Is this real steroids sold here at the roid store? If so, why look any futher?
Is this real steroids sold here at the roid store? If so, why look any futher?
ummmmmmmm......Originally Posted by theflyzman
Kill me for being stupid. I just find it hard to believe... Can anyone just give me the lowdown. I just found out through a lab test that the deca is good but the sus is not...
Originally Posted by theflyzman
Dude they sale steroid alternatives not actual steroids....
I would ask for a refund from the lab that tested and confirmed the deca to be legitimate....
FYI deca can not be administered orally....
I believe anything with a long enough ester can be placed in a gel cap with oleic acid and taken orally, where it will then be absorbed through the lymphatic system. Andriol (oral testosterone undecanoate) is an example of this.Originally Posted by HORSE
Ok. But which % of it is absorbed that way? A minimum amount I would say.Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
whatever dude. Buy my deca and ill prove that one wrong.
Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
I don't know if there's bad blood here or what, but physiologically speaking this theory is quite sound and here's why.
Although the overt functions of the lymphatics are extractive in nature, such as that of particulate materials (molecular proteins and bacteria) from tissues, and the removal excess fluid, it also has redemptive and supply oriented responsibilities. These include returning escaped capillary protein to the bloodstream, and supplying the blood with lymphocytes.
It is however, a little known fact that this system routinely transports specific fats from the intestines to the bloodstream. Although short- and medium-chain fatty acids are processed via normal digestion, monoglycerides and long-chain fatty acids are resynthesized into triglycerides by the epithelial cells (a group Hooker has written extensively on and is no doubt referring to now), which are transported across the basolateral membrane into the lymphatic system which d-e-posits them in the bloodstream.
Thus, contrary to popular belief all fat-soluble vitamins, long-chain alcohols, and other lengthy lipids are regularly transported by the lymphatic system. So there is no reason to believe that digested long ester steroids, homogeneous to their long-chained fatty cousins, would be treated any differently.
And by the way, questioning the efficiency of this process is lunacy, so anyone who'd do so should simply take a look at the Lymph chapter in a Physio textbook.
its illegal to sell steroids...i haven't even seen anyone use them here
About 60% is absorbed on average. Either way, it isn't economical to produce Deca gel caps, not to mention I have never seen any source carry it.
Originally Posted by Titleist
where did you get this number from?
Originally Posted by theflyzman
hi magic i haven't even read any of this posts contents i just saw your post and wanted to say hi its been a little while and i hope you are well, just glad to see you .
sorry didn't mean to hi-jack this thread just needed to hello to my bud magiac32.
The Roid Store is about as real as Jay Cutler's muscles....
Not real steroids at all, no.
They are about as real as Pamala Anderson's Tits or Peter North's money shot
Instead of starting a new thread, thought I'd stick it in here...
Are steroids at BuySteroids also the same as Roid Store and therefore not real?
Cheers in advance
thanks fella,
just wondering why advertise for them when there not the real deal? Obiviuously the money from it is a positive but if there ripping off people is it worth it?
Good thing I stumbled upon this thread before blowing $300+..
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