yeaaa kidd as some of you may know already, me and k. biz are planning on running a sd and pp cycle at the same time. so i figured i would take a minute to get my thread started and get any feedback from you guys.

as with my sd cycle, my main goal is strength. if i can duplicate my sd cycle results i would be more than pleased.

my current stats are:
190 lbs

my current lifts are:
BB bench: 365
Squat: 425
deadlift: 495

in all honesty i would like to stay under 205 lbs. my diet is in check. i eat about 7 whole meals a day and then a cytogainer shake (2 scoops b4 and after lifting)

my goals are:
BB bench: 405
Squat: 475
deadlift: 545

before i go any further i want to thank Sock, DemonInside, upstatetank, K.Biz, and everyone else who has helped me out.

My cycle will be as follows:

1/ 20mg/ 0mg
2/ 30/ 0
3/ 20/ 20
4/ 20/ 20
5/ 0/ 30

ill adjust the dosing and the duration according to how my feels and how shut down i feel. i will also be taking myogenx and a small amount of creatine while on.

My supporting supps will be:
3 g flax
1500mg milk thistle
1000 mg ff niacin
Hawthorne berry: 1500mg ed
RYR: 1200mg
CoQ10: 120mg 1 week prior &1st & first 2 weeks pct

i bought my pct supps from lion, they are:
clomid weeks 1-2 100mg ed
2-4 70 mg ed
liquidex 4 weeks 25 mg ed
im also gonna take myogenx

i really enjoyed keeping a log last time, so i hope this one goes as well.

any questions or comments feel free to sound off.
the party starts april 14th!
