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  1. #1
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    Started taking MyoGenX

    I started taking MyoGenX about 4 days ago (6 caps a day, which is the lowest reccomended serving). I guess I'm looking for increased libido and/or increased testicular size, because I am on my HRT dose of AAS anyway.

    Right now, I don't feel anything except much better sleep. I actually don't wake up in the middle of the night now, and that never happens...even on ZMA.

    But really that's all I feel right now. If I don't get some kind of results from this stuff soon, I'll up the dose.

  2. #2
    ginkobulloba's Avatar
    ginkobulloba is offline Senior Member
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    Dude I thought you were the one who came up with this stuff. You're just now trying it out?

  3. #3
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    I have noticed something with myogenx at 4 caps ed(old box, not the new one), slightly increased libido, and some wild dreams at night. Energy in the gym a little higher than it normally is post cycle too.

  4. #4
    Swifto's Avatar
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    On 6 caps/ED (version 1), I noticed that my labido was slightly up and I slept far better at night. Dreams were more detailed.

    One thing I will say though is, it really messed with my stomach. I have a very sensitive stomach, with almost anything. Cant mix certain foods etc...

    Took MyoGenX with food and it helped, but the problem didnt go away. Got cramps and diorehea (sp).

    Just finised 1 bottle and may use it again during my next PCT.

  5. #5
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    This is version 6 caps is pretty much the minimum dose. As for the stomach issues, I'm taking 3 caps 2x a day, and not getting any kind of upset stomach.

  6. #6
    rockinred's Avatar
    rockinred is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I used the original...I think it is 500 per cap... took 6 a day along with Cyogenx and had an excellent PCT for a pro hormone cycle... I am on some gear 11 week cycle and have one bottle left... I am planning on adding it to my PCT... My biggest question is when to start running it? still a little confused on PCT. Anthony, do you suggest jumping on it right away next week after injection or waiting the 2 weeks along with the nolva/HCG and aromasin ? Do I have that part right?

  7. #7
    ACE5HIGH's Avatar
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    What exactly is diff about Version 2.0. is it just broken up into more caps per bottle?

  8. #8
    rockinred's Avatar
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    I think there was an issue with the dosage of "zinc" that affected a lot of peoples stomach that was addressed along with what you stated on the amount per capsule.... I didn't have any probs with zinc or stomach though. Everyone's different.

  9. #9
    RANA's Avatar
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    I took it a few months ago, 12 caps a day with no problems. It did help out my libido.

  10. #10
    number twelve's Avatar
    number twelve is offline All Natty...Kinda~Winning Member Transformation Contest!
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    this is odd to me. anthony is the one who developed this product...

  11. #11
    Titleist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve
    this is odd to me. anthony is the one who developed this product...
    I agree.

    Why wait until now to try it Anthony?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginkobulloba
    Dude I thought you were the one who came up with this stuff. You're just now trying it out?
    Yes, I'm the person who came up with the idea to put Fadogia Aggrestis in a nutritional product. However, I'm on HRT and therefore a "Test Booster" really isn't appropriate. I'm mostly taking it to see if I get an increase in Testicle size, because if I do, then I'm willing to give it a thumbs up for on cycle use, in lieu of HCG (which I don't like at all).

    So far, I've only gotten more restful sleep.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by ACE5HIGH
    What exactly is diff about Version 2.0. is it just broken up into more caps per bottle?
    Basically, yes. The caps were very big in the original size.

  14. #14
    roodogg's Avatar
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    I have noticed better sleep as well. I woke up rested today

  15. #15
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
    Yes, I'm the person who came up with the idea to put Fadogia Aggrestis in a nutritional product. However, I'm on HRT and therefore a "Test Booster" really isn't appropriate. I'm mostly taking it to see if I get an increase in Testicle size, because if I do, then I'm willing to give it a thumbs up for on cycle use, in lieu of HCG (which I don't like at all).

    So far, I've only gotten more restful sleep.
    I find it strange that you didnt want to pilot the idea of running it when 'shutdown'. Then, if it raised your natural testosterone you could state it can be used when shutdown (hypogondal) during the use of androgens that cause this...

    That would be amazing if it could do that.

  16. #16
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    But I don't know how to quantify if it's doing that, in particular. If my LH is higher than it was previously, then I'll know it's doing that, but I don't have bloodwork coming up any time soon, and I won't be able to definately say it has worked for that purpose in my case unless I get bloodwork (which is months away, for my quarterly check).

  17. #17
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
    But I don't know how to quantify if it's doing that, in particular. If my LH is higher than it was previously, then I'll know it's doing that, but I don't have bloodwork coming up any time soon, and I won't be able to definately say it has worked for that purpose in my case unless I get bloodwork (which is months away, for my quarterly check).
    I see.

