Here are a few pics hopefully they come up both are in the morning before I worked out and body was "cold"......the first is from early February....I hadn't worked out for around a year or so.....and the second and third is from last week.....I was around 220 right at a year ago, and had put on a lot of fat.....I dont' want to put on a bunch of muscle and fat and then cut, so i have really been trying to gain but gain and stay down to 187 at my lowest about a month ago but have put on around 6 pounds and stayed pretty lean.....
25 yrs, 6''3", 192 lbs, ~9-10% i think
Lift 3-4 times a week and do fat burning/cardio about 2-3 times, i have a high metabolism and slender build so just a few times of cardio a week has worked so far
Changed my diet completely and eat real clean for the most part.....
Started taking Amplify 02 about 4 weeks ago and Raw MCC about 3 weeks ago....the 02 kicked in the first day and I think the MCC has really kicked in the last 2 weeks or so.....very good stuff and would recommend both......i have been doing the 02 for 4 weeks now and think next week i am going to end it for a few weeks or so......gonna suck cause i love the pumps it gives me but don't want to get too accustomed to time for a break......