ive started taking sostonol 250 2 tabs a day. i just dont know if i should take them everyday of the week or just 4 days a week when i work out? Also would it be recommended to take the IDS PCT after sos250 as well?
ive started taking sostonol 250 2 tabs a day. i just dont know if i should take them everyday of the week or just 4 days a week when i work out? Also would it be recommended to take the IDS PCT after sos250 as well?
wow you should have done some research before starting a cycle of sostonol, yes take it everyday even on off days, it would be recommended to do real pct i.e. clomid and other things not going to get into everything now, and do you have support supps lined up?
i couldnt find much on them mainly everything i found was mass tabs..Right now i am just taking the 2 sos a day, CLA, protein, multivitamin, and protein, i just finished up 6 weeks of creatine
also these are from ids sports...are they really strong enough to where a real pct would be needed apposed to IDS PCT?
You should have done research and bought everything you need before even starting your cycle. What if you have problems getting or ordering your pct, then your screwed.
any recommendations of anything to take this with?
yea go read my sticky at the top of the forum "everything you need to know about SD"Originally Posted by TheBorch
what you are taking is SD, PP and Havoc/epistane
and there is plenty of info all over this supp forum about what your taking bro, theres a serach button for a reason.
i guess i didnt know SD was the same as the sos 250. I normaly do alot of research on anything i take but for some reason i really didn't take the time i should have![]()
sos 250 is superdrol pheraplex and halodrol-50, and where are the support supps? no ryr, milk thistle, hawthorn, niacin, flax, nothing like that?????
dang i guess i really messed up, i really didnt know what to take as support supps?So what would you guys recommend?
thanks for the info this will be the last time i dont do better research on before taking something like this again, thanks again!
nevermind i read the profile on it and got the info i should have researched b4!
have all my support supps, does it atter when i take them during the day?
i usually split mine up into 3 equal doses and take one at breakfast lunch and dinner
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