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Thread: This stack i was looking at...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    This stack i was looking at...

    This stack i was looking at. It looks good has a cutting hormone and a bulking hormone with all looking for streangth gains, and alos one for maximizing the potency (i guess you could say, kinda like a DHB). If your dont realize, its 3 hormones in one stack. Now my question is...... How do you know that you can put all of these together? Is it just as good as taking just one hormone? Ive been trying to figure out how to stack prohormones, but it baffles(sp) me. Now i could bring out the logic "you can have to much of a good thing" or "more is better".... so which one guys? Has anybody ever stacked any prohormones together? I know that prohormones is getting pretty crazy but im sure it can be figured out....... Since alot of the products lately have been derived alot off of methyl-(w/e in the middle lol)-17d,biol.

  2. #2
    Your just gonna get people on here telling you to do more research, I'm usually not one of them but it doesn't look like you have done any.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    there might be some good supps in there but i wouldnt advise taking all of them on a 10 week cycle or whatever the f*ck. I would just do some more research as stated above and pick something that is what you are exactly looking for. It's very hard to cut and bulk at the same time... damn near impossible for some. I would suggest finding out what you definitely wan to do first and then go from there.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    How do you know if i havent done research. if you think so then tell me something i dont know....
    ok..... that stack shouldnt be real heavy on you, it could be but im not some unexperienced bodybuilder, plus that is an opinion. the hormone is the methyl others are the DHB and estrogen blocker, others are for the off cycle which is what i would be taking anyway, maybe not same product but something similar.
    I know some stacks do consist of the prohormone and DHB. and this is good all together.
    The main reason i want to get this stack it has everything in there for a healthy cycle, and also healp you maintane your gains. you think no? then give me your reason. im a logical person.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by embalmer
    there might be some good supps in there but i wouldnt advise taking all of them on a 10 week cycle or whatever the f*ck. I would just do some more research as stated above and pick something that is what you are exactly looking for. It's very hard to cut and bulk at the same time... damn near impossible for some. I would suggest finding out what you definitely wan to do first and then go from there.
    i also wasnt planning on bulking and cutting.. yes there are some prohormones in there that help you cut. but honestly they dont "cut it" (haha. sry) especially if your on a mass diet. they are great for streangth building though. yes it is a 10wk cycle, but thats including the off cycle, the PCT. I also have some nov. extra if that doesnt work. honestly i dont see the harm in this. oh and also the test booster is just saponins=from herbs like trib terrestis. so dont think its another hormone.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Hey man it looks like a really harsh cycle to me. I think it would be hell on your liver, but you know what opinions are like. As far as supporting supps think you could do better purchasing them separate. I used PP and winztrol together as a cutting cycle, it went well. Winztrol is not a methly, they have it at same site. You might want to give it a look if you are set on a stack. Either way...good luck.

  7. #7
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    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Shane35aa
    Hey man it looks like a really harsh cycle to me. I think it would be hell on your liver, but you know what opinions are like. As far as supporting supps think you could do better purchasing them separate. I used PP and winztrol together as a cutting cycle, it went well. Winztrol is not a methly, they have it at same site. You might want to give it a look if you are set on a stack. Either way...good luck.
    i appreciate it i will check that out. i already checked out the price diff, and that stack is actually cheaper than getting it all by itself. go fig! well then what would you change if you could if you dont agree on it?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    224 bucks!?!? dont waste your time! all that stuff is junk

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Slick advertising may make this cycle seem like its better than it really is.
    Don't believe the hype or claims that these companies are trying to shove down your throat. Educate and purchase smart. If something sounds to good to be true, it usually is.

    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz
    224 bucks!?!? dont waste your time! all that stuff is junk

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz
    224 bucks!?!? dont waste your time! all that stuff is junk
    k biz you think? i mean they arent discount anabolics products. they took a bunch of companies and made it one stack. hmmmm well i guess i will have to make my own stack...... cant have an easy way out :P

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Damm, I hate to agree with KBiz

    but 224 is a chunk of change. Have you tried running either a SD or PP cycle?

    You can do that alot cheaper. If its your first should get some great gains. Theres a lot of info about it on here. Also check out the PCT forum it will help u alot to maintain gains. I would get experience with just one before went stacking. If sides get to bad you only have one to reduce dosage on, instead of guessing.

    Also I have questions to about composition/effectiveness of some of the products. I'm definately not a chemist or biologist...but if anyone can explain what the one is "Tren Precurser" I'd be interested.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Shane35aa
    Damm, I hate to agree with KBiz

    but 224 is a chunk of change. Have you tried running either a SD or PP cycle?

    You can do that alot cheaper. If its your first should get some great gains. Theres a lot of info about it on here. Also check out the PCT forum it will help u alot to maintain gains. I would get experience with just one before went stacking. If sides get to bad you only have one to reduce dosage on, instead of guessing.

    Also I have questions to about composition/effectiveness of some of the products. I'm definately not a chemist or biologist...but if anyone can explain what the one is "Tren Precurser" I'd be interested.
    thanx man i apreciate it i am experienced wth prohormones and i think im gonna run a superdrol cycle, soon and start a log on my workouts and gains.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by madds87
    thanx man i apreciate it i am experienced wth prohormones and i think im gonna run a superdrol cycle, soon and start a log on my workouts and gains.
    Good choice grasshopper..........I am probably going to start my first SD cycle in a month or so(make sure PCT arrives at my house, bloodwork needs to be done, etc).

    Good luck, and lets compare notes when we finish our cycles.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    ight ooooo i love a challenge!!!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by wanescotting
    Good choice grasshopper..........I am probably going to start my first SD cycle in a month or so(make sure PCT arrives at my house, bloodwork needs to be done, etc).

    Good luck, and lets compare notes when we finish our cycles.
    I am really considering that. its just going to be a while though cause i gotta wait for this job to fall through. but its either i will be taking mass tabs or s-drol.... im also thinking about stacking mass tabs with bulk tabs.... call me crazy.... i dont know maybe just mass tabs i just like taking lots of pills....

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by wanescotting
    Good choice grasshopper..........I am probably going to start my first SD cycle in a month or so(make sure PCT arrives at my house, bloodwork needs to be done, etc).

    Good luck, and lets compare notes when we finish our cycles.
    Good idea. me and #12 did this for both our cycles. and its fun to tool on someone when you get better gains. 12 tooled on me

    we actually planned it to run our cycles and keep logs at the same time. we will prob run the next one together to. its just good to compare results and other stuff.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz
    Good idea. me and #12 did this for both our cycles. and its fun to tool on someone when you get better gains. 12 tooled on me

    we actually planned it to run our cycles and keep logs at the same time. we will prob run the next one together to. its just good to compare results and other stuff.
    yeah... maybe i could run a cycle on a prohormone or a stack or prohormones that yall have been woundering about! i could be yalls guinea pig hahaha. But seriously if theres a cycle yall have been woundering about ill see if i can try it.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    i was thinking about mass tabs but there has already been logs about that.... then i was thinking about superdrol but theres a log about that right now... so maybe i could stack mass tabs with something?? myabe bulk tabs or take two pills of mass tabs daily? now i get my blood drawn all the time so yall would get the lay out!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Saw were they recommend a Mass Tabs / Ripped Tab cycle. If you could keep close monitor on blood levels it might be interesting

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