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Thread: Suggestions for newbie?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Suggestions for newbie?

    So, about 2 months ago I decided to start working out on a consistent basis. Around that time I came on the board and started researching everything I could get my hands on, and decided that I would first try and get the basics like my diet, sleep, working out on a consistent basis, etc. in order before I tried supplements. I feel like I'm finally getting to the point where I'm working out consistently enough, I'm adhering to my diet pretty well, and I'm starting to really get some results. In the last 2 months, I've lost about 10-15 pounds, and I've put on a good bit of muscle, as an example I went from benching about 120 to benching 180, I went from curling 50lbs to 80lbs etc.

    At the moment, the only thing I take is ON whey protein powder for PWO and whenever I can't get around to making a meal, but I feel like I'm in a good spot and I'd like to take the next step and start adding in more things. The problem is, the more I research supplements here, the more confused I seem to get. Few products seem to have any consensus among posters, and even some that did seem to have it, such as ALA, seem to have recently been shown to not be that helpful/may be harmful, with posters like PerfectBeast dropping them altogether.

    Right now, the things I'm considering are creatine and glutamine, and possibly something as a pre-workout supp such as Amplify-02. I do want to say that I'm going to stay natty as possible, and that things that are hard on the liver aren't really possible for me, because of medications I have to take such as prednisone and others for my Crohn's disease.

    With all that said, I would love to hear people's opinions and recommendations.

    Also, my stats if they matter: 6'7"-6'8" 240, not sure on bf%, but I'd guess around 18%.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Hello Mathom - I'm fairly new here as well & have been going through COUNTLESS threads trying to come up with the perfect diet, supplement, & work out list as well...

    By the way, nice job with your diet. ( I viewed it over in the diet forum )

    The sups that I am currently using are creatine, Amplify 02, & Lipoflame.

    I basically take 5g of creatine daily.

    I take a half dose of Lipoflame in the am & another half dose in the afternoon on non work-out days.

    On work-out days, instead of the second dose of Lipoflame I take the recommended dose of Amplify 02.

    As far as work-outs go - the amp is awesome. I find myself getting extremely intense work-outs. The pumps are not the greatest but I BELIEVE it's because I'm not taking in many carbs at the time. ( cutting diet )The only complaint ( besides being a little pricey, LOL! ) is I don't want to stop working out. And believe me - I pay for it dearly the next several days...

    The Lipoflame works equally as well but is intended mainly for cardio. You get some great sweating & again, you feel like just going on forever with whatever training you are doing.

    Before taking the plunge & purchasing the Lipo & Amp I did extensive "searches" on this forum, & many others & only ran across one or two negative experiences with the product out of hundreds of positives.

    Hope this helps some...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Hey, thanks man, appreciate it. I was looking at Lipoflame, but after searching it and reading some other people's experiences it seems a little extreme for me, but a friend wants to try it I think so I might see how he does with it and then decide. How long have you been using the creatine and amp-02 and have you noticed a big difference on them?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Mathom
    Hey, thanks man, appreciate it. I was looking at Lipoflame, but after searching it and reading some other people's experiences it seems a little extreme for me, but a friend wants to try it I think so I might see how he does with it and then decide. How long have you been using the creatine and amp-02 and have you noticed a big difference on them?
    I am going into my third week & the differences I have experienced the most is that my endurance seems to be much higher & I am definetly gaining strength. The creatine will help over time with gains - and although I haven't seen any kind of a HUGE size difference, I am definitely getting allot more muscle definition.

    I'm sure some of that can be contributed to diet, but as mentioned above, the sups help allot with staying focused & helping to get more benefit out of the work-outs.

    That being said - I'm SURE that if I wasn't cutting right now the results would be MUCH better as far as gaining size goes... ( I'm 6'1 @ 195lbs and keeping myself around 2100 -2300 cal daily / 288g protein, 150g carb, 50g fat )

    Once I get my body fat down to an appropriate level - My plan is to then go through a bulking phase & HOPEFULLY add on some size.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Obsidian , Q
    Thanks for such kind words, glad they are working!

    Amplify 02 is about to sell out do to demand

    Both LIPO and Amp will be "primed" one more leap forward.......

    Thankyou Rmax!
    Last edited by Kaioken; 08-26-2007 at 09:39 AM.

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