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Thread: IDS (Mass Tabs and Post Cycle Tabs) Cycle

  1. #1

    Exclamation IDS (Mass Tabs and Post Cycle Tabs) Cycle

    Hi all-

    I'd like to begin my first cycle of anything other than a solid diet and protein and I'd like some advice, recommendations, and suggestions.

    30 days
    Mass Tab 1079mg - 1xDay
    Milk Thistle 1000mg - 1xDay
    Mens Multivitamin
    Protein 200-300g

    30 days
    Post Cycle Tabs 800mg -1xDay
    Milk Thistle 1000mg - 1xDay
    Mens Multivitamin
    Protein 200-300g

    I've read of some negative side affects, any recommendations or counter products available?

    Also, is there anything missing? I'm just looking to put on 10lbs of lean muscle if possible.

    I plan on posting results.
    Last edited by ISU_stud_85; 06-16-2007 at 01:26 PM.

  2. #2
    Well I'm officially starting today ... below is my workout schedule, really only have 3 days to workout.

    Week-1 (4x sets with 5/10 reps, 1 cardio)
    Monday – chest, tris, and forearms
    Flat bench, incline bench, cable fly
    Forearms, dips, random tri
    Cable crunches x 100 (incremented)

    Wednesday – bis and shrugs
    Bar curls, db curls, upright rows
    Bar shrugs, db shrugs, rear delt machine
    Decline sit-ups x 100 (incremented)

    Friday – legs and shoulders
    Military press, db press, pull-ups
    Leg press, leg curl, standing calf raise
    Standard crunches x 100 (incremented)

    Week-2 (4x sets with 5/10 reps, 1 cardio)
    Monday – chest, tris, and forearms
    Decline bench, incline bench, cable fly
    Forearms, dips, random tri
    Cable crunches x 100 (incremented)

    Wednesday – bis and shrugs
    Bar curls, db curls, upright rows
    Bar shrugs, db shrugs, rear delt machine
    Decline sit-ups x 100 (incremented)

    Friday – legs and shoulders
    Military press, db press, pull-ups
    Leg press, leg extension, seated calf raise
    Standard crunches x 100 (incremented)

  3. #3
    number twelve's Avatar
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    read k biz's sticky

  4. #4
    Wow, can't believe I overlooked that thread ... thanks number twelve!

    I'm increasing my Milk Thistle intake to 2,000 and I've added 2,000mg of Flaxseed Oil.

    With a 4 week cycle is MPB a serious concern, if so is there anything I can take to counter?

  5. #5
    Had some problems falling asleep last night, not sure if it was mass tabs or not ... couple more days and I'll be able to tell.

    Had a great workout, probably one of best in a while. I'm not sure it was all mental or what, it was only my second pill?

    More to come.

  6. #6

    i'm starting mine on july 1st. you will probably get flamed for not having a serm in your pct i bet that's what 12 was sayin. i'll also have creatine (CEE) in my pct to help keep gains. i want 10lbs too.

    good luck

    Last edited by Warrior82; 06-21-2007 at 01:14 PM.

  7. #7
    I was thinking the IDS Post Cycle Tabs would do the trick, below is what IDS says:

    Post Cycle Tabs from IDS Sports is now the most complete PCT on the market. Dual action technology raises suppressed testosterone levels in two separate and effective ways. The first is by using three different ingredients to stimulate the bodies own production of testosterone. The second, and equally as important, is by using two cutting edge ingredients to block estrogen production, which has also shown to increase free testosterone levels as well. Post Cycle Tabs boost testosterone levels by stimulating leutinizing hormone with quality Tribulus Terresteris, Aspire™ and clinically proven Testofen. In addition, Testofen is clinically proven to stimulate the adrenal cortex, producing natural androgens which supports a healthy sex drive and muscle growth.

    A secondary method of raising testosterone is by blocking estrogen production in the body. Using both 3, 17 ketoetiochol-triene and 6, 17 keto etiocholeva-3-ol tetrahydropyranol, Post Cycle Tabs dramatically decreases estrogen production resulting in a stronger free testosterone ratio in the body. This low estrogen environment causes natural increased testosterone production safely and effectively. Don't just recover your natural testosterone levels, surpass them with Post Cycle Tabs!
    So far no sides and I can notice the "feeling thicker". Also, past couple nights I've been having dreams, usally I don't ... or don't remember.

  8. #8
    Had a good pump yesterday, had to be the pills ... haven't experienced that feeling since H.S.

