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Thread: My SD Log

  1. #1
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    My SD Log

    What's up guys, i just got everything for my cycle and i will be starting today. Here's what it looks like

    Weeks 1-4 2pills/Day (oxodrol-12)

    Supporting Supps (taken during cycle and thru pct)

    Niacin 1000 mg ed
    Flax seed oil 1000 mg ed
    Milk Thistle 2000 mg ed
    N.A.C. 600 mg ed
    Hawethorne Berry 1500 mg ed
    Ester Vitamin C 6000 mg ed
    Red Yeast Rice 1200 mg ed

    Week 6: Clomid (105mg), Aromasin (25mg)
    Week 7: Clomid (105mg), Aromasin (25mg)
    Week 8: Clomid (70mg), Aromasin (25mg)
    Week 9: Clomid (70mg), Aromasin (25mg)
    Myogenx: weeks 6-9 3 pills ed

    Stats: 25 yrs old/215 lbs/16 %/6'

    Goals: My main goal is strength, i'd also like to drop some BF off so i'll be consuming about 2500-3000 cals/day plus 4-5 days cardio/week

    Current lifts:

    Here are all my main lifts from last week so this is what i'm looking to improve on:

    Bench Press: 225 x6
    DB Shouler Press: 80lbs x7
    Squats: 260 x6
    Barbell row: 185 x8

    I was planning on spacing my intake of supporting supps throught out the day, should i do this or take it all at once?

  2. #2
    number twelve's Avatar
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    hey bro you have obv. done your hw, good luck!

    why did u decide to take on 24 mg's for the entire 4 weeks? i bumped up to 3 weeks pretty quickly, after i was only feeling good things, and im happy that i did.

    when i was on 2 pills, i would take one in the morning with a huge glass of water b4 breakfast which consisted of oatmeal with weight gainer shake mixed it. and then the 2nd was take about 2 hours before i lifted with a carb meal.

  3. #3
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    After reading some of the logs most people said that they wished they had started at two pills a day through the entire duration of the cycle so i figured i would just dose it that way.

    I'll probly take the oxodrol the same way you did (one with breakfast one before workout) i wasn't really sure how i was going to take the oxodrol but how you took it sounds good to me.

    Also how did you take your support supps, all at once or spread evenly through out the day?

    Thx for your support man.

  4. #4
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    split the support supps one dose in the am one dose in the pm

  5. #5
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    Thx tank will do.

  6. #6
    number twelve's Avatar
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    like upstate said..

  7. #7
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    Today was the first day of lifting while "on". I'm was so pumped to lift today it was like a little kid on christmas morning....anyways...

    Monday Feb. 26: Chest and Bi's
    Flat Dumbell Bench:
    65 x15
    80 x12
    90 x6
    90 x6
    60 x10

    Decline Bench:
    135 x15
    185 x12
    225 x6
    225 x6
    135 x12

    Incline BB Bench (haven't done these in forever)
    135 x15
    185 x8
    205 x6
    205 x5
    135 x10

    3 sets 12 reps @45 lbs

    Barbell Bicep Curl:
    80 x10
    90 x8
    90 x8

    Dumbell Preacher curl (stop at 90 degrees, 2 second pause, up)
    50 x7
    50 x6
    50 x6

    Good workout today, had awesome bicep pumps, i'm psyched up for this cycle. Tomorrow i'm going to destroy my legs.

  8. #8
    number twelve's Avatar
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    nice dude
    i love the mental tenacity from knowing im "on"

  9. #9
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    ah yes lifting while "on" is a great thing.

  10. #10
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    Yea man i absolutely love it.

    How long did it take for you guys to start feeling the effects (good and bad)?

  11. #11
    JBMuscle111 is offline New Member
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    Good luck bro! I am starting a similar SD cycle very soon. I am running Methyl Vol for 3 weeks with Nolvadex PCT. I am definitely interested in your results...keep us informed!

  12. #12
    number twelve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anaboxa34
    Yea man i absolutely love it.

    How long did it take for you guys to start feeling the effects (good and bad)?
    i had a totally differant mental focus starting from the first day, i had strength gains pretty quickly, but i dont know if it was in my head or what.

    i never really felt any negative sides. i was glad i stopped taking it when i did tho, cause i had the feeling as if i was playing with borrowed time.


  13. #13
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anaboxa34
    Yea man i absolutely love it.

    How long did it take for you guys to start feeling the effects (good and bad)?

