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Thread: My SD log. advice appreciated along the way!

  1. #1

    My SD log. advice appreciated along the way!

    hey guys,

    started my 4 weeks of SD on monday. ive spent over 6 months reading and researching and now its time to roll. heres a basic low down on what im doin. Id like to thank K.Biz now bc his sticky on SD was/is the foundation to my cycle!

    Week prior: Support Supps
    Milk Thistle- 1000mg/D
    Hawthorn Berry- roughly 1100mg/D
    coQ10- 250mg/D


    Milk Thistle-1500mg/D
    Hawthorn Berry-1100mg/D
    Flush Free-Niacin -1000mg/D
    Biotin- 2000mg/D
    Flax Seed Oil- 1 caplet/D

    support supps. continued

    Week 1:
    clomid 100mg/D
    Arimidex .5mg/D

    Week 2:
    clomid 75mg/D
    Arimidex .5mg/D

    Week 3:
    clomid 70mg/D
    Arimidex .5mg/D

    Week 4:
    clomid 35mg/D
    arimidex .5mg/D

    been lifting for about 3 years off and on. 1.5 years seriously
    when i started I was about 5'10'' 175 maybe benching 135x4 and squatting 225x4. nice and skinny. haha
    ive put on some good weight since then. slipped up a couple times but still stayed pretty active.

    Height: 6'0''
    Starting weight 204lbs
    BF: id say roughly 18%?? just a guess.
    Bench:225x4 (weak for my weight i know! im workin on it!)
    squat: 315x6
    arms: 15''
    quads: 26''
    chest: no clue. will measure that tonight.
    havent really maxed out on anything else. just put as much as i can hit 3-5 times.

    Diet: im just gunna do typical meals. i try to have a variety of things so i dont get bored with it easily.

    I usually only do 2 50 gram. shakes per day and get the rest from foods.

    meal 1:
    -50g shake. oatmeal and fat free yogurt.
    -egg beaters, oatmeal, rice cake.
    -chicken breast, egg beaters, salsa, peppers in a whole wheat wrap. yogurt.

    The rest are examples of meals id have throughout the day, no particular order. I also cook in bulk and use tubs to portion my meals and have food for a couple days.
    -big can of tuna, brown rice, 1 cup of broccoli, 1 cup of carrots
    -chicken breast, whole wheat pasta, spinach leaves for salad(no dressing)
    -LEAN steak, red potatoes, 1 cup of broccoli, 1 cup of carrots
    -shrimp with wheat pasta, squash and zucchini
    -chicken breasts, peppers, spinach leaves, fat free cheese, in a whole wheat wrap, sweet potatoes.
    -same thing with steak strips
    -chicken in a can with brown rice and veggies
    -and more creations to come.

    my gf also cooks AMAZING meals for me. its a deal we have, she cooks for me, i help her work out in the gym. haha i think i came out on top with that one! ha. Im trying to keep my diet as LEAN and CLEAN as possible bc i want to drop body fat as well. to help with that, ill be doing 6am cardio sessions about 3 times a week.

    ill be doing my best to post my work outs on here. i stay busy with work but ill do my best. feel free to chime in.
    Last edited by tryintogetbig09; 07-11-2007 at 10:41 AM.

  2. #2
    day 1: monday july 9.

    didnt get my SD until after my chest/light leg work out but went ahead and started it anyways.

    flat bench:

    incline (smith)

    cable crosses. weights are different in my gym. normal fly and press movements.

    dumbell press:


    dumbell flys(chest was feeling tired)

    light leg day, legs are my best asset in comparison to my upper body so i dont work them out often bc i need to get my upper body larger to match my legs.

    ass to grass squats


    after that i was pretty tired, bs-ed around with some leg press n extensions then called it quits. decent work out.
    Last edited by tryintogetbig09; 07-11-2007 at 09:54 AM.

  3. #3
    day 2: tuesday july 10

    back days are usually my least fav. bc i never seem to hit it as well as id like to. my grip and forearms usually are first to tired out and prevent me from training back hard. i started using straps and thats helped outa lil.

    seated rows: machine goes up to 20 (im guessing 200lbs). doing drop sets of this with a super set of wide grip lat pull downs.

    had my lifting partner strap my hands in.
    13(130bs) x12

    strapped in again
    lat pull down:

    did another drop set in seated rows, superset wit lats. about the same weight, lil bit less.

