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Thread: Better pumps needed

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Better pumps needed

    Hi guys, Ive got very limited knowledge on supplements since the only one I've taken is protein. I'm about to order a few cans of ON 100% whey (you can point out a better brand if you know any) from and I was wondering, is there anything I can get my hands on there to get better pumps during gym time.. ?

  2. #2
    on whey is my FAV!

    if yer looking for pumps...Amplify O2 is leaps n bounds the best ive ever used!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Shotgun sux, along with Explode, Supercharge, Superpump. I even took a tab of ephedrine with 1.5 scoops Shotgun...nothing.

    Go with Amp;lify 02 like Upstate said....thats my last option, if I can ever get some.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx
    Shotgun sux, along with Explode, Supercharge, Superpump. I even took a tab of ephedrine with 1.5 scoops Shotgun...nothing.

    Go with Amp;lify 02 like Upstate said....thats my last option, if I can ever get some.
    okay, Im getting a bottle off ephedrine (you cant buy it in my country but since there was a fitness weekend here the place was packed with it.. so im just using the chance for later) should I perhaps use it with Amplify 02? Or before my morning cardio or something?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by INM
    okay, Im getting a bottle off ephedrine (you cant buy it in my country but since there was a fitness weekend here the place was packed with it.. so im just using the chance for later) should I perhaps use it with Amplify 02? Or before my morning cardio or something?

    try amplify 02 by itself first. or maybe with the PureMCC. If it feels it could use a boost, take half a tab of ephedrine with it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx
    try amplify 02 by itself first. or maybe with the PureMCC. If it feels it could use a boost, take half a tab of ephedrine with it.
    get out of here! no need to take ephedrine with AMP. that sh*t gives me incredible feeling already although im super sensaitve to stimulants. NO shutgun made my heart go out of my chest.

    i woudl say try the AMP alone first for the first couple times, then add ephedrine if needed

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz
    get out of here! no need to take ephedrine with AMP. that sh*t gives me incredible feeling already although im super sensaitve to stimulants. NO shutgun made my heart go out of my chest.

    i woudl say try the AMP alone first for the first couple times, then add ephedrine if needed

    I believe AMP and Amplify 02 are two different pre workout supps correct?

    lol, I wouldnt use ephedrine with AMP, but with Amplify 02, well just ask Upstate lol.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx
    I believe AMP and Amplify 02 are two different pre workout supps correct?

    lol, I wouldnt use ephedrine with AMP, but with Amplify 02, well just ask Upstate lol.
    Upstate is a stim stacking junkie!

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx
    I believe AMP and Amplify 02 are two different pre workout supps correct?

    lol, I wouldnt use ephedrine with AMP, but with Amplify 02, well just ask Upstate lol.
    yessssssir amp and amplify o2 are COMPLETELY different preworkout supps...amplify o2 is a preworkout NO (best ive ever TRIED ) and amp by ergopharm is craziness in a pill!

    Quote Originally Posted by HSFootball
    Upstate is a stim stacking junkie!

    you're not joking...its the truth!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    you guys are taking one step forward and one step back by mixing ephedrine and other stims with any type of no product

    and yes I realize that most no-type supps come with a ton of caffiene, just goes to show you how uneducated the avg supp consumer is.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Frisco, TX
    A sound mental state of mind before lifting helps your pump in the gym as well. If your mind is where it needs to be preworkout, then your body will prove it during your workout.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    ^^^ DEFF TRUE, which is the sole reason supp makers add stims to everything, people are lazy, they dont wanna have to use there brain during workouts, they would rather pop a pill feel a buzz to over hype some placebo effect, even at the cost of the effectiveness of there own products.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by MFT81
    you guys are taking one step forward and one step back by mixing ephedrine and other stims with any type of no product

    and yes I realize that most no-type supps come with a ton of caffiene, just goes to show you how uneducated the avg supp consumer is.

    Why is this?

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx
    Why is this?
    cause stims constrict blood vessles, while NO products expand them

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by UpstateTank
    cause stims constrict blood vessles, while NO products expand them

    lol, then why do you do it?

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx
    lol, then why do you do it?
    well ive never not noticed results!

    i LOVE the energy focus from stims
    and i LOVE the pumps from the NO products

    Ive never not gotten a pump on days where i took preworkout NO supp that either had stims in them, or added more stims into the mix

    now granted you get pumps even on days when you dont use a stim enhanced preworkout NO product, but days that i have the pumps have been FAR more pronounced and have continued for LONG past the time i left the gym

    maybe im juss a weirdo?

