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Thread: Oxodrol 12/ mass tab stack cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Oxodrol 12/ mass tab stack cycle

    I am just starting a cycle of a stack of mass tabs and oxodrol 12. Years ago webber pharm. made the supposed "super stack" that consisted of 2 oxo 12 a day and one mass tab a day for 4 weeks but this is not where i got the idea from or how i ma goign to run my cycle. I am goign to do four weeks

    1) 1 MT daily
    2) 1MT 1Oxo12
    3)1 MT 1oxo12
    4) 1 Mt 1 oxo 12

    My questions are this:
    1) I am taking Novadex xt on cycle to combat the development of gyno and other this solid? will it take anything away from the effectiveness of the cycle?
    2) When doing my oxo 12 cycle i would take a pill with breakfast or soon after and then one about 8 hours later....i saw GREAT results this way. But with Mass tabs it says "take 30 minutes b4 working out" should I follow this or should i take it earlier and let it assimilate into my body?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    you need to stop taking you cycle. because

    1. you dont even no what your taking, or by the questions your asking you have no idea what your doing
    2. your in experienced. and a stack like this you are not ready for. its a pretty toxic stack.
    3. if your asking about novadex xt by anabolic extreme, u need to look further into AI's and Serms cause your wasting your money and pretty much using the wrong stuff
    4. are you running support supps? and protection? or no?
    5. read the above again. answer.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Moms Basement
    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz
    you need to stop taking you cycle. because

    1. you dont even no what your taking, or by the questions your asking you have no idea what your doing
    2. your in experienced. and a stack like this you are not ready for. its a pretty toxic stack.
    3. if your asking about novadex xt by anabolic extreme, u need to look further into AI's and Serms cause your wasting your money and pretty much using the wrong stuff
    4. are you running support supps? and protection? or no?
    5. read the above again. answer.

    listen... this is a good post..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    oh man I KNEW this was going to happen. I should have listed my support supps.

    YES I AM taking them.

    Milk Thistle
    a combination of Fish, Flax, and Borange oils (***** 3-6-9)
    a multivitmain of course. ( and extra Vitamin C for lethargy if needed)
    eating more carbs and EFAs

    I read your sticky about SD K-biz..i am uusing that as somewhat of a worked PERFECTLY for my last 3 week cycle of oxo12.

    okay now with that out of the way. I have Gaspari's Novedex XT and I already had it on hand for months as a free gift from some website i once orders some supps from. THe "supplement guru" on here once had a thread or post about Nov. XT not only being a sufficient supp for on cycle of SD, but actually (to my disbelief) that it would even pass as a PCT for a light cycle. I am simply usuing ON cycle and already have a solid PCT.

    I know how my body reacted to 24mg of pure SD, so i am sure a single MT and single oxo12 won't overdue it. I had 20 capsules of oxo 12 left over and a full pack of 30 of Mass tabs and so i decided to combine that with my novadex XT and have a "free cycle" since I last week lost my job and hopefully it works out well. This is my third cycle. My first cycle was 5 week cycle of Mass Tab/Bulk Tab stack which had moderalty decent results...the second was a 3 week stack of oxodrol 12 which was excellent..and this is my third. I am about to stock up on old webber pharm. bottles of oxodrol 12 and possibly even methandrol 50 since they are banned and very soon to be non existant on the market whatsoever. I am aware of the dangers..that is why i am not goign to take 2 oxo 12 and i mass tab.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    first of all who is this supp guru? i would like to meet this guy. cause hes wrong. flat out wrong. u need to follow a pct thats in my sticky, not somthing u here from so called "supp guru"

    even cyogenx and myogenx together would be a better pct then that sh*t.

    also how long are u waiting inbetween cycles. you body needs time off bro. you need time for those receptors to get fresh

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    yeah it does sound kind of crazy about the PCT biz...i know I am not going to ever be fooled into something like that. As for time off betwen cycles...its has been about 7-9 weeks since my last one.

  7. #7
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    Jun 2007
    273 there is really NOBODY on this forum with enough knowledge to answer my questions? It seems when I make thread on here asking questions all the "experts" seem to have me answering questions rather than recieveing any answers. Somebody please asnwer my questions they are not that advanced.

  8. #8
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    Feb 2007
    the best way to learn is to read, and trust me you have plenty of reading to do. I was in your shoes untill i found the search button and now i can answer all my own questions and more. K-biz has a great sticky and you should follow that pct he has in their with any ph wither your taking m1t, sd, mass tabbs or what you wish make sure you have it before you start anything. i would also suggest some more support supps. research will help you gain more muscle then any steroid esp for youngsters like us man.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    yes I know..i already stated all my support supps info and that I have read and followed K. BIz's sticky and plan to again. now can nayone seriously answer the questions of this forum? or is there really not a person on here that has that knowledge?