    225x as many as i could do
    225 as many as i could do
    275 as many as i could do
    275 as many as i could do.

    bent over rows:

    wide grip seated rows: feeling worn out! forearms getting tight. using straps on every exercise.

    called it quits. i felt VERY focused in the gym today. didnt know it if was the drol or my death-metal music. idk. felt good tho. still need help on how to hit my lats really hard. i know my traps and mid-back will be hurtin.

    also forgot to add to my supps. i read that ur sleep can be affected by SD so i bought some valerian root to help with sleep and ive been getting AMAZING sleep at nite and waking up feeling very good and refreshed.

  4. #4
    day 3: wed. july 11

    taking the day off. my traps and mid back are crushed as i thought. lats arent sore at all. . would like to do arms today but im moving outta my apt 2morrow so that will be a work out as is. lifting couches, big screens, dressers, and 80lb boxes. haha. slept too well last nite. woke up a lil tired but still functioning. chest is still a lil tender from the other day. thats a good thing. more updates to come.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    goodluck bro, keep hydrated and make sure you eat correctly. Diet is key!

    I'll be checkin up quite frequently, so keep pounding that weight. I honestly think you probably could of waited a lil bit to cycle, but this SD shoudl definetly help your bench numbers rise.

  6. #6
    i think i could have waited a lil bit longer, but ill be goin military soon so i wanna get where i need to be before i get in there. reading ur sticky and many other posts gave me the knowledge i needed to do it the right way and not destroy my body with no pct or support supps. so pumped tho! 2morrow is the all natural work out. lifting furniture and boxes. hahah. ps. how does my diet look? im tryin sooo damn hard to stick with it and keep clean cuz i want to lose BF too.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    lookd decent, but cardio is really going to determin you losing bf% as well. at least 45min a day if you really want to cut down

  8. #8
    number twelve's Avatar
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    good luck bro. listen to k biz he knows he shytttt

  9. #9
    day 4: july 12.

    No gym for me today. got up at 8:30 and started moving and finished around 9pm. worn out. I tried to shoulder press and use everything i could when lifting things today plus my traps and mid back are still crushed.

    diet was pretty good. I only got in 4 meals but a protein b4 i crash will be good. Making a splendid breakfast in the morning then back in the gym hard!

    Will have a better report for tomorrow.

  10. #10
    day 5: july 13

    got back in the gym today for some chest. i know its only 5 days but for some reason I am SOOOOOOo much more focused in the gym and my lifts have been very intense. had a great chest work out today. hit a new best on incline bench(smith). It could be the placebo effect but Im enjoying my lifts. chest was pumped up big time today. felt good. Diet is still in check. dinner tonight was ground turkey, broccoli, and sweet potatoes. woke up slow this morning, and def felt lazy all day. gym time came around and I was ready. Tomorrow is arm day and will be looking forward to that!

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve
    good luck bro. listen to k biz he knows he shytttt
    pft he dont kno nuffin!

  12. #12
    day 6: July 14: Arms

    had a GREAT day in the gym yesterday. great pumps in both bis and tris. by the end i couldnt even hold up my shaker without my arm shaking. still keeping my meals as clean as possible. Yesterday was also a big cardio day for me. I got up early and went for a looooong run. kept my bpm in the fat burning range. came back home and ate 2 good meals before I hit the gym. Starting to get some acne on my shoulders and back of my neck but i guess imma just have to deal with it. Today will be a massive back assault and im pumped already.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    long island
    Quote Originally Posted by tryintogetbig09
    i think i could have waited a lil bit longer, but ill be goin military soon so i wanna get where i need to be before i get in there. reading ur sticky and many other posts gave me the knowledge i needed to do it the right way and not destroy my body with no pct or support supps. so pumped tho! 2morrow is the all natural work out. lifting furniture and boxes. hahah. ps. how does my diet look? im tryin sooo damn hard to stick with it and keep clean cuz i want to lose BF too.
    you should have waited until after you finished basic training bc you will lose all your gains and more while there, i made the same mistake and all that hard work and money was a waste of time and now i have to start all over again

  14. #14
    sorry for the has been keeping me busy. work outs have been crucial intense. bench has gone up a couple pounds as well as my other lifts. everything has been feeling good. lethargy has been kicking my butt. ive been takin some vitamin c to help with that. Im still having trouble with hitting my lats hard. i cant ever get them sore, nor can i tell if im hitting them right. then again my grip is still cutting into those back workouts. id appreciate any advice on how to really hit my lats.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2005
    pull ups... full range of motion.... all the way down... when you reach failure in a set get some negatives, main thing here is to isolate... use your hands as hooks and use less of your palms. I also like one arm high/low cable pulley rows, and bb rows i'd say are my favorite.

    since you only have about a year and a half of experience i recommend you start working on the mind body connection in terms of isolating any muscle group or part while working out.