    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve
    i had a totally differant mental focus starting from the first day, i had strength gains pretty quickly, but i dont know if it was in my head or what.

    i never really felt any negative sides. i was glad i stopped taking it when i did tho, cause i had the feeling as if i was playing with borrowed time.

    i def agree with this. right out the gate i was feeling stronger.. but i think i noticed the huge weight increase like mid second week everything just like goes up easy, like real easy , haha its pretty awsome.

    as far as sides i saw some in the first week of my pct, acne, some wierd heart thing but thats starting to go away since i quit smoking so... i think it was the smoking. i thought i was seeing gyno but i was overreacting hahaha, anyway good luck bro SD is a fun ride

  14. #14
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    Thx for the input guys

    I've been getting like quick pulsing head aches through out the day, like nothing severe but i'll feel like a quick pulse of pressure or light pain?

    Dont know if this is in my head or most likely because i dropped caffiene the day i started my cycle and i was averaging like 400 mg caffiene a day prior to cycle. I've read that SD can give you headaches from increase blood pressure but i really didnt think it would happen the 2nd day. Its probly all mental anyway...Onto what matters

    Tuesday Feb. 27: Legs

    135 x15
    185 x15
    225 x12
    275 x4
    185 x12

    Leg Press:
    360 x15
    450 x10
    450 x8
    450 x8
    450 x7

    Supersetted these three exercises

    Leg extensions (one leg at a time)
    4 sets 12-15 reps @50 lbs

    Hamstring Curl
    4 sets 12-15 reps @80 lbs

    Seated Calf Raise
    4 sets 15-17 reps @140 lbs

    Overall good workout today, really felt it in my legs when i was done.

  15. #15
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    its your blood pressure rising bro. make sure ur dosing that hawthron berry correctly which u are at 1500mg and it should go away by day 4 or 5, i got some slight pressure in my head as well the first few days. nothing to worry about

  16. #16
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz
    its your blood pressure rising bro. make sure ur dosing that hawthron berry correctly which u are at 1500mg and it should go away by day 4 or 5, i got some slight pressure in my head as well the first few days. nothing to worry about

    thx for the heads up man.

  17. #17
    notorious_mem's Avatar
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    stay away from beer or you will feel like a furnace....

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by notorious_mem
    stay away from beer or you will feel like a furnace....
    Thx for the advice man but i def was not planning on drinking at all during this cycle.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anaboxa34
    Thx for the advice man but i def was not planning on drinking at all during this cycle.
    Good Call

  20. #20
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    Hey K. biz sorry to hear 'bout the gyno man hope you get that shit cleared up with no probs

    Before i put in todays lifts there's 3 words that can describe today's workout:


    Or is that four?

    Wed. Feb. 28: Back and Triceps

    BB rows

    95 x20 (warmup)
    135 x12
    165 x12
    185 x8
    135 x8

    BB Shrugs
    185 x20
    225 x15
    225 x15
    225 x12
    225 x10

    Lower Back extensions with 25lb plate behind the head
    5 sets 8-12 reps each

    (Crazy lower back pump after this)

    Pull ups


    Close-Grip Bench
    135 x15
    165 x10
    185 x8
    135 x5

    80 x12
    100 x6
    100 x6


    Happy with todays workout...

    The last couple nights i've been sleeping like a baby, and after i exercise the headaches seem to subside although they weren't as frequent today as they were yesterday.

    Looking forward to the rest of the cycle, wanted to thank you guys that are reading/contributing/helping etc.

  21. #21
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anaboxa34
    Hey K. biz sorry to hear 'bout the gyno man hope you get that shit cleared up with no probs

    Before i put in todays lifts there's 3 words that can describe today's workout:


    Or is that four?

    Wed. Feb. 28: Back and Triceps

    BB rows

    95 x20 (warmup)
    135 x12
    165 x12
    185 x8
    135 x8

    BB Shrugs
    185 x20
    225 x15
    225 x15
    225 x12
    225 x10

    Lower Back extensions with 25lb plate behind the head
    5 sets 8-12 reps each

    (Crazy lower back pump after this)

    Pull ups


    Close-Grip Bench
    135 x15
    165 x10
    185 x8
    135 x5

    80 x12
    100 x6
    100 x6


    Happy with todays workout...

    The last couple nights i've been sleeping like a baby, and after i exercise the headaches seem to subside although they weren't as frequent today as they were yesterday.

    Looking forward to the rest of the cycle, wanted to thank you guys that are reading/contributing/helping etc.

    Thanks bro. keep pumpin those weights! check your weight every couple days as well, i gained like 9 pounds my first week, its pretty insane! and its a great ego boost before the gym

    Anyway im off to the gym.... but why are u doing shrugs on your back days?

