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Thread: Creatine vs NO2!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Creatine vs NO2!!!

    One of the men responsible for the devlopement of supplementary creatine monohydrate/ and creatine ethy ester...wrote a little book on NO2 when NO2 was first hitting the market. this is an old in it he said "NO2, this is WAY bigger, and WAY better than Creatine by far!"..or something to that effect. In my time i have seen the boom associated with the release of cretine and NO2..and creatine was bigger..and I think creatine is a superior supplement..what do you think? which is better?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    San Diego
    entire dependent on the molecular breakdown of the two for delivery purposes. CEE which was supposed to be better then CM I think wasn't an improvement.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    I agree.i have seen better results with CM than CEE, but my main question was which was better between Creatine and NO2.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    on the turf
    creatine imo

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Creatine is much better, I just read some more of the old book and the author insists on comapring NO2 to anabolic steroids, and in doing so creates several compare and contrast scenarios in which NO2 is perceieved as superior to AAS! Now I have never taken anabolic steroids, but I have tried SD and other SD type products such as mass tabs. I have also taken various forms of highest quality NO2, and let me tell you (as if you didn't already all NO2 is good but it cannot compare. The strength, size, endurance, energy, power, and intensity of SD DWARFS any beneifts of NO2 by far. It is like night and day. The think about NO2, the pump, lol the SD gave me a better pump than NO2!!!

  6. #6
    i use both at 1 time.... TRUST me, i dunno if i can say a brand but 'L*brada superch*rge' is good, but if anything mix arginine (no2) with some creatine and see what im saying. Very good together, woudnt seperate.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    better as in what?, NO is a vaso dilator, it causes smooth muscle to relax in the lumen of blood vessels. Creatine donates a phosphate to ADP to convert it back to ATP. NO wasnt discovered until the early 90's. Before that it was called endothelial releasing factor. Until it was charactorized. There is a lot of research going into NO right now so there will most likely be lots of good stuff coming out about it in the near future. So to answer your question I think they should be used together.

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