  16. #16
    yea i was reading about that too..tried to really concentrate on my bis and tris today in the gym and i really had a good work out. my arms were pumped up so much they felt kind of numb? idk but it felt good. thanks for the help dwade.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2005


    link for ya ... click on animated exercises and slide show exercises(these are more realistic to me) click on training programs click on shocking principles and you'll pick up plenty.

  18. #18
    wow, i just looked at that. bookmarked that. definately re-working my lift 2morrow! appreciate that!

  19. #19
    july 20th day:11


    flat bench

    definately felt an increase in strength today on my first lift. felt SOOO good.

    single arm crosses
    12(guessing 120?)xfailure

    incline bench cable flys

    smith incline bench

    then 2 sets of incline/decline push ups to failure. by last rep my chest gave out and hit my face on the ground. hahah. my boobies were twitching like crazy in the locker room! pretty happy with my lift today.

    diet has stayed the same. the gf is creating all kinds of yummy/heathy meals for me then her for dessert. cant say no to that. 11 days in and im feeling stronger and lil bit bigger. next week I should be hittin it hard when i up the dosage to 30mg/day. tomorrow is back day. re-worked my entire routine with all new lifts and i got some new straps so needless to say im pretty excited about gettin in there tomorrow.

    lethargy seems to be getting worse by the day. vitamin c seems to only be taking the edge off of it. ive been relying on sugar free redbulls before i work out for that kick in the pants i need.

  20. #20
    saturday july 21: day 12

    lethargy literally has me in a choke hold. Ive been yawning and stretching like i just woke up ALL DAY LONG. today i woke up and just wasnt feeling right, had a tire blow out on my motorcycle, father going to iraq, mother is a flight attendant and has to fly to kuwait today. just wasnt a good day. i feel like the lethargy only gets worse. and i havent even upped my dosage yet. taking the day off to rest my body and mind.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    lethargy literally Don't let it get to you get you butt to the gym. what ever it takes yull love it once you get there. It just the sd drinklots of water. I done three sd cycles. Need anything pm me I 'll help If I can. If you start takin days off while on cycle trash this whole cycle.Get to the gym on your regular days.

  22. #22
    sunday july 22: day 13

    back day. been using and a number of posts on here to rework my back work outs. my new lifting hooks arent in yet so ill have to wait till my next back day to use them. all my lifts i went heavy for about 6-10 reps was about my failure. heres the back lifts i did do.
    -bent over dumbbell rows
    -seated wide grip rows
    -seated close grip rows
    -pull ups
    -wide and close grip lat pull downs
    -kneeling reverse grip pull downs ( these KILLED ME)
    -shrugs. 285x15x3 sets

    posting this the day after and my back and lats are completely crushed.haha.i was soo happy this morning when i woke up and my lats were finally sore. i still have another 10 different work outs i can throw into my back days to switch it up. bis feel nice and sore today too so i knew it was a legit back day.

    Monday july 23: day 14.

    today i up the dosage to 30mgs per day. im definately excited about the next 2 weeks to come at 30mgs. i definately know my strength has gone up so we'
    ll see what happens in the next week. today my back was so damn sore that i couldnt do arms and it hurt to lay down on a bench(which is a good thing) ha. did about 55 mins of cardio at 130bpm. low intensity. legs also felt like a wet noodle afterward. im tryin to keep my body fat down like i mentioned at the beginning, and days like this will only help with that. had my protien immediately after my run. weighed in today at 214.2. im up 10.2 lbs from day 1 and my diet has been the best its ever been in my life so im almost proud of myself for being this strict about it. 2 more weeks to go at a higher dosage, im sure the lbs will be jumpin on me and strength should spike up too.

    tomorrow is legs and chest. i have the day off so imma make sure i get a big work out in. i havent done legs in a while bc they are the biggest part of my body and have always been MUCH stronger in relation to the rest of my body. but im going to get back into hittin them hard. good for test. release i hear and also bc i will be playin basketball in the fall in a VERY competitive intramural league. last year my team won the whole thing and i ended up getting MVP(no bs). i was also 180lbs and def not as strong and much smaller than i am now. so im excited about that as well to put my new strength and size to work.

    lethargy not bad at all today. took about 2000mgs of vitamin c with some taurine supps. and i felt good to go. will keep posting soon!

