Cheers to:
1) Oxodrol 12. Best Pro-hormone/prosteroid I ever took. Blew Mass Tab/ Bulk Tab stack cycle out of the water BIG TIME.
2) IDS Post Cycle Tabs...contray to popular belief...a pretty damn solid PCT (cycle dependant)
3) SuperPump preworkout supplement I have ever tried in terms of effectiveness per serving, power, duration, focus, and overall satisfaction.
4) Barbell Bench Press.. told about 4-5 months ago by a manager and competetive bodybuilder that dumbell and usually dumbbell incline presses were the way to go and barbell used only as burnout w/ light weight if ever. since returning to barbell in past 4-5 weeks i have seen some major improvements.
Jeers to:
1) NanO Vapor....overyped, overpriced, overadvertised..just like everything else from muscletech...and also just like almost everything else from muscletech...a peice of crap.
2) whey protein manufacturers...for raising the prices of a bodybuilding neccesity
3) GNC...for charging up to 300%+ markup on their supplements. I know small supp shop owners and see prices online enough to know that GNC gets products for around $15-$18 and seels them for $40-$50 and gets other things such as gaspari products for $20-$25 and sells them for around $64.99-68.99. I mean come on guys that should be somewhat illegal..but you can use your gold card and save