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  1. #1
    MR MIME is offline New Member
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    To anyone who values their health freedom

    The FDA is trying to gain contraol over supplements, herbs, and juice and classify them as "drugs". This means who won't be able to get them so easily. They did it with steroids and prohormones, they'll do it with supplements like they tried to in the 1970's and 1980's.

    Please visit this link ( or copy and past this link into your address bar and hit the "go" button) and put in your email, name, etc, and send the already-witten email. Thats all you have to do. But hurry! This ends april 30th!!!

  2. #2
    Shane35aa's Avatar
    Shane35aa is offline Senior Member
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    looks like more BS spam to me...if it is mods/vet give us ahand

    to spam posters

  3. #3
    UpstateTank's Avatar
    UpstateTank is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shane35aa
    looks like more BS spam to me...if it is mods/vet give us ahand

    to spam posters
    unfortunately this IS NOT spam

    ive been reading bout it on other boards TOO

  4. #4
    MR MIME is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shane35aa
    looks like more BS spam to me...if it is mods/vet give us ahand

    to spam posters
    No, this is real. They tried to do it in the 1970's and 1980's with vitamins and supplements, but failed. It's important that we don't let this happen. We have the right to choose what is best for our health and them banning supplements isn't going to help any of us. Many bodybuilding forums are talking about this and are very upset.We have until april 30th to send those letters to the FDA. As far as statistics go, EVERY email counts because each email actually counts as the opinion of 3000 people. So every email will help.
    They also want to gain control over herbs and juice. This is pure madness!
    They need to focus more on the drugs that are pulled off the market monthy that are killing thousands of people instead of going around banning supplements and herbs.

  5. #5
    gigem's Avatar
    gigem is offline Banned
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    no its legit my wife in vet school and her profs were telling them about it

  6. #6
    Idunno is offline Banned
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    o, his madness. I really hate it when the Gov't tries to exert more power than they were intended to have. My email has been sent... Viva la revolucion!!!

  7. #7
    bolt4040 is offline New Member
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    All we need to do is to develop a system of how the government can benefit ($$$$) with the legalization of hormones/steroids . Then they won't give a flying F*ck what we do. We need major corporations to pick up on this opportunity for it to work... Shit cigarettes are still legal and millions die each day from them.

  8. #8
    madds87's Avatar
    madds87 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bolt4040
    All we need to do is to develop a system of how the government can benefit ($$$$) with the legalization of hormones/steroids. Then they won't give a flying F*ck what we do. We need major corporations to pick up on this opportunity for it to work... Shit cigarettes are still legal and millions die each day from them.
    exactly!! i think the pharmacies have alot to do with this.... cause who will hold onto the stuff when the government bans all the herbs..??? yeap more money for pharmacies!!!

  9. #9
    JTsLearning is offline New Member
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    The FDA will not ban vitamins. This hype is being created by supplement companies. I guarantee if you get to the bottom of the website you will see a supplement company founding it.

    I also dont see why everyone thinks this is a bad idea. Dont you actually want to know if the supplements your taking are bad for you or not? Just because somethings not illegal does not make it 100% safe.

  10. #10
    number twelve's Avatar
    number twelve is offline All Natty...Kinda~Winning Member Transformation Contest!
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    i sent gonna be pissed if i start getting spam mail

  11. #11
    Teegunn's Avatar
    Teegunn is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by JTsLearning
    The FDA will not ban vitamins. This hype is being created by supplement companies. I guarantee if you get to the bottom of the website you will see a supplement company founding it.

    I also dont see why everyone thinks this is a bad idea. Dont you actually want to know if the supplements your taking are bad for you or not? Just because somethings not illegal does not make it 100% safe.

    You are kidding yourself if you think the Pharm companies and government don't want "regulation" i.e. - CONTROL over our supplements. Just another cash cow. Would you like to have to get a doctors prescription for vitamin C?? If the government/FDA/Pharm companies get their way, you will have to.

  12. #12
    JTsLearning is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teegunn
    You are kidding yourself if you think the Pharm companies and government don't want "regulation" i.e. - CONTROL over our supplements. Just another cash cow. Would you like to have to get a doctors prescription for vitamin C?? If the government/FDA/Pharm companies get their way, you will have to.
    I hope you dont really believe this!?!?

  13. #13
    Grappler13's Avatar
    Grappler13 is offline Productive Member
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    Way out there

    He's not being paranoid.

    Quote Originally Posted by JTsLearning
    I hope you dont really believe this!?!?
    PHRMA IS involved. Who is better served by this proposed legislation than an organization already situated to navigate the FDA. This "push" to legislate supplements has really gotten going as a result of the estrogen replacement market's post-WHI move towards bio-identical hormones. JTs, you should do a little research into what Teegunn says. This one has PHRMA written all over it, oh, and who drafted the NPRM.........? PHRMA

    And Mr Mime, where did you get this one email = 3000 opinion? Sorry, urban myth or worse. The best thing you can do about the proposed legislation/rule is to actually send a letter to the FDA voicing your concerns. Emails aren't whatsoever considered in this type of regulation nor is the opinion of the electorate. The FDA is not staffed by elected official and they really don;t care about your, or my, opinion. What they do care about is the science and that "science" is being provided by those who stand to gain from the FDA taking control of supplement regulation (supplement manufacturers, pharm company's, labeling companies, etc...

    Don't waste your time on email. Get list of real objections to the legislation you propose and enumerate them in a letter and send it to the FDA. Or, write and call your congressional reps.

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