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by dupa95
    lethargy literally Don't let it get to you get you butt to the gym. what ever it takes yull love it once you get there. It just the sd drinklots of water. I done three sd cycles. Need anything pm me I 'll help If I can. If you start takin days off while on cycle trash this whole cycle.Get to the gym on your regular days.

    I def put up with it as long as i could yesterday and i still planned on gettin in there. my motorcycle tire blow out was a 2 hour ordeal and that was on my way to the gym. so i got screwed there. this morning i upped my dosaged of vitamin c and threw some taurine in there and i felt much better than u usually do. im going to try the same thing tomorrow and hopefully that will be the end of my lethargy problems. i appreciate the encouragement dupa. it was definately needed..ill def keep your offer in mind next time i have a ? about something. i did a lot of research prior to starting my cycle but never looked up sex drive while on the SD. I personally dont think ive felt a difference. maybe a lil more horny than usual but my gf doesnt mind it at all. haha

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz
    lookd decent, but cardio is really going to determin you losing bf% as well. at least 45min a day if you really want to cut down
    Quick question about the cardio for you... I know a lot of people here and people at my gym do cardio right after their workout. My trainer is about 15 min away from my gym (its on my way back home). Would it be best for me to pop some amino acids after my training and do cardio 15 min after my workout, or should I try to seperate it from my workout (like a few hours in between) for me to get max results?

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by aolsux00
    Quick question about the cardio for you... I know a lot of people here and people at my gym do cardio right after their workout. My trainer is about 15 min away from my gym (its on my way back home). Would it be best for me to pop some amino acids after my training and do cardio 15 min after my workout, or should I try to seperate it from my workout (like a few hours in between) for me to get max results?

    I dont think theres any set way to do cardio "right". Some poeple do it a.m on an empty stomach which i hear is the most effective, And i do a.m. cardio twice a week. But I also do cardio after I workout 3 days a week, I like to keep my body guessing at all times. So is theres a right way to do it? Until i see research on it, im going to say no. But 15min of cardio isnt going to help you with much.

  26. #26
    ive been doing the same as kbiz. 2 days a week in the morning. im gunna throw in some time on the treadmill after my lifts a couple days outta the week. KBIZ how long should i do cardio if i do it after my lifts? i know i need to get my protein in me within about 45 mins i was told. whats your take on it?? cycle is going great tho!! had a MONSTER back day without my new hooks that i just got in so im pretty happy about my back work outs to come. had a good day of cardio yesterday. had a beast chest work out today. Definately felt strong today. i was doing set of 215 for about 10 slow, controlled, all the way down and pause, and 3/4 the way up. i could feel it rippin my chest apart. day 1 of my cycle i was doin that about 4 times. and not as clean reps. i touched a lil bit on 225 today, had about 4-5 clean reps. felt great. lethargy is in check now. took me 2 weeks to figure it out but i got it now. ive been keepin my meals as clean as possible for dry lean gains. weighed in at 213 today. 1 lbs less than what i did yesterday but i think it was bc i took a masssive crap before my lift and i did some really good cardio yesterday. sorry but had to throw it in there. gunna work on the legs tomorrow. should be a fun time.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz
    I dont think theres any set way to do cardio "right". Some poeple do it a.m on an empty stomach which i hear is the most effective, And i do a.m. cardio twice a week. But I also do cardio after I workout 3 days a week, I like to keep my body guessing at all times. So is theres a right way to do it? Until i see research on it, im going to say no. But 15min of cardio isnt going to help you with much.
    I do 45 min, I meant I do it 15 minutes after my workout because of the drive back from the trainer to my gym.

  28. #28
    should be fine. make sure you get that protein in you as ur walking off the treadmill.

  29. #29
    hey guys, im still hittin it no worries. works just got me busy. quick message while im on break, up another 3lbs in 2 days. feeling much body is recovering so quickly and its so nice because i can just keep goin again and again and again. since last post, ive had arm days, cardio day, chest day. arm and chest days were intense. chest esp. today. started out on incline today at 225 and chest got ripped up today. ill keep more posts coming.

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