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Thread: the next best thing

  1. #1

    Smile the next best thing

    what's up guys.. I am trying to get a perspective on what's out there.. is superdrol still floating around? I can't seem to find it and any thing claiming to have the same compound doesn't seem legit. I trying to stay away from injectables (now being a teacher) but I can't seem to gain any reviews on legit OTC supplements. my stats are; 23 years old
    15 bf
    looking to get lean and hard..lower bf and cut up without losing mass

    help me out here

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    long island
    you can find superdrol for about $150 a bottle, and all the clones that have the same compound as superdrol are legit theres a ton of people on here taking them including myself and they work just as good as the original

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    150 bucks... HA! i would never pay that much for a bottle of OTC orals. wow i hope people arnt doing that. u can like get a legit real cycle for around that.

    Look up methyl-vol bro. same compound and its less then 30 bucks.

    Also orals can stick around in your system for a while. so if your worried about testing, mabye you shouldnt be looking into any type of steroid. Just because its OTC doesnt mean it wont show up as a steroid on a drug test

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    superdrol is still readily available...seen it on many price lists for dirt cheap, oral and injectable are available...


  5. #5
    thanks guys

    I'm not worried about drug tests. Just promised some people I would stop injectables. But now I am going crazy. Lol Im pathetically trying to do anything I can to prevent me just picking up a couple of bottles.

    I saw methyl Vol, read your log K.bIz, good stuff

    still cant find superdrol for less then 89.99 which is a joke.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    long island
    look for oxodrol-12 should run you around $50 thats what i pay for it

  7. #7
    Damn bro, a day late and a dollar short. Every website is out of stock or closeout.. nothing in stock. Damn government.

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