    Taking the pill at night before working out is affecting my sleep ... hard to fall asleep and I seem to wake up early. I do feel a little more energized throughout the day.

  9. #9
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    i take mine early cuz i couldnt fall asleep either. frustrated the crap outta me. they stay in the body pretty long so my workouts were still pretty dang a day works pretty good seriously....

  10. #10
    Had another good pump yesterday.

    Thinking about changing the time I take, at least off days. Starting to affect my sleep. Not a huge deal because the next day I don't feel overly tired.

    Also, after doing some cardo I've notice my lower back is sore. I plan on taking some Taurine to help aid this.

    I've had no increased acne/zits, in fact I'm pretty much cleared up. This really never was a problem for me, but occasionally I get a few zits here and there. Maybe the extra time I spend scrubbing in the shower helps. :-)

    Otherwise about a week in and this stuff is starting to make a believer out of me.

  11. #11
    Had a great pump today, probably the best so far. I've notice +10lb gains in a lot of my lifts. About 1/2 into the workout my body seems to kick into over drive.

    No side affects other than slight troubles falling asleep if I take the pill after 5pm.

    One recommendation would be to take the pill 1 hour prior to work, the 1/2 hour recommendation works ... but in my opinion not as well.

    I've also been pounding the water!! I've gained 5lbs and doubt any more than half is water.

    Day 9 and I'm already feeling the results ... and no I don't work for IDS! ;-)
    Last edited by ISU_stud_85; 06-25-2007 at 07:35 PM.

  12. #12
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    Mar 2007
    im gonna start a similar cycle but im going to add bulk tabs with the mass tabs. kinda curious to see how it turns out.

  13. #13
    You might want to ask around on that mix, if I was to guess that sounds a bit dangerous.

  14. #14
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    Jun 2007

    mass and bulk tab cycle

    i tried the mass tab/bulk tab stack a few months back. i put on around 7-10 pounds in a month on them. 1st week i took only mass three weeks took them together and last week took only bulk tabs. i had no sides whatsoever and [though i dont reccomend it] i took no support supps either. it was completely safe and i encountered no problems whatsoever. many ppl i know have ran or are currently running similar cycles and nobody has said anything about any bad sides whatsoever. but then again one guy at my gym had liver problems from just mass tabs. to be honest with you most ppl on here have more exp. than me but i also think most ppl on here are far too critical and/or cautious. they tell me something will kill me and i never notice a single problem, do what you wanna do but based on my experiance i can almost guarantee w/ a stack of bulk/mass tabs you will be 100% positively fine.

  15. #15
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    i forgot to add my pct 4 the mass/bulk tab cycle. i just took ids post cycle tabs and they worked well for me. i didnt make the gains i had hoped 4 on my mass tab/bulk tab stack cycle but i didnt run it as wisely as i could have. but i still made gains. good luck if you decide 2 do it and let me know how it works 4 you.

  16. #16
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    Jan 2006
    run a proper pct. clomid/aromasin.

  17. #17
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    USA, NJ
    Quote Originally Posted by yungfaceb3
    i tried the mass tab/bulk tab stack a few months back. i put on around 7-10 pounds in a month on them. 1st week i took only mass three weeks took them together and last week took only bulk tabs. i had no sides whatsoever and [though i dont reccomend it] i took no support supps either. it was completely safe and i encountered no problems whatsoever. many ppl i know have ran or are currently running similar cycles and nobody has said anything about any bad sides whatsoever. but then again one guy at my gym had liver problems from just mass tabs. to be honest with you most ppl on here have more exp. than me but i also think most ppl on here are far too critical and/or cautious. they tell me something will kill me and i never notice a single problem, do what you wanna do but based on my experiance i can almost guarantee w/ a stack of bulk/mass tabs you will be 100% positively fine.
    You can guarantee you will be 100% posotivly fine????

    Keep in mind i dont even have blood work b4 and after my oral cycles (as i knows i should) but what makes you say there wont be any problems?

    Just because there are not any noticable sides ( bp headaches, backpumps, etc) that doesnt justify stacking 2 orals, especially without taking any other supporting supps. Over the counter orals have been proven to be liver toxic in the past. Correct me if im wrong but your not going to feel your cholesterol levels moving out of whack and your liver values going to sh*t?

    Why not spend the extra couple bucks and use some basic precaution instead of guaranteeing ppl's safety while stacking 2 new oral supplements?