    If it raised LH it would almost certainly mean an easier PCT when coming off. You'de have a headstart. For someone that isnt on HRT/TRT that is.

  18. #18
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    Agreed. But you know what? Now that I think about it, my last Bloodwork was while off AAS totally for 3 weeks. I was Hypogonadal, and off I guess, if I get my LH checked this time on AAS + Myo and it's higher, then that's something positive...

  19. #19
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    Still haven't noticed anything but much better sleep. I'm going to up the dose soon if I don't notice anything...technically I'm not taking enough mgs/bodyweight right now, so if I'm not feeling it by the weekend, I'll go up to 9 caps.

  20. #20
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Can I ask why you didnt just go for the full recomended amount of 12 caps to start?

  21. #21
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
    I'm mostly taking it to see if I get an increase in Testicle size, because if I do, then I'm willing to give it a thumbs up for on cycle use, in lieu of HCG (which I don't like at all).
    How do you measure your nut, lol? Do you weigh it? or put a tape measure around it?

    Please fill me in on how you scientifically determine if your nut is getting bigger. Im not going to buy the "three finger fondle test."

    This thread is strange, lol.

  22. #22
    ginkobulloba's Avatar
    ginkobulloba is offline Senior Member
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    As strange as it sounds, I was wondering the same thing. What are the odds that Anthony gives his product a negative review anyway? I suppose no pr is bad pr or whatever people say to that effect.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small
    How do you measure your nut, lol? Do you weigh it? or put a tape measure around it?

    Please fill me in on how you scientifically determine if your nut is getting bigger. Im not going to buy the "three finger fondle test."

    This thread is strange, lol.
    How do people know that HCG increases their testicle size?

    Now....I see there's a bunch of people who are asking me why I waited until now to try my product. Here's why:

    What are the odds that Anthony gives his product a negative review anyway?
    Because it doesn't matter what I say about the product. If I like it, people will say "of course, it's your product"...

    That's why we don't give away free samples of it to people, we don't ask people to start logs, we don't hire product reps, and will not hire anyone to endorse it....I don't believe those logs/threads when I read them, which is basically never, because they make me want to puke.


    I'm putting my experience with the product into this log, and there it is, for anyone who is interested. If you're not, move along and read another thread.

  24. #24
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
    How do people know that HCG increases their testicle size?
    The people that use HCG (on the whole) are not the developers or a key players in the creation of HCG. The typical user "knows" from feeling their balls, scientific studies, and a collective consensus from a group of people that it does that very thing.

    Your position is monetarily and developmentally biased in regards to this product. Everyone understands and agrees to this. As a result, your credibility can be harmed if not destroyed even if one or a collective few find their results to be the opposite of yours. I doubt that your going to post before and after pics of your nutsac for everyone to see.

  25. #25
    LawMan018's Avatar
    LawMan018 is offline Senior Member
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    Where can you buy MyoGenX at?

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small
    The people that use HCG (on the whole) are not the developers or a key players in the creation of HCG. The typical user "knows" from feeling their balls, scientific studies, and a collective consensus from a group of people that it does that very thing.

    Your position is monetarily and developmentally biased in regards to this product. Everyone understands and agrees to this. As a result, your credibility can be harmed if not destroyed even if one or a collective few find their results to be the opposite of yours. I doubt that your going to post before and after pics of your nutsac for everyone to see.
    So how did this guy know that Myo made his balls bigger?

    Big Bump for Myogenx!

    Or this guy:

    Myogenx as my only pct... my full experience.. the end..

    Or....the others?

    And my credibility isn't going to be harmed or destroyed by any of this, at all. The product has worked for people already, and honestly, I just wanted to give my feedback on the product. If you find that to not be credible, then (and I'm not being disrespectful when I say this) you should find another thread to read. This is just my experience with my own product.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018
    Where can you buy MyoGenX at?
    Protein Factory has it, as does and

  28. #28
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
    How do people know that HCG increases their testicle size?

    Now....I see there's a bunch of people who are asking me why I waited until now to try my product. Here's why:

    Because it doesn't matter what I say about the product. If I like it, people will say "of course, it's your product"...

    That's why we don't give away free samples of it to people, we don't ask people to start logs, we don't hire product reps, and will not hire anyone to endorse it....I don't believe those logs/threads when I read them, which is basically never, because they make me want to puke.


    I'm putting my experience with the product into this log, and there it is, for anyone who is interested. If you're not, move along and read another thread.
    So if it doesnt increase testicular size and doesnt raise you LH (if BW is done) and is only good as a sleeping aid, your going to report that, "honestly"?

