im researching for a new PH cycle. i have done 2 SD cycles and think it would be best to move on to something else so i get better results. can anyone recommend a good PH thats unlike SD and is easy to find?
im researching for a new PH cycle. i have done 2 SD cycles and think it would be best to move on to something else so i get better results. can anyone recommend a good PH thats unlike SD and is easy to find?
RPN's Havoc
what about mass tabs? too much like SD?
im having trouble finding positive reviews on this stuff. but it is pretty $30 for a cycle.Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx
could this be stacked with anything else? mass tabs? i got like 20 pills of SD leftover...?
NO!Originally Posted by Fat Ryan
bad bad BAD stacking methylated stuff!
Read some decent reviews on furazdrol (not sure on spelling) from BSN, it is not a methyl
look into 3-ad and 11-oxo
sorry i didnt know it was methylatedOriginally Posted by bcaasdirty
11oxo is a PH? i thought it was an AI or something...Originally Posted by unclemoney
can the 3-ad be had easily in a store or online? what should i expect from it? how does it compare to SD?
stack havoc (toxic) and fuzradrol(non-toxic)
Im pretty sure i misspelled the second one. lol just to lazy to look it up.
no reviews on furazdrol and 3-ad here. just one thread saying 3-ad is probably crap...ill google now
wow hardly anything on furazdrol on google. just..."did you mean formadrol?"
Originally Posted by Fat Ryan
try spelling it "Furazadrol"Originally Posted by Fat Ryan
I love epistane it the same as havoc it makes me stronger than test no back pumps either only problem is the acne it gives me better results than anything I have ever took legal or not and I ve done high does tren
its ok i forgive uOriginally Posted by Fat Ryan
aaaah that explains it, thanxOriginally Posted by ImaGetBigger
no problem bro, if you try it let us know what you thinkOriginally Posted by Fat Ryan
ok so stacking Furazadrol and hvox is an option...
how about mass tabs and Furazadrol? what would be better?
damn, i need to learn how to type ha ha
i meant havoc
anyone? mass tabs and Furazadrol? good? no no?
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