I usually use either Gaspari's SuperPump 250 and sometimes Ultimate Arnge as my pre-workout NO & Creatine supplement...but I usually order them online for like 25$ and get them a few days-week later. But i ran out earlier than expected and needed soem today so i went to my local GNC where "ON SALE" SuperPump 250 was $58 not including tax and w/ my gold card it was like 50 or so. So i decided to go with the $7 cheaper New NaNO Vapor. It was a litle cheaper and I thoguht it would be good to try something new for a while and plus that stuff looked pretty cool so i bought it and w/ one scoop today I felt pretty good..had a killer workout (but i have been lately anyways due to my oxodrol 12 cycle). I was wondering what you all think about this Vapor stuff and how it measures up against the likes of SP250 (my all time favorite)