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Thread: The BEST?

  1. #1

    Exclamation The BEST?

    Ineed help w/finding a Mass Builder. Is in on My Mind...I can deal with sum side effects but im trying to stay away from who isnt? Im lookin for the best of the best because i hear different opinions. i just got off my cycle of Methyl Masterdrol and my PCT of Nolvedex XT. Nice gains but its time to start again. Its been 5 months since ive been off and im looking 2 get hardcore.

    Any Suggestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Before we venture in any further upon giving you cycle suggestions. It would be very helpful if you could provide your stats for us bro.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by SUB-ZERO
    Before we venture in any further upon giving you cycle suggestions. It would be very helpful if you could provide your stats for us bro.
    Yea mane...Wei***n 193, Benchin 225 and Squatin 375, im about to be in College at Webber State. Division 2 Football School. Playin Saftey...i posted that b cuz i hear so much different shit. im jus tryin 2 get sum ideas...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by rossi2
    Yea mane...Wei***n 193, Benchin 225 and Squatin 375, im about to be in College at Webber State. Division 2 Football School. Playin Saftey...i posted that b cuz i hear so much different shit. im jus tryin 2 get sum ideas...
    About to be in college, so your still in HS. Im guessing your probably 18 years of age?

    If so, AAS should be the last thing on your mind bro, no need for it at your age. Messing with it could result in alot of unfavorable side effects short term and long term. One that jumps to my mind is the complete shutdown of your HPTA, which in turn you will need to be put on HRT for life.

    Not good when your so young. Proper diet and training should yield you great results.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by rossi2
    Yea mane...Wei***n 193, Benchin 225 and Squatin 375, im about to be in College at Webber State. Division 2 Football School. Playin Saftey...i posted that b cuz i hear so much different shit. im jus tryin 2 get sum ideas...
    Expand please.....age, height, goals, training experience?

    I wouldn't use any otc PCT in the future man.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by SUB-ZERO
    About to be in college, so your still in HS. Im guessing your probably 18 years of age?

    If so, AAS should be the last thing on your mind bro, no need for it at your age. Messing with it could result in alot of unfavorable side effects short term and long term. One that jumps to my mind is the complete shutdown of your HPTA, which in turn you will need to be put on HRT for life.

    Not good when your so young. Proper diet and training should yield you great results.

    yea man i feel ya thanks for the advice. ive been loadin on creatine but that fvcks with my hydration...jus tryin 2 gain sum size....

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by kaberle_15
    Expand please.....age, height, goals, training experience?

    I wouldn't use any otc PCT in the future man.
    Age 19
    Goals:Tryin 2 Up My Bench by 20-35lbs by August 15
    Gain about 8-10lbs. of muscle mass
    Ive been lifing for about 3 years and 2 years natural. I did a cycle of Enantat QV250 which pretty much skyrocketed my football career. Coming down from that was a bitch man. im not looking for any injectables.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by rossi2
    Age 19
    Goals:Tryin 2 Up My Bench by 20-35lbs by August 15
    Gain about 8-10lbs. of muscle mass
    Ive been lifing for about 3 years and 2 years natural. I did a cycle of Enantat QV250 which pretty much skyrocketed my football career. Coming down from that was a bitch man. im not looking for any injectables.
    Hey man, thats easily attainable with a right diet and training program. Just needs some hard work and dedication on your part.

    I mean if you can do it naturally, why run AAS and put your body in harms way?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by SUB-ZERO
    Hey man, thats easily attainable with a right diet and training program. Just needs some hard work and dedication on your part.

    I mean if you can do it naturally, why run AAS and put your body in harms way?
    Ive been stackin shit like an animal. Straght Whey,Cell-Tech,and grubbin of nitro techs...but i seem 2 jsut shit it all out man. i stay on lie. ive been on that shit for about a month and packed on a decent hard 3lbs.

    got any natural suggestions? without fvckin with AAS....(ex.creatines and what not??)

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Food bro, thats all you need. I know supplementation is a key part in BB and gaining mass, but to a certain degree. Take your Protein, creatine, multi vitamin, BCAA's, glutamine, etc...

    However your diet shouldnt just rely on these, the basis of your diet and where most of your Calorie,protein, carb, and fat intakes should come from whole foods.

    It would be good if you could list out your diet for a given day, the times you consume them and the macros for each meal. Be as honest as you can here, it will only benefit you. And we can take a look and see if we can provide you with any changes or tweaks to maximize your gains.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by SUB-ZERO
    Food bro, thats all you need. I know supplementation is a key part in BB and gaining mass, but to a certain degree. Take your Protein, creatine, multi vitamin, BCAA's, glutamine, etc...

    However your diet shouldnt just rely on these, the basis of your diet and where most of your Calorie,protein, carb, and fat intakes should come from whole foods.

    It would be good if you could list out your diet for a given day, the times you consume them and the macros for each meal. Be as honest as you can here, it will only benefit you. And we can take a look and see if we can provide you with any changes or tweaks to maximize your gains.
    Wake up about 7
    Down a Serveing of Cell-Tech
    2 Scrambbled Eggs and a Glass of Milk
    1130 7 oz. Steak
    130 Nitro-Tech Bar 30gram
    330 Glass of Pump-Tech and Nitro Tech
    400 in the gym til about 600 puming my core and 630 another serving of Cell-Tech
    9 Dinner...which varies...mostly rive chicken steak and roast beef. Salad is an everyday thing.
    1030 glass of Whey 45grams

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Way too many supplements, and not nearly enough whole foods bro.

  13. #13
    fvck mane... i got school and shit so its hard 2 get my hands on sum good decent food....its all shit at school jus pizza and shit.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    insane asylum
    Quote Originally Posted by rossi2
    Wake up about 7
    Down a Serveing of Cell-Tech
    2 Scrambbled Eggs and a Glass of Milk
    1130 7 oz. Steak
    130 Nitro-Tech Bar 30gram
    330 Glass of Pump-Tech and Nitro Tech
    400 in the gym til about 600 puming my core and 630 another serving of Cell-Tech
    9 Dinner...which varies...mostly rive chicken steak and roast beef. Salad is an everyday thing.
    1030 glass of Whey 45grams
    You need to learn how to eat to grow

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by rossi2
    fvck mane... i got school and shit so its hard 2 get my hands on sum good decent food....its all shit at school jus pizza and shit.
    Yahh man i know what your saying, school kind of puts a damper and hinders eating habits, hard when you have classes and you cant have food in them. I know where your coming from

    But summer is coming up, so you should have some free time to devote to your lifting and diet. Check out the diet forum bro, there is a sticky on how to bulk.

    Follow that and change stuff around to fit your needs or tastes. Also contact some of the other highly experienced bros, they will surely help you out with a diet to gain mass natty.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by rossi2
    yea man i feel ya thanks for the advice. ive been loadin on creatine but that fvcks with my hydration...jus tryin 2 gain sum size....
    hate to parrot but someone already said it... noooooooooooooo juice for you laddy, 25 and up only apply! You prolly wont listed tho, and smack yourself in 10 years when your fvcked...
    eatin is the key, find a way to get away from your pizza shiiiit at scooool


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