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Thread: Is slim fast a good meal replacement ?

  1. #1

    Is slim fast a good meal replacement ?

    is slim fast a good meal replacement?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    nothing is a good replacement for quality food

  3. #3
    I agree with the above poster's sentiment. Slimfast has too much sugar, not enough good in my opinion. If you want a decent holdover (supplement meal replacement) look into Labrada Lean Body (40g of high quality proteins, low carbs (all complex), and some good fats too) or SAN Infusion (Another high quality MRP).

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by ZacharyMills View Post
    I agree with the above poster's sentiment. Slimfast has too much sugar, not enough good in my opinion. If you want a decent holdover (supplement meal replacement) look into Labrada Lean Body (40g of high quality proteins, low carbs (all complex), and some good fats too) or SAN Infusion (Another high quality MRP).
    I guess I forgot to mention I am trying to lose weight. I'm 5'9 185 mostly fat

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    it would be much healthier if you were able to eat small portioned low fat foods, your best bet is to check out the diet fourms, they know their sh*t.

  6. #6
    slim fast is horrible.

    I looked at it the other day when some "overweight" person was drinking it.

    There are better options. Why do you need a "meal replacement" anyway??

    I would hate the "replace" a meal with liquid

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    No good

    Slim fast is loaded with sugar so it curbs your appetite.. Plus there is no good meal replacement...Just my thought...

    Thanks, Lance

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