    Many members on this board come here for advice on what to put in their bodies, and i dont believe they should be following the idealogy of

    "i dont feel any bad side effects so its not dangerous"
    Last edited by -DedicateD-; 06-27-2007 at 09:01 PM.

  18. #18
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    Jun 2007
    what i meant was that it wasnt as dangerous as many ppl are going to make it out to be. But i agree with you. You are absolutely right..thee are sides that you cannot feel and he should absolutley take precautions and take support supps. The more ss the better..better safe than sorry. I would reccomend Milk Thistle and possibly Hawthorne berry, RYR, and such. Taking in alot of antioxodants....such as Vitamin C...and altering the diet while on cycle to "help" compensate for the change in choldesterol and lipid values. Research is the key. I apologize if I made a potentially dangerous supplement out to be 100% safe, it was not my intent to undermine the relevent and appropriate precautionary actions and potential sides. A MassTab/BulkTab cycle does place extreme stress upon the body and should be done with the mindset that safety is first. In my own case I didnt notice any problems. My blood pressure and body chemistry was at healthly levels only weeks following my PCT, and I recall no negative aspects of the cycle except insomnia at the begining. My body is healthy and I am drug free, don't drink or smoke, healthy body chemsitry and testosterone production..I am very fortunate and my body took the cycle well...everybody is different however, and that must be taken into account. Whatever the is a risk.

  19. #19
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    USA, NJ
    Quote Originally Posted by yungfaceb3
    what i meant was that it wasnt as dangerous as many ppl are going to make it out to be. But i agree with you. You are absolutely right..thee are sides that you cannot feel and he should absolutley take precautions and take support supps. The more ss the better..better safe than sorry. I would reccomend Milk Thistle and possibly Hawthorne berry, RYR, and such. Taking in alot of antioxodants....such as Vitamin C...and altering the diet while on cycle to "help" compensate for the change in choldesterol and lipid values. Research is the key. I apologize if I made a potentially dangerous supplement out to be 100% safe, it was not my intent to undermine the relevent and appropriate precautionary actions and potential sides. A MassTab/BulkTab cycle does place extreme stress upon the body and should be done with the mindset that safety is first. In my own case I didnt notice any problems. My blood pressure and body chemistry was at healthly levels only weeks following my PCT, and I recall no negative aspects of the cycle except insomnia at the begining. My body is healthy and I am drug free, don't drink or smoke, healthy body chemsitry and testosterone production..I am very fortunate and my body took the cycle well...everybody is different however, and that must be taken into account. Whatever the is a risk.

    phrased much better

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by -DedicateD-
    phrased much better
    well guys dont worry i will have the blood work done and everything i have it all! lol but hopefully it will run smoothly, especially with all the hype about mass tabs... i kinda want to get on another prohormone now that everyone is on it lol

  21. #21
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    Jun 2007

    mass tabs

    well Mass Tabs are a pretty good product, but they didnt give me the results I had hoped for. Then again I could have ran the cycle better for one and two, I let the hype set my expectations probably too high to be met by actual results. But I rememeber how they gave me a good pump and they were pretty effective. I have a full container I just got in the mail Monday of Mass Tabs and I was planning on stacking them with oxodrol 12, but after like 100% of the people on here told me not too, I decided to just run a cycle of oxodrol 12 by itself, and a little over a month after my PCT I will run the Mass Tabs correctly. From personal experiance, however, a single doage of 12mg oxodrol 12 can be felt (by myself) much more than a stack of Mass tabs and Bulk Tabs. Today i started my 2 oxo 12's a day so thats 24mg....still MUCH less than the Mass and Bulk Tabs but far more effective. As far as mass tabs however..they are a great product you should see great results...bulk tabs...i'm too sure about never ran that solo..but if you stack them I guarantee you will gain some weight and have some explosive workouts..good luck I wish you the best of health and effectiveness during your cycle and may your gains be unparalleled.

  22. #22
    Just starting my 3rd week of the cycle and I've seen my lethargy increase. I recently purchased some Vitamin C hoping that will help.

    Gains in the gym (week 2) were not as good as week 1, as I suspect will be the case during week 3 and 4.

    Any other recommendations to help "jump start" these last two weeks?

