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Thread: SD/4-ad stack

  1. #1

    Question Should I flush my little brothers PH's down the toliet?

    Can SD safely, and effectively be stacked with either 1-ad or 4-ad? If so, what is the reccomended dosage?

    My little brother is about to start eating 1-ad with his Oxevol, because he said the Oxevol (SD I guess) is not doing shit. There is no talking him out of it.

    How dangerous is this?

    Should I flush his shit down the toilet while he is in class or what??

    Sorry, but I dont know ZIP about SD or 1-ad (outside of what I read in the stickies here). I tried the search, but I couldnt find anything about either of these (1-ad or 4-AD) stacked with SD.
    Last edited by Mogamedogz; 08-08-2007 at 04:21 PM. Reason: Should I flush my little brothers PH's down the toliet?

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Do yoga not steroids!!!
    I wouldn't me too concerned. SD is methylated, but 1-ad and 4-ad aren't. Just make sure he runs supporting supps: garlic,fish oil, hawthorne berry, Vit C, etc, and make sure he's got his pct lined up.

    I'd run the 1-ad at minimum of 300mg ed, and eventually bumping it up to 600mg ed. If it's 4-ad, I'd run at 1000mg ed(I'm assuming it's oral) because 4-ad isn't absorbed too well orally. If the 4-ad is transdermal, run it at 400mg ed. I think adding 4-ad to a SD cycle would be great in helping maintain a decent libido. But running the 1-ad w/ SD would be harder on his libido.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mogamedogz
    Can SD safely, and effectively be stacked with either 1-ad or 4-ad? If so, what is the reccomended dosage?

    My little brother is about to start eating 1-ad with his Oxevol, because he said the Oxevol (SD I guess) is not doing shit. There is no talking him out of it.

    How dangerous is this?

    Should I flush his shit down the toilet while he is in class or what??

    Sorry, but I dont know ZIP about SD or 1-ad (outside of what I read in the stickies here). I tried the search, but I couldnt find anything about either of these (1-ad or 4-AD) stacked with SD.

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