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Thread: Post your Supps!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Talking Post your Supps!

    Here is what i have right now for cutting minus the nitrix and animal pack.

    Full size pic of that is here

    Here is what i carry around in my backpack and take 1/2 before each meal.
    1 Serving of each
    L-Arginine only 5g Pre workout only (shits $$$$) to be taking over 20g ED
    L-Carnitine 3G preworkout only

    Full size pic of that is here

    post ya stuff

    O and the under armor bottle is the only bottle I ever had that does not leak for shit, awesome bottle for 9.99$

  2. #2
    L carnitine should be taken about 4 hours before working out, IMO ... Nice stash. I keep it simple these days.

    Flax, Multi, Fish Oil, Glutamine, BCAA, Vit C, Milk thistle, muscle milk, ON whey

  3. #3
    wow!! Holey sups! thats some $$$$ in supplements.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    vitamins(multi and C powder), protein powder, fish oils, borage oil, glucosamine, creatine

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Do you have the GNC frequent shopper card. LOL

  6. #6
    i would hope he did not buy all that at gnc all there product or over priced.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Wow! Nice stash man. Impressive.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by p4p1 View Post
    i would hope he did not buy all that at gnc all there product or over priced.
    I go only to Gnc when I need to, meaning, I need it that day.
    I prefer to order online and get my shit cheaper.
    But I spend about 5-10$ at gnc, the guy there always gives me my 20% off, well there and Vitamine shoppe.

    I just try to stick with what works, and so far works good.

    GNC is overpriced, but I only buy what I need if I need it asap.

    Just trying this hydroycut out as I have tried CLEN, LIPO 6, Stimerex-es, giving it a shot, so far LIPO 6 seemed to work better, only been on it a week.
    Last edited by jackjackson; 12-16-2007 at 04:45 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by ashcfc3c View Post
    L carnitine should be taken about 4 hours before working out, IMO ... Nice stash. I keep it simple these days.

    Flax, Multi, Fish Oil, Glutamine, BCAA, Vit C, Milk thistle, muscle milk, ON whey
    L carnitine, seen alot of sources that rec 1 hour before and even some after, but this shit is so expensive, I just do before, 6 pills=3g

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    does it help?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Id say yes, based on its primary use, it wont hurt if it didnt either.
    I last a bit longer in the gym, and I like mental thought it will be pulling energy from fat.
    Its in alot of fat burners already, along with green tea extract, and caffeine
    Carnitine boosts energy by stimulating the body's burning of tryglycerides as fuel, and sparing the supply of glycogen stored in the liver for heavier exertion. During exercise, the body will burn fat at a rate of 75-80% of maximum exertion, thus less glycogen from carbohydrates is burned. L-carnitine allows the body to burn more fat, save more glycogen, and ultimately boost stamina and endurance. By providing more fat to the muscles, carnitine makes accessible an otherwise unavailable energy source.

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