Ok so far I've taken about 3 doses of AMP. Each time I've tried 9 pills total. I feel my heart racing but i feel no pump? I was taking Super Pump 250 prior and that thing had pumped big time! I switched to this and the only thing i feel is my heart racing from the caffiene or something.... Here's how i've taken so far:

1st time No food in stomach and taken 30 mins before workout (Worked out Chest)

2nd time eat 45 mins later took 9 pills and had an apple with it (Worked out legs)

3rd time same as above (Worked out Shoulders and tri)

I'm going to try 12 pills but I'm kinda skeptical. I really don't want to take Ephedra with it. I don't take much caffiene products or dirnk coffee. I just been taking the Super pump now for a few weeks and not every day. So i did not much caffiene or stims to get going..

any ideas?