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Thread: cheers and jeers

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    cheers and jeers

    Cheers to:

    1) Oxodrol 12. Best Pro-hormone/prosteroid I ever took. Blew Mass Tab/ Bulk Tab stack cycle out of the water BIG TIME.

    2) IDS Post Cycle Tabs...contray to popular belief...a pretty damn solid PCT (cycle dependant)

    3) SuperPump preworkout supplement I have ever tried in terms of effectiveness per serving, power, duration, focus, and overall satisfaction.

    4) Barbell Bench Press.. told about 4-5 months ago by a manager and competetive bodybuilder that dumbell and usually dumbbell incline presses were the way to go and barbell used only as burnout w/ light weight if ever. since returning to barbell in past 4-5 weeks i have seen some major improvements.

    Jeers to:

    1) NanO Vapor....overyped, overpriced, overadvertised..just like everything else from muscletech...and also just like almost everything else from muscletech...a peice of crap.

    2) whey protein manufacturers...for raising the prices of a bodybuilding neccesity

    3) GNC...for charging up to 300%+ markup on their supplements. I know small supp shop owners and see prices online enough to know that GNC gets products for around $15-$18 and seels them for $40-$50 and gets other things such as gaspari products for $20-$25 and sells them for around $64.99-68.99. I mean come on guys that should be somewhat illegal..but you can use your gold card and save

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by yungfaceb3

    3) GNC...for charging up to 300%+ markup on their supplements. I know small supp shop owners and see prices online enough to know that GNC gets products for around $15-$18 and seels them for $40-$50 and gets other things such as gaspari products for $20-$25 and sells them for around $64.99-68.99. I mean come on guys that should be somewhat illegal..but you can use your gold card and save
    Great thing about free market is we have the choice to shop else where. Let the old ladies and people who only trust GNC pay the high price.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    thats why i always shop online or at steers nutrition. but this time i was in serious need of some protien and i figured that GNC would have some at least 30 day supply amount for around 20 bucks or a lil more that would last me until my real deal suply arrived from my internet cheap as it got at GNC was 40 sumthin imma shop elsewhere definently

  4. #4
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by juicehoe
    Great thing about free market is we have the choice to shop else where. Let the old ladies and people who only trust GNC pay the high price.
    its so sad because people actually pay for it

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