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Thread: Criticize my own "ULTIMATE STACK", thanks

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Talking Criticize my own "ULTIMATE STACK", thanks

    Hello everybody,

    I'm 19 years old , I'm trying to build my own ultimate stack. I began bodybuilding 6 months ago, I'm an ectomorphic guys.

    I fist want to tell you that I take the "supplements" word in his REAL SENSE, I mean, I eat as much as I can, and then I take my supplements.

    First I'll write you the "directions" on each product, if there remains problem with it, I'll wrote it on GREEN COLOR


    POSEIDON : (3-6 teaspoon a day on empty stomach or with light meal),
    1. first thing in the morning on an empty stomach or with a protein shake or light meal.
    2. before, during and after workouts (put 2-3 servings in a water bottle and start sipping on it 10min prior WO and finish about the time workout is complete)
    3. in evening before bed

    ANABOLIC PUMP : (15 min before Carbs morning, pre-Wo and post-WO)

    or (don't know which one I'll choose yet)

    P-SLIN : (15 min before 60g-100g pre-WO carbs)

    XTEND : (2 scoop before WO and during, 1 scoop after WO)

    RAGNAROK : (30-60min Before pre-WO, 1 scoop 2 hours after meal, 1h after protein, can mix with simple Carbs, is it Kwick Karb (WMS) okay ?... an Millenium sport rep tell me I can mix with WMS, so If you are sure of not, tell me.

    KWICK KARB : (75g before and during, or/and after (mixed on protein shake))

    GLYCERGROW : (or GLYCEROL MONO STEARATE, is it as effective as GLYCERGROW ?) (1-4 scoop, drink in a extended period of time (before, during and after pre-WO … can mix on juice, sport/electrolyte drink, water etc…. can mix with XTEND ?)

    RESET A.D. : take 1 capsule in the morning and 1 capsule in the afternoon. For extreme adrenal fatigue, take a maximum of 1 capsule 3 times daily


    Wake up :

    45 min before WO :

    30 min before WO :
    MIX : Ragnarok + Kwick Karb

    On the travel and during :
    MIX : XTEND + Glycergrow + POSEIDON + RESET A.D.

    Coming back home :
    MIX : XTEND + Kwick Karb + whey protein ?

    Before bed :
    Poseidon + RESET A.D.


    POSEIDON : I’m on Accutane treatment (I finish in less than a month), but I really want my body be hydrated all the time on the optimale level (hydratation is a thing very important for the entire body) … skin included.

    P-SLIN (and/or ANABOLIC PUMP) : To improve pump, “insulin” effect, allow to take many carbs without fat storage and well stackable with Kwick karb.

    RAGNAROK : It has all the component needed on a pre-WO, a quite good amount of quality creatine, beta alaline and the WATERMELON seems to taste good.

    KWICK KARB : Give energy (when taken before WO) + Restore glycogen level of the muscle (When taken after WO) … I read it’s a very good carb (I don’t really understand pro and cons of simple carb, complex carb and WMS)… Seems to be well stackable with P-Slin (or Anabolic pump)

    XTEND : Many people love it and recommend me this BCAA. Do I need to take whey while I’m taking XTEND ? Which flavor taste good (melon, grape, lemonade ?)

    GLYCERGROW : I don’t know if it’s better than “Glycerol Mono Stearate” (NutraPlanet) (what’s the difference ?), but this product will help me to volumize my muscle, did he ?

    RESET A.D. : Since I was child, I drank coffee. Since the last 3 years, I feel always tired for nothing, and stim immunised. In fact, the product description, truelly correspond me at 200%

    That's it,

    Thanks you for your help

    I really appreciate.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Moms Basement
    is this a joke....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    If it's a joke, I didn't find it hilarious...

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    what does your diet look like, in detail?

  5. #5
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    Aug 2007
    I don't have any "ritual" on my diet.

    I try to eat a lot, and varied and healthy.

    I lived in my parents house, is my mother who cook, and I can't have my own diet you know what I mean.

    But I think I've a quite good diet.

    But If you can tell me (PM or here) the exact food I need to eat and the hour + the product of my own stack, you'll be lovely


  6. #6
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    The reason I ask is that all those supplements really won't help a lot if your diet isn't spot-on, which I'm betting it isn't. If your goal is to bulk up, head to the diet forum and read up, tons of good info there. Following the proper diet is the single hardest, and single most important aspect of bodybuilding, in my opinion.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    yeah ! many tell that.
    But it's really difficult to manage (and eat) with all that food. that's why supplement can help me

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by pocketboy
    I don't have any "ritual" on my diet.

    I try to eat a lot, and varied and healthy.

    I lived in my parents house, is my mother who cook, and I can't have my own diet you know what I mean.

    But I think I've a quite good diet.

