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Thread: Anevol Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Question Anevol Cycle

    Hi everyone,

    Im going to be starting my first cycle of Anevol, Im just stacking it with Xyience NOX-CG3.

    The thing is I couldnt find much info on it and wanted to know if I covered my ass.

    25Yeas Old
    163 Lbs.
    Been training for a little over a year. I hit the Gym 4 days a week, and 7 days a week I get a minimum of 30minutes cardio.

    My goal is to bulk up primarly my chest, flatten my abs some. My chest sadly never seens to form right my left Pec(I am left handed) is always quiet noticably larger and show better shape than my right. Honestly compared together my right pec looks like a saggy goat titty.

    I have "Anevol" and "Anabolic Xtreme Perfect Cycle Liver Support". For PCT I was told to take "6-OXO" 600mg week 1 300 week 2 100mg week 3.

    And that was what I was told all I would need. I trust the guy that told me, he is a body builder/Supplement store owner. It's just the supplement store owner part that scares me... But my boss also told me he was extremely knowledge able and trustworthy I just want a second opinion before I start my cycle this saturday.

    Oh by the way it is only a 30 day cycle.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    What the hell is Anevol

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Mountaineer Country
    I think this belongs in the supplement forum

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty
    What the hell is Anevol
    60 Capsules
    Supplement Facts
    Serving Size2Capsules
    Servings Per Container30

    Amount Per 2 Capsules % DV*

    Vitamin B12 24mcg 400%
    Vitamin C 60mg 100%
    Vanadyl 4mg *

    AnEvol Extreme Anabolic Proprietary Blend 33,000mcg
    (2a, 17a-Dimethyl-17B-Hydroxy-5a-Ethiocholan-1-Ene-One, 17a-Methyl-17B-Hydroxy-5a-Etocholan-2-Ene, Tribulus Terrestris 40%)

    Anabolic Multiplier Proprietary Complex 2,500mcg
    (Bergamottin, Hoelen, Bupleurum)

    Gonad Axis Proprietary Complex 2,000mcg
    (Tribulus 40%, Kudzu, Maca, Dodder Seed)

    Liver Assist & Antioxidant Proprietary Blend 4,100mcg
    (Milk Thistle, Green Tea, Alpha Lipoic Acid, MSM, Ginger)

    Red Kidney Bean 100mg

    * Percent Daily Value (DV)

    Other Ingredients
    Gelatin, Di-Calcium Phosphate, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Stearic Acid, Magnesium Stearate

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Mountaineer Country
    Wrong forum

  6. #6
    Just tried p-boost after reading some reviews about it. Worked good but pretty pricey. The trial was free but you have to pay for the shipping which was quick. Anyone know any coupon codes for

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