So, about 2 months ago I decided to start working out on a consistent basis. Around that time I came on the board and started researching everything I could get my hands on, and decided that I would first try and get the basics like my diet, sleep, working out on a consistent basis, etc. in order before I tried supplements. I feel like I'm finally getting to the point where I'm working out consistently enough, I'm adhering to my diet pretty well, and I'm starting to really get some results. In the last 2 months, I've lost about 10-15 pounds, and I've put on a good bit of muscle, as an example I went from benching about 120 to benching 180, I went from curling 50lbs to 80lbs etc.
At the moment, the only thing I take is ON whey protein powder for PWO and whenever I can't get around to making a meal, but I feel like I'm in a good spot and I'd like to take the next step and start adding in more things. The problem is, the more I research supplements here, the more confused I seem to get. Few products seem to have any consensus among posters, and even some that did seem to have it, such as ALA, seem to have recently been shown to not be that helpful/may be harmful, with posters like PerfectBeast dropping them altogether.
Right now, the things I'm considering are creatine and glutamine, and possibly something as a pre-workout supp such as Amplify-02. I do want to say that I'm going to stay natty as possible, and that things that are hard on the liver aren't really possible for me, because of medications I have to take such as prednisone and others for my Crohn's disease.
With all that said, I would love to hear people's opinions and recommendations.
Also, my stats if they matter: 6'7"-6'8" 240, not sure on bf%, but I'd guess around 18%.
Thanks in advance.