I am just starting a cycle of a stack of mass tabs and oxodrol 12. Years ago webber pharm. made the supposed "super stack" that consisted of 2 oxo 12 a day and one mass tab a day for 4 weeks but this is not where i got the idea from or how i ma goign to run my cycle. I am goign to do four weeks
1) 1 MT daily
2) 1MT 1Oxo12
3)1 MT 1oxo12
4) 1 Mt 1 oxo 12
My questions are this:
1) I am taking Novadex xt on cycle to combat the development of gyno and other sides..is this solid? will it take anything away from the effectiveness of the cycle?
2) When doing my oxo 12 cycle i would take a pill with breakfast or soon after and then one about 8 hours later....i saw GREAT results this way. But with Mass tabs it says "take 30 minutes b4 working out" should I follow this or should i take it earlier and let it assimilate into my body?