  10. #10
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    USA, NJ
    the reason why your not getting responses is bc no one knows the answers.

    these are all pretty new compounds, and people can only answer from their own experiances which they dont have with these products.

    when you take a new ph, you take the risks and are essentially the guinnea pig in finding out what works and what doesnt

  11. #11
    hey im 16 5"11 155 and im stuck at my bench weight for about a month now and some kid recommended i take this stuff called oxodrol. He said his bench went up 40 lbs in a month and his squat just sky rocketed. He gave me all these things to stay healthy and he also told me i will probably never grow another inch. He gave me co q10, milk thistle seed 250mg, red yeast rice 600mg, and i am taking multivitamins. I also take two protein shakes a day and i want to get big by spring. Can anyone tell me if i am making the right decision or not?

  12. #12
    number twelve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JLaughlin87
    hey im 16 5"11 155 and im stuck at my bench weight for about a month now and some kid recommended i take this stuff called oxodrol. He said his bench went up 40 lbs in a month and his squat just sky rocketed. He gave me all these things to stay healthy and he also told me i will probably never grow another inch. He gave me co q10, milk thistle seed 250mg, red yeast rice 600mg, and i am taking multivitamins. I also take two protein shakes a day and i want to get big by spring. Can anyone tell me if i am making the right decision or not?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve

    You bastard

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Do yoga not steroids!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by JLaughlin87
    hey im 16 5"11 155 and im stuck at my bench weight for about a month now and some kid recommended i take this stuff called oxodrol. He said his bench went up 40 lbs in a month and his squat just sky rocketed. He gave me all these things to stay healthy and he also told me i will probably never grow another inch. He gave me co q10, milk thistle seed 250mg, red yeast rice 600mg, and i am taking multivitamins. I also take two protein shakes a day and i want to get big by spring. Can anyone tell me if i am making the right decision or not?
    Don't **** with phs or aas until your at least 21. Take a visit the diet forum, and read the bulking sticky(that is before your banned). If you're not gaining at 16, then you're nutrition or your training program is not on point.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve
    Whats is that suppose to mean?

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by bulldawg_28
    Don't **** with phs or aas until your at least 21. Take a visit the diet forum, and read the bulking sticky(that is before your banned). If you're not gaining at 16, then you're nutrition or your training program is not on point.
    Is there any way to take oxo 12 while still stayin healthy? and are there any side effects?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    USA, NJ
    Quote Originally Posted by JLaughlin87
    Is there any way to take oxo 12 while still stayin healthy? and are there any side effects?
    take a look at the sticky's on top of the forum for safe ph use

  18. #18
    number twelve's Avatar
    number twelve is offline All Natty...Kinda~Winning Member Transformation Contest!
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    Quote Originally Posted by JLaughlin87
    Whats is that suppose to mean?
    you need to be 18 to be a member, your account will get suspended until then. im not gonna be the one to report it, i really dont know how nor do i care.
    however bro, at 16, you dont need anything. just eat.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Do yoga not steroids!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by JLaughlin87
    Is there any way to take oxo 12 while still stayin healthy? and are there any side effects?
    If you want to risk ****ing up your endocrine system which can result in low test levels, low libido, etc, then by all means go right ahead. Not worth the risk IMO.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve
    you need to be 18 to be a member, your account will get suspended until then. im not gonna be the one to report it, i really dont know how nor do i care.
    however bro, at 16, you dont need anything. just eat.
    see thats the thing i dont know how to lose fat and eat a lot at the same time. i mean i do eat a lot as it is but i need quick results.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by bulldawg_28
    If you want to risk ****ing up your endocrine system which can result in low test levels, low libido, etc, then by all means go right ahead. Not worth the risk IMO.
    will the co q 10, red yeast rice, milk thistle seeds, and the multivitamins help out at all?

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by JLaughlin87
    will the co q 10, red yeast rice, milk thistle seeds, and the multivitamins help out at all?

    only're too young

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by JLaughlin87
    see thats the thing i dont know how to lose fat and eat a lot at the same time. i mean i do eat a lot as it is but i need quick results.
    no such thing as quick results

    rome wasnt built in a day

    and reported for age

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by JLaughlin87
    hey im 16 5"11 155 and im stuck at my bench weight for about a month now and some kid recommended i take this stuff called oxodrol. He said his bench went up 40 lbs in a month and his squat just sky rocketed. He gave me all these things to stay healthy and he also told me i will probably never grow another inch. He gave me co q10, milk thistle seed 250mg, red yeast rice 600mg, and i am taking multivitamins. I also take two protein shakes a day and i want to get big by spring. Can anyone tell me if i am making the right decision or not?
    You have to be 18 years old to be a member here. Your account will be suspended for 2 years. You can return at that time.

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