my BP has been runnin about 130-137/70 lately. I was thinkin about takin a mild BP reducer. Does anyone have any experience with BP reducers?
my BP has been runnin about 130-137/70 lately. I was thinkin about takin a mild BP reducer. Does anyone have any experience with BP reducers?
I will have this moved to the supplemnt forum as you should get a better reponse there.. But here's some info that might be a shove in the right direction..( i dunno) I have heard alot about Hawthorn berry woking pretty well for high BP !!
Hopes this helps !!!
Hawthorn Berry extract is what people reccommend for BP control during a pro-hormone/m1t cycle.
I think you dose it at around 1200mg a day. Check out the Superdrol Sticky by K.Biz. Should be something about it there.
k, thanks
thats really not that high
Ya, I know its not REAL high, but I am running a long cycle and I didnt know if I should really worry about it being this high or not?Originally Posted by rabidsquirrel
ive had mine go int the 140/89 range. my buddys a nurse and he told me just to watch it, if it got any higher to go to doc. it never did and i was fine. cant hurt to have them around incase u need them.
your bp is fine...dont sweat it, keep an eye on it if it gets much may want to medicate. your diastolic pressure looks great though.
it's within normal range man. forget it!!
I've used hawthorn berry and garlic with good results, give it a go.
k, I know its not that high (pre-hypertension), but I still would like to see it under 120/80. I think I will give the hawthorn berry a try. thanks for the responses.
eat more fruits and veggies, and lower sodium intake.
-Hawthorn Berry
-Fish Oil
-Celery Seed
-Folic Acid
Garlicin.... and Folic acid
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