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  1. #1
    B6Reeze5 is offline New Member
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    Best Fat Loss Supps

    I'm sure this question has been asked/answered numerous times but I don't have the time/patience to go searching through the archives, but what are the best fat loss supps out there right now. I dont want an anti-hunger pill because the diet I am on is working great but it has plateau-ed. ALso im never hungry

    Please help me out I read reviews I just dont know

    thank you

  2. #2
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    In the Gym, if i could
    Lipo flame just came out.. i will be reviewing it this coming week.. looks very promising..
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  3. #3
    mavsluva's Avatar
    mavsluva is offline "Gone but not forgotten" 10/11/07
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    Quote Originally Posted by B6Reeze5
    I'm sure this question has been asked/answered numerous times but I don't have the time/patience to go searching through the archives, but what are the best fat loss supps out there right now. I dont want an anti-hunger pill because the diet I am on is working great but it has plateau-ed. ALso im never hungry

    Please help me out I read reviews I just dont know

    thank you
    Mental toughness in regards to dieting and diligent cardio is the best approach for reducing body fat. But unfortunately, those two categories will time both time and patience. If it took you "X" number of weeks/months to put on the weight, then you can safely assume that it will take close to the same number of weeks/months to reduce the weight/body fat as well.

    There's no miracle pill/substance out there. And if you're relying on a product to do it for you, then I would advise you to save your money until your correctly address your cardio and diet regimen.

    Good luck!

  4. #4
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by mavsluva
    Mental toughness in regards to dieting and diligent cardio is the best approach for reducing body fat. But unfortunately, those two categories will time both time and patience. If it took you "X" number of weeks/months to put on the weight, then you can safely assume that it will take close to the same number of weeks/months to reduce the weight/body fat as well.

    There's no miracle pill/substance out there. And if you're relying on a product to do it for you, then I would advise you to save your money until your correctly address your cardio and diet regimen.

    Good luck!
    Personally I can throw on bf in half the time it takes me to lose it!

    I'm a very efficient storer of energy!

  5. #5
    wascaptain5214 is offline Senior Member
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    Sep 2004
    lol.......a very efficient storer of too

  6. #6
    vlad_xp is offline Banned
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    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by mavsluva
    Mental toughness in regards to dieting and diligent cardio is the best approach for reducing body fat. But unfortunately, those two categories will time both time and patience. If it took you "X" number of weeks/months to put on the weight, then you can safely assume that it will take close to the same number of weeks/months to reduce the weight/body fat as well.

    There's no miracle pill/substance out there. And if you're relying on a product to do it for you, then I would advise you to save your money until your correctly address your cardio and diet regimen.

    Good luck!
    Well ... I won't think like that ...
    There ARE things that can burn your fat...
    And cases like this one DO exist (Diet Plateau) and taking a good supplement would be very appreciated by your body in order to help it burn this fat.
    YES, YOU WILL burn ALL of your fat by doing diet and exercise ... But would someone WANT to spend 3-5 years killing themselves and burn the last 4-5 pounds of their fat? A professional bodybuilder would... Not a regular guy that wants only his 6 pack to appear for summer and not dedicate their lives to bodybuilding... Thats why they come here... And ask questions ... ans seek for something that will HELP and NOT do MAGIC.

    So I would personally recommend a light ECA stack (don't go too hard on the Ephedra in the beginning bro.) And consume acids : orange juice ; Citric Acid (lemons) ; The best of all , Pinapple Juice (100% , no fake).

    Several studies have proven that pinapple Acids are burning fat.

    And also , the cardio is the key bro ;
    Eat acids, ECA , and increasse your cardio exercice difficulty a slight notch every week (ex: week1 40 min cardio week2 45 min cardio week3 47 min cardio etc....) And don't forget cardio at EMPTY STOMACH ! better in the morning... Nothing feels better than a good run at 5 AM bro

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