I just got blood work done and my doctor said my liver enzymes are high. Now i dont drink, I have never taken any type of steroid of prohormone, and i eat pretty damn good. So he asked me if i take creatine, and i told him yea. He told me that he thinks its due to the creatine.So he told me to stop for a month and get tested again and see if thats what it is. I was kind of suprised at this because ive read numerous articles proving the saftey of creatine.. I was thinking maybe my liver enzymes where high from MyogenX? I used two bottles of this stuff, and ran it with an anti estrogen. Could this of caused the liver enzymes instead of the creatine? My doctor is a little strange and i always find myself arguing with him about things. So if you guys could respond back with your knowledge id appreciate it.