Stuff claims too have 950% more Nitric Oxide (than the original NO2 im guessing) Anyone heard about what the price of this stuff might be?
Stuff claims too have 950% more Nitric Oxide (than the original NO2 im guessing) Anyone heard about what the price of this stuff might be?
havnt herd of it but damn sounds dope!
Did you see this ad in a magazine? I couldn't find anything about this new product on the internet.
I want some.
I don't... NO2 is crap, there are many better nitric oxide boosters IMO. I would bet that since the original price of NO2 was $80/bottle it would be slightly less than that since there are so many of these products out now.Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx
I don't know if it is still around, but I took some stuff called Vasopro that was 10x better and cheaper than NO2, but that was also 3 years ago.
I know someone that can get me NO2 black at a significant cost savings (direct from vendor). I have 6 bottles headed my way shortly, so I should be able to give some feedback in about a month.
Originally Posted by EcToMoRpHiAn
Vasopro was banned, well that what the dude at max muslce said. I would buy a bottle for bout 20bucks and I went in one morning and the told me that it got banned cause of some bullshit. I think you can still order it online though. Let me tell you that sh!t worked for me, especially on leg days.
ill try it.
i'm sure I'll get a sample bottle should be interesting
Wait why are u so special? i want a sample bottle toOriginally Posted by SVTMuscle
I will give this new product a try though. I like NO2, but I use NO explode because of the price.
manager at franchised GNCOriginally Posted by K.Biz
Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
lol well hook us up!
Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx
I Agree
$90.09 at gnc
may as weel just double up the dose up l-arginine
Originally Posted by TheDfromGC
holy shit
I havn't been to work yet guys, i'll check in tomorrow when i go in
Originally Posted by Schmidty
its actually same dose of arginine as regular red and white box no2, from what i got from the label, it claims to have a much longer extended release time period compared to regular no2
so any updates on anyone trying it?
I did not try it, but it's the same thing as the regular NO2 (3000mg AAKG) but the black has 300mg of ALA....big whoop.
I was told by a manager at my local gnc that no2 black is exclusive to gnc? Hmmmm.......
all MRI products are 'suppose' to be exclusive to GNC
Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
so in other words, its over priced crap?
Well I had some pocket change and just ordered a bottle online. Once I get it and start it I'll keep you guys updated on how it works out. And the only other supplements I run is whey protein and my multi vitamins.
I just picked up a bottle today and had a few questions. I workout in the morning at 630. Should i take the first serving before breakfeast after my workout or before my workout and then the other serving before lunch. Also, I use black powder preworkout, is that alright to use with the NO2 black and what creatine product is good to take with that stack?
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