  23. #23
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    Jun 2007

    jump start week 3 of your cycle.

    i can only recommend that you do what has to be done for your body to react again to the mass tabs and either take two a day fro a week and then end the cycle or even take a week off of the cycle and then resume it. My buddy was runnign a similar cycle i think it was even mass tabs he was using and he decided to have play around with it and to shock his body he took one one day then two..then one..then two. He had week1: one pill week 2: alernating (one day=1, next day=2) then he took a week off and the next week back on he did like 5 days-week of one pill and then the last week of two. he had more than one package of mass tabs i'm sure, but he has run cycles like that before on 30 day suplies just to shock his body into receptive mode. If you do do the week off thinkgy make sure you take PCT type support supps to hold you ovber until you begin again. I usually run 3 week cycles with the first 5 days-week being a single capsule/pill then the last two weeks being 2 capsules,pills. if my body is extremely receptive to a single pill i will run it a week to possibly a few days more before upping the dosages...if my body responds poorly i will start the higher dosages early. in my current oxodrol 12 cycle my body was responding extremely weel to a single pill but i upped it to 2 pills in less thna a week. You just have to understand and recognize how your body responds to the cycle and adjust or alter your cycle program accordingly.

  24. #24
    Thanks for the response.

    I will try upping my intake to 2 tabs on workout days (1 in AM and 1 in PM prior to workout). See how that goes this week.

  25. #25
    Workout was very intense today with two tabs!!!

  26. #26
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    USA, NJ
    I dont recommend stopping for a week and starting, etc

    I would imagine once you have a substantial level of the product in your system it would seem counterproductive to stop taking it, start taking pct then jump back onto it.

    I do agree that bumping up the dosage is a way to improve gains if your not responding well.

    You want to jump start your gains...take a preworkout stimulant, or get a mp3 player and load it up with hardcore lol

  27. #27
    Well its been a while since my last post, giving a bit of an update.

    My weights have been steadily rising to the point where I wanted them to be. I've gained about 10lbs and have the feeling of being "fuller".

    I have seen some side effects such as: dry scalp, increased acne (back/shoulders), and painful lifts. I've also had fewer movements (shits) recently, in fact I've taken laxatives a few times to help.

    After this week I've decided to start my PCT (Post Cycle Tabs).

    While drinking was not recommended using Mass Tabs, does this rule hold true with using the Post Cycle Tabs?

    Big props to you boys that can hold true to the diet with out drinking, these last four weeks have been tough ... but well worth it.
    Last edited by ISU_stud_85; 07-06-2007 at 07:01 AM.

  28. #28
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    Jun 2007


    yeah..i would hold off until after PCt if i were you. Post Cycle Tabs are a pretty solid PCT for what your using them for though they may havea bad snig about them on this forum. I am thinking about stacking Post Cycle tabs and Novadex XT as my PCT for my SD cycle. hope that is good

  29. #29
    I was finally asked the question, "Are you on steroids"?

    Last edited by ISU_stud_85; 07-06-2007 at 12:21 PM.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by ISU_stud_85
    I was finally asked the question, "Are you on steroids"?

    lol, welcome to the club!

  31. #31
    Starting to get a nasty breakout on my back and shoulders. From what I've read in other threads, it usually begins around the third week ... I was hoping I wouldn't fall victim. Just been hitting the shower up more and scrubbing, hopefully it won't last too long?

  32. #32
    Well the breakouts have slowed for time being. This hot weather probably isn't helping. I've also started taking some doxycycline that was prescribed to me a while back. We'll see if this helps. My poor liver ... more thistle.

    I've seen some nice increases on all my lifts. My bench has gone up at least 25lbs and most other lifts have seen nice gains.
    Last edited by ISU_stud_85; 07-11-2007 at 06:06 AM.

  33. #33
    Almost done with my first week of Post Cycle Tabs. I've still had some good lifts. My scalp has been really dry. I'm trying a different shampoo and I've been using Scalpicine ... seems to help. Anyone have other recommendations.

    The acne has resided probably the combination of a strict focus of making sure I'm clean ... usually clean myself 3x a day with pads or wash and a leftover prescription from a while back of doxycycline.

    Overall I've keep most of my strength gains so far, but I miss that BIG PUMP feeling.

  34. #34
    how much weight have you put on since the start of your cycle?

  35. #35
    7lbs now.

  36. #36
    when you bumped up to two tabs did you take both prior to w/o?

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior82
    when you bumped up to two tabs did you take both prior to w/o?
    I took in the morning and at night. You will notice a difference, but the sides are also noticable.

    IDS PST is doing a good job in my opinion. Keeping all my gains (so far) and the sex drive is returning.

    The dry scalp and acne have gone away.

  38. #38
    good log

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