hey guys,
started my 4 weeks of SD on monday. ive spent over 6 months reading and researching and now its time to roll. heres a basic low down on what im doin. Id like to thank K.Biz now bc his sticky on SD was/is the foundation to my cycle!
Week prior: Support Supps
Milk Thistle- 1000mg/D
Hawthorn Berry- roughly 1100mg/D
coQ10- 250mg/D
Milk Thistle-1500mg/D
Hawthorn Berry-1100mg/D
Flush Free-Niacin -1000mg/D
Biotin- 2000mg/D
Flax Seed Oil- 1 caplet/D
support supps. continued
Week 1:
clomid 100mg/D
Arimidex .5mg/D
Week 2:
clomid 75mg/D
Arimidex .5mg/D
Week 3:
clomid 70mg/D
Arimidex .5mg/D
Week 4:
clomid 35mg/D
arimidex .5mg/D
been lifting for about 3 years off and on. 1.5 years seriously
when i started I was about 5'10'' 175 maybe benching 135x4 and squatting 225x4. nice and skinny. haha
ive put on some good weight since then. slipped up a couple times but still stayed pretty active.
Height: 6'0''
Starting weight 204lbs
BF: id say roughly 18%?? just a guess.
Bench:225x4(weak for my weight i know! im workin on it!)
squat: 315x6
arms: 15''
quads: 26''
chest: no clue. will measure that tonight.
havent really maxed out on anything else. just put as much as i can hit 3-5 times.
Diet: im just gunna do typical meals. i try to have a variety of things so i dont get bored with it easily.
I usually only do 2 50 gram. shakes per day and get the rest from foods.
meal 1:
-50g shake. oatmeal and fat free yogurt.
-egg beaters, oatmeal, rice cake.
-chicken breast, egg beaters, salsa, peppers in a whole wheat wrap. yogurt.
The rest are examples of meals id have throughout the day, no particular order. I also cook in bulk and use tubs to portion my meals and have food for a couple days.
-big can of tuna, brown rice, 1 cup of broccoli, 1 cup of carrots
-chicken breast, whole wheat pasta, spinach leaves for salad(no dressing)
-LEAN steak, red potatoes, 1 cup of broccoli, 1 cup of carrots
-shrimp with wheat pasta, squash and zucchini
-chicken breasts, peppers, spinach leaves, fat free cheese, in a whole wheat wrap, sweet potatoes.
-same thing with steak strips
-chicken in a can with brown rice and veggies
-and more creations to come.
my gf also cooks AMAZING meals for me. its a deal we have, she cooks for me, i help her work out in the gym. haha i think i came out on top with that one! ha. Im trying to keep my diet as LEAN and CLEAN as possible bc i want to drop body fat as well. to help with that, ill be doing 6am cardio sessions about 3 times a week.
ill be doing my best to post my work outs on here. i stay busy with work but ill do my best. feel free to chime in.