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    So if it doesnt increase testicular size and doesnt raise you LH (if BW is done) and is only good as a sleeping aid, your going to report that, "honestly"?
    Not all supplements work for everyone. Just for it's use as a sleep aid, I'm pretty happy with it, because (as I've said before), I'm an insomniac.

    I could go 2 ways with this (win/win situation, marketing-wise):

    The first is that I say that it helped me sleep, but I didn't get bloodwork, so I don't know what else it was doing (unless of course, I get bloodwork).

    The second is that I say it seemed to increase testicle size (if it does), and that it helped me sleep better, and since I was on a cycle, I didn't notice anything like a test elevation.

    Either way, it's not a bad position to have. "Honestly"

  30. #30
    K.Biz's Avatar
    K.Biz is offline Banned
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    I will attest to the fact that my balls got significantly bigger while taking MyogenX

    My sleep was also well improved, and my dreams were out of this world actully.

    i want to pick up more, but i dont have the money at this time. saving for the next cycle

  31. #31
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Anthony, youre a good sport for all heat we, or I, bring on you. Good luck, bro. My balls are like 2 peas in a garbage bag right now (npp, prop)!

  32. #32
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    Unfortunately, yesterday I got my first upset stomach (I think) from Myo. It could just have been an upset stomach though, because I've not noticed this before at all.

    Anyway, it was just that "ill" stomach feeling...didn't give me real gastrointestinal distress, or nausea, just an "unwell" stomach...don't know how to describe it...not pleasant but that's all. Then again, it could be because I ate a bit too much yesterday, or whatever, or from drinking too much booze...

  33. #33
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
    Unfortunately, yesterday I got my first upset stomach (I think) from Myo. It could just have been an upset stomach though, because I've not noticed this before at all.

    Anyway, it was just that "ill" stomach feeling...didn't give me real gastrointestinal distress, or nausea, just an "unwell" stomach...don't know how to describe it...not pleasant but that's all. Then again, it could be because I ate a bit too much yesterday, or whatever, or from drinking too much booze...
    Funny that I read this now. I got the exact same thing today, which is a problem I never have.

    I also take multi vit/min, so maybe its to much zinc that are doing this(since myo contain zinc too).

  34. #34
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    The stomach issues went away when I started taking 2 caps 3x a day instead of 3 caps 2x a day. Unfortunately, this means I need to eat 3 whole food meals a day, which is not what I usually do...but the increased sleep I get with this stuff makes it worth it. Libido is up, I think testicle size is going up, but honestly, the best thing this is doing for me is helping my sleep out. I think I'll be ordering some more (yes, I pay for it).

  35. #35
    x_moe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
    The stomach issues went away when I started taking 2 caps 3x a day instead of 3 caps 2x a day. Unfortunately, this means I need to eat 3 whole food meals a day, which is not what I usually do...but the increased sleep I get with this stuff makes it worth it. Libido is up, I think testicle size is going up, but honestly, the best thing this is doing for me is helping my sleep out. I think I'll be ordering some more (yes, I pay for it).
    and who really is making money out of Myo ? other than the online stores who offer it.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by x_moe
    and who really is making money out of Myo ? other than the online stores who offer it.
    The most money is made by the retailers and wholesalers, not me (if that's what you're asking). When I buy a bottle, I pay for it,'s cash out of my wallet (and in's) the same as it is for you.

    If you want a relative figure, the royalty I get off Myo pays my rent each month, pretty easily.

  37. #37
    roodogg's Avatar
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    I'm ten days in or so and the sleep is really great. I have suffered from sleep ***rivation in the past and I have slept great since adding myogenx. My balls are a little behind, but I will be patient

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by roodogg
    I'm ten days in or so and the sleep is really great. I have suffered from sleep ***rivation in the past and I have slept great since adding myogenx. My balls are a little behind, but I will be patient
    Same here. The balls will catch up I think (mine did). But the sleep thing is F-ing awesome...I'm an insomniac and it helps me so much....

  39. #39
    x_moe's Avatar
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    any updates anthony? do you see a difference in testicle size yet ?

  40. #40
    Anavar Man's Avatar
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    This is my second go around with Myogenx, I was one of the first to test it out. I had great results when I ran it prior to a cycle last winter. Increased testical size,better pumps,slight strength increase, and libido increase were some of the positive affects. I took the full amount last time and this time I'm running 12 of the version 2 ED as part of my PCT protocol. I came of a 16 week test E and EQ cycle at the end of April. I did 10,000 iu's of HCG during the 2 weeks after my last stab and then began clomid and Nolvadex . I have been taking 50mgs. of Proviron as well.
    The problem is I stll fell shut down after three weeks with all of these, I'm I taking to many PCT drugs?

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