    You're not eating properly if you're not counting calories. After you read up how to construct a proper diet, use a site like FitDay to help you track calories.

    Quote Originally Posted by pocketboy
    But If you can tell me (PM or here) the exact food I need to eat and the hour + the product of my own stack, you'll be lovely
    No one can really construct a diet for you without knowing your weight and body type. Calculate the basal calories you need in a sedentary state and then up it by 500. If you don't put on weight, then up your caloric intake by 250 a week until you do.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by pocketboy
    yeah ! many tell that.
    But it's really difficult to manage (and eat) with all that food. that's why supplement can help me
    Wrong. Even AAS won't help you without proper nutrition. How can you put on size if you're not meeting your daily caloric needs? You can't.

  10. #10
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    The thing about most of those supplements, is that all the fantastic things you read about them are usually from those who want you to buy them. This board has been around for years, search the supplement forum and see what real-world results people have gotten, you may be surprised at what you find (or don't find)

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    I am unfamiliar with many of those supps, and honestly I don't think that they are needed.

    I'm about to begin using Xtend, grape was recommended to me.

    You need to focus mainly on your diet. Some supps are ok, but I think that with what you lined out you will be wasting money. That money would be more beneficial if you bought food with it.

    I understand you live with your family, but you can still cook your own meals or tell your mom what you need to eat and see if she will prepare it for you.

    Keep the Xtend, buy a multi-vitamin, weightgainer, and whey protein. If you want a Pre-WO NO/energy booster, try Amplify 02 or Ergopharm AMP.

    Like I said though, get your diet in order first off. All the tools you need are in the diet forum. Feel free to PM me as well.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Pocket boy you are going to spend a lot of cash on shit you just dont need yet. Look at 19 your test levels are off the charts. Clear up your acne and if you are concerned about hydration drink more water , its free. Food at your age is the best anabolic you can take right now. Lift hard lift with correct form get your diet in check with meals coming in between 6 and 8 times a day. Stay here at AR and learn as much as you can by the time you are 21 or 22 you will be a feeaking monster with out all of the drugs. i love roids but Im almost 40 years old and waited my time , let your body finish growing up before you start the mad science shit, nes pa. if you continue i will believe that
    On t'a bercé trop près du mur.
    i hope i got that right its been a long time from my H.S french class.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    I read the entire "how to bulk" thread. I think that buy this food will be very much expensive than complement lol.

    My parents go on holidays (3 weeks) next saturday, I'll probably try to cook myself, but go on comercial to buy all those food while ruin me !

  14. #14
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    It is rather expensive to eat properly, but taking tons of supplements is expensive too, and the food works every time if it's done right.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    lol, there isn't any kind of steroid in here lol.

    Yeah, I thing the Poseidon one... could probably be removed.

    But my base (for supplement) will be : XTEND (BCAA), RAGNAROK (very good pre workout, with a quite descent amount of creatine), RESET AD (because of my mood, sleep etc disorder)

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    and a question : is better to train 4x/week during 2h each session or 6 times a week during 45min-1h ?

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    save your money on those crappy supplements that will do not bothing but be a waste of money and go spend your money on food!!! If you cant eat like that dont expect to see any gains. The only supplements you need are protein powder and a multi vitamin

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    houston, tx
    Quote Originally Posted by pocketboy
    and a question : is better to train 4x/week during 2h each session or 6 times a week during 45min-1h ?
    i train with weights 4 times a week for about 45-60 minutes

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Your diet is the most important thing you should be worrying about. The supps aren't going to do anything for you if your diets not on point.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    My parents will go on holidays last week, I'm trying to create my shopping list (if you can help me... not answers like "it's in the forum" please).

    I'll try to eat more and more (if you can tell me if there are some "drugs" which help me to eat more than usually, it would be nice)

    THANKS !

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    US, Wisconsin
    First of all, you will need to check out the diet forums to get some ideas. You need to eat good before you will make any gains. I cant eat a lot either but I've been making it work. Try adding some protein shakes with meals if you can, they aren't too filling so you might be able to get some more protein and calories in your meals. As far as all those supplements go, don't worry about them. Get your diet down and do some research and you'll find what you need. It's easy to buy supplements, but your diet is the only supplement you should be worrying about.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Oh and about your caffeine problem, just try cutting out caffeine all together. A lot of people get stuck on it and think they need it to have energy, but if you give it up and stay off for a good time, you'll have more energy consistently than if you take caffeine. It will be better in the long run.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Orange county, CA
    You ask too many questions without really taking peoples advice.... you seem to be sold on the 'ultimate stack' you have come up with above. The marketers have really gotten to you as they did to me when I was younger. If you took everyones advice and went to the supplement portion of this site you will find what OTC sups work for people and actually give results instead of waste money on stuff that more than likely won't do anything for you.

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