bias the answers...

    But I want people to look at it from 2 points of view. The first is that it may seem disingenuous to people because it seems very "quid pro quo"
    while on the other hand, it can be seen as simply endorsing a product you believe in, and getting some perks for your effort...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I'm not sure you get as honest of an opinion. It would seem if someone paid for it out of their pocket, they would expect more than a freebie. Also the person might not want to write an unfavorable although honest review, knowing that it could eliminate their freebies in the future. However that being said... AR if you need a REP, I'd be interested..LOL

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Especially for Myogenx, I like it. Sure I'd really love it, if got some free samples.

  4. #4
    I think the ultimate question for a rep is "would you still use it if you had to buy it?"...I bet most wouldn't.

    I have been given freebies from 2 nutritional companies: Avant Labs and Biotest. Since then, I've paid for Biotest stuff, but never anything from Avant. So I mean...that's the true test I think...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    North Alabama
    If I make my money selling Fords, I'm never gonna recommend a Chevy.

  6. #6
    personally imo i think its annnnnnnnnnoying! On another board I post at (betcha cant guess which one ) they have a crap load of em...its sooooooooo annoying sometimes. LIke when a simple question is brought up "oh whats the best preworkout no?" then you have guys like me that say "oh ya know Ive tried a few different ones, but NO-shotgun has worked the best for me". Immediately after you get a jackass coming in with "oh our product X is hands down the best one you can get right now...itll do this itll do that blah blah...oh and btw if you're looking for a good creatine check out our product Y". That kinda shit i cant stand...but its a double edged sword meaning they can be helpful in some areas--i.e. reps for company's w/ otc roids usually answer the questions about them pretty well, and for good measure too cause the board is chock full o idiots.

    But with that being said I prefer no reps cause I cant stand the stoopid little marketing ploys they put out (and im a marketing major wtf LOL)...I prefer unadulterated opinions and judgements and not verbatim being spit about a particular product because a person is a rep for the company

  7. #7
    i smell a REP!!!!
    Last edited by UpstateTank; 02-12-2007 at 10:09 AM.

  8. #8

  9. #9
    There was only 2 bottles of MyoGenX given away for free, total. We have no reps at all. And they were given to Brian (the owner of this site) by me.

    I guess in all fairness, I also mailed out a copy of one of my books (Jekyl and Hyde) to a few people who used the product and posted about their experiences here...but that was "post-facto" and they didn't even know they'd be getting anything at all when they made all of their positive posts about MyoGenX.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    RIP Brother...
    I think it's fair enough so long as the rep declares his/her interest, by way of a custom title perhaps, repping for a company and recommending products but withholding the fact that you are on the payroll is bullshit.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    In the Gym, if i could
    I've been screaming about this product since it 1st came out, that's because I love the product... if it were bunk... i'd push something else...

    a man goes throughout life with but 1 thing... himself... and his rep..
    The answer to your every question


    A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
    to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially
    one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.

    If you get scammed by an UGL listed on this board or by another member here, it's all part of the game and learning experience for you,
    we do not approve nor support any sources that may be listed on this site.
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  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
    There was only 2 bottles of MyoGenX given away for free, total. We have no reps at all. And they were given to Brian (the owner of this site) by me.

    I guess in all fairness, I also mailed out a copy of one of my books (Jekyl and Hyde) to a few people who used the product and posted about their experiences here...but that was "post-facto" and they didn't even know they'd be getting anything at all when they made all of their positive posts about MyoGenX.
    I don't like reps personally.

    And you are right about the above.

    The true test question for a rep would be: "would you still use it if you had to buy it?"

    And you're right.. most wouldn't.

    Not solely because they like getting free stuff.. but because they weren't impressed with a product.

    Personally i had a bro put in an order of myogenx for me (because of my region)... but it was back-ordered for a long while so we're yet to get it. If i'm impressed.. i'll buy again. If i'm impressed i'll say so.

    This is not to say that if i got a month's supply i wouldn't use it.. but rather i would honestly say what i thought of it.

    Just like i did with the one-time product trial i got from avant a while ago... and the amplify sample i got a while ago.

    Personally I think people are too easily bought.

    If your product is great don't need reps.

    Obviously you have a good product.. because in the absence of reps people are still talking about it.

    Keep up the good work.

    I hope to try each of your products in the near future... and be similarly impressed.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    riding styles donkey
    before joining this site i was a memeber of a........ minds, that forum is crawling with reps, they are helpfull but they do push their products a bit to much. i feel for it for a while, but then realised it wasnt really happening the way i was told it would.
    thankfully this site isnt that way inclined, the members dont rely so heavily on supplements that dont really live up to the bottle description.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by donniebrasco
    before joining this site i was a memeber of a........ minds, that forum is crawling with reps, they are helpfull but they do push their products a bit to much. i feel for it for a while, but then realised it wasnt really happening the way i was told it would.
    thankfully this site isnt that way inclined, the members dont rely so heavily on supplements that dont really live up to the bottle description.
    Actually, I like that site a lot...well...not really, but I do like the fact that there was a huge thread where a bunch of supplement companies and their reps were talking about how they want to rip off my MyoGenX product...but didn't know how to get Fadogia!

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