  22. #22
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz
    Thanks bro. keep pumpin those weights! check your weight every couple days as well, i gained like 9 pounds my first week, its pretty insane! and its a great ego boost before the gym

    Anyway im off to the gym.... but why are u doing shrugs on your back days?
    I actually tipped the scale at 219 today but i figured that its probly from diet because i've been eating a good deal more then usual.

    I used to do shrugs on shoulder day but i switch up my lifting routine like every 3 months so shrugs just landed with back day for now, plus i hit my traps when i do barbell rows.

  23. #23
    number twelve's Avatar
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    what are your strength goals for this cycle?

  24. #24
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve
    what are your strength goals for this cycle?
    Oops, probly should've put those down first but here they are

    Flat Bench: 325
    Military Press: 225
    Squat: 405
    BB Row 275

    My current lifts are around these numbers
    Bench 275
    Military Press 165-175
    Squat 300 (on a good day)
    BB Row 205

    I basically have the same attitude you did on your cycle and thats if i cant hit these numbers i dont care they're just my goals for the cycle and i'm going to try like hell to get their.

  25. #25
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    where r deadlifts???

  26. #26
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    If your talking bout my back workout i just left them out this week cause my hams were sore so i did lower back extentsions instead,

    In my goals i dont have deadlifts in there because i have a grip failure at like 275-315 when doing deadlifts, so when it comes to deadlifts i'll go as high as my forearms will let me.

  27. #27
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    eesh im with you on having bitch grip

    i need to start whacking it more!

  28. #28
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    Dude i all the time and i still have bitch grip

    ....actually my left is a lot stronger then my right

  29. #29
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  30. #30
    number twelve's Avatar
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    +1 for the southpaws right hurrr

  31. #31
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    Weird thing i'm actually not a south paw i just ahh.. with the left

  32. #32
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  33. #33
    number twelve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anaboxa34
    Weird thing i'm actually not a south paw i just ahh.. with the left
    lol yeah same here. i should have specified cause i know you all want to know these details

  34. #34
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    Yesterday was an off day from the gym and we talked about some weird sh*t in my log...anyways

    Friday March 2: Shoulders/Abs/Cardio

    Standing Military Press:

    95 x20
    135 x10
    155 x6
    155 x5
    95 x15

    Superset Lateral and front raises with 20 lbs/25 lb db's respectively
    4 sets 8-12 reps each

    Anrold Press
    40 x12
    50 x10
    50 x8
    60 x7

    Half hour on Da bike

  35. #35
    number twelve's Avatar
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    good work today bro. are you feeling it yet/

  36. #36
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    Hell yea man, my max on standing military is around 165-175, i felt i could've gone with higher weight today but i had no spots and my shoulder was starting to get sore so i kept it at 155.

    Also the 60 lbs on arnolds is new, i dont think i've hit up 60 lbs for arnold presses in the past

  37. #37
    number twelve's Avatar
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    nice bro, keep it up

  38. #38
    Anaboxa34's Avatar
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    Yesterday was cardio only day

    Sunday March 4: Chest and Biceps

    Incline Bench
    135 x15
    185 x12
    205 x10
    205 x10
    Could've gone much higher but saved it for flat bench

    Flat Bench
    135 x15
    185 x12
    225 x8
    255 x4
    255 x3 help on last one

    Decline Bench
    185 x10
    225 x5
    225 x5
    225 x4
    225 x3

    Dumbell Fly's
    40 x15
    50 x12
    60 x10

    Return to Flat Bench
    Da Bar x100 haha


    Barbell Curl:
    90 x8
    100 x5
    100 x5

    Dumbell Preacher Curl:
    55 x6
    55 x6
    55 x5

  39. #39
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    Monday March 5: Legs

    135 x15
    185 x12
    225 x10
    275 x5 <------Could've done more but saved it
    300 x5
    315 x4<----Form sucked on last rep but if i went down i wasn't coming back up
    Drop Set
    135 x10

    Leg Press
    360 x15
    450 x12
    540 x8
    540 x7
    540 x6

    Supersetted these two exercises:
    Siting Calf Raise
    140 lbs 4 sets 15-18 reps each

    Leg Extensionsone leg at a time)
    50 lbs 4 sets 12-15 reps each

    Standing one leg calf raises
    3 sets @ 10-12 reps each with 40lb db in hand

    40 mins on da bike

    Today marks the start of week two, my lifts are up so i would def say its kicked in,

    really happy with todays lifts, gonna save hams for tomorrow

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