  17. #17
    i mean the theory that stims constrict blood vessels, and NO products expand blood vessels does make sense on paper...

    however its plain and simple to see that its NOT counterproductive in "real life"

    I tink this mite have something to do w/ the "effective" dose to achieve each effect--i.e. the constricting effect and the expanding effect...For example lets say preworkout NO product X has 200mg of caffeine in it...this 200mg of caffeine may constrict blood vessels only 10%...product X also has 4g of arginine ethyl ester in it which expands blood vessels by 90% (im juss making up #'s here)

    So ya the stim is constricting your blood vessels, but the arginine is WAY overpowering this constriction and then some

    So my theory is that ya, stims do constrict blood vessels, and NO products do expand them, but the dose of the NO ingredient has a MUCH greater effect on blood vessel expansion than the dose of the stim has on blood vessel contraction!

    Juss thinkin outloud LOL

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    ^^ I agree with ya upstate, it is counterproductive but obviously the products work, look at how shotgun and amp o2 is..........

    I used to be a big stim/caff freak before a workout to but noticed that the jittery weak feeling lead to weaker workouts,

    I do get pretty amped up before cardio only though.....

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Frisco, TX
    Why would you want to get "amped up" before cardio? Isn't the entire goal of peforming cardio to get your heart rate as level as possible, as quickly as possible for optimal fat burning?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Do you do alot of cardio? If not incorporate it into your training, it'll increase oxygen flow and endurance causing better pumps

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by mavsluva
    Why would you want to get "amped up" before cardio? Isn't the entire goal of peforming cardio to get your heart rate as level as possible, as quickly as possible for optimal fat burning?
    ^^ Yeah, thats the goal, to get the heart rate up, by taking a "fat burner" before hand you can increase your body's ablility to push stored fat into the blood stream to use as energy during that cardio session.

    Mavs you've been around here for sometime, I know you understand how the typical ingredeints in burners work I just dont know why youd ask or where your going with this, can you explain,

    Do you think im doing something wrong?

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Amplify 02 hands down

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Frisco, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by MFT81
    ^^ Yeah, thats the goal, to get the heart rate up, by taking a "fat burner" before hand you can increase your body's ablility to push stored fat into the blood stream to use as energy during that cardio session.

    Mavs you've been around here for sometime, I know you understand how the typical ingredeints in burners work I just dont know why youd ask or where your going with this, can you explain,

    Do you think im doing something wrong?
    My thoughts:

    When performing cardio (especially when it's performed for at least 45 minutes or greater in duration), you want to be able to sustain a consisitent heart rate from the time that you start until the time you finish. Sure, caffeine prior to cardio will enable you to become more mentally and physically prepared for the cardio session. However, caffeine effects how our bodies hold water and how our bodies process oxygen to our muscles.

    For example, my soccer coach as well as my gymnastics coach used to highly discourage drinking caffeine prior to an event. Why? It's because it would force our muscles to become more quickly fatigued and dehydrated due to increased water loss. When I'm doing cardio, the last thing that I want is to feel run down half way through my session. While caffeine does give you that initial spark, it also can cause a crash later during your session.

    Two reasons why I avoid caffeine prior to cardio:

    1. My heart rate is going to increase to my desired rate regardless of the use of a stimulant.
    2. My tolerance for caffeine will increase if I use it before EVERY session, be it cardio or weight training.

    Therfore, I choose to use a preworkout stimulant prior to weight training only. Actually, I would rather not use any stimulant period, but sometimes I need that extra agression to make it all come together while in the gym.

    When I used to run marathons, caffeine was highly discouraged prerace or early on during the race. The goal for a long durance activity is to retain as much water as possible to be able to hang in there for the long haul. I would, however, start downing caffeine gels at about mile 18 to restore my energy levels when I most needed it. But I wasn't about to rely on caffeine alone to succeed.

    If it works for you, then keep doing what you're doing. I don't use fat burners and I never have. Just caffeine in the form of tablets. Stuff is cheap!

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    ^^ I agree, Its just that I got a bunch of free samples from my old job, so I will pop 1/2 to a full serving for cardio.

    I just use it as a supp, i could still achieve my goals without them, plus like i said they were free.

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