Ive run a few cycles over the past year and feel that my libido is extremely low, and more importantly, I cant get the hard, long lasting wood like I used to..

I really screwed up on my last cycle of Trenadrol and Winztrol. I only took Hypertest (just a test booster, not an estrogen control product). For some stupid reason after days of researching my PCT I thought it was an anti-e. Once I realized I needed something to block estrogen as well, two weeks into my post cycle therapy , I tapered down a bottle of Novedex XT for two weeks. I am a few weeks out of PCT and feel like Ive crashed..

On my superdrol cycle before that I used clomid and felt great during post cycle therapy and during the off period. I was wondering if I can add something like that into my next stack? or maybe nolva or toremifene?

For next month, my next supplement stack will consist of:

-CL White Blood
-CL Green Mag
-DHEA (I know, but have an extra bottle around)

I will run this in July and need to be on top of my game at the end of july because thats when I get to see my girl next. If I took a SERM and have the above test boosting products, what will happen? Leviathan has trib, and yohimbine by the way.

This is my first post on this forum, so hopefully I can get some help.
