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  1. #1
    HighandWide's Avatar
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    M-drol/P-plex/MyoGenX..STACK LOG

    Week1: PP 30mg
    Week 2: PP 45mg
    Week 3: PP 45mg
    Week 4: PP 45mg
    Week 4: PP 30mg/SD 10 mg
    Week 5: SD 20mg
    Week 6: SD 30mg
    Week 7: SD 30mg
    Week 8: SD 30mg
    Week 9: SD 10mg

    Liver Care: Liv.52--throughout
    Anti-E: 6-oxo (ErgoPh@rm)--thoughout


    Age: 25
    Height: about 6'6''
    Weight: 225
    Body Fat: 11.6 > as of Dec
    : usually around 9
    Bench: 225 x 18
    Squat: 365x 5
    Been Slingshot training since beginning of Dec
    DIET (I try to keep up)....yes I stole this but I altered the times to fit my schedule

    (8:00) Pre Cardio - 1scoop whey (cal112, carb2.5, pro23, fat1.5) skimmed milk 200ml(cal120, carb 12.3, pro8.7, fat0.1) TOTALS - cal232, carb14.8 pro31.7, fat1.6

    (9:00) 20-30 Minute Jog

    (10:00) Meal 1 - 8 hard boiled egg whites (cal 116, pro24), Oatmeal 120g (cal300 carb80 pro14 fat8.5), 1scoop whey (cal112, carb2.5, pro23, fat1.5) in skimmed milk 200ml(cal120, carb 12.3, pro8.7, fat0.1). TOTALS - Cal 649, carbs 94.8, pro 69.7, Fat 10.1

    (11:00) Meal 2 - Tuna 1 tin (cal 145,carb0 pro31 fat1), Oatmeal 120g (cal300 carb80 pro14 fat8.5) 1scoop whey (cal112, carb2.5, pro23, fat1.5) in skimmed milk 200ml(cal120, carb 12.3, pro8.7, fat0.1), Dried Fruit 30g (cal73, carbs 19.2). TOTALS - Cal 750, carbs 114, pro 76.7, fat 11.6

    (1:00) Pre workout - 1scoop whey (cal112, carb2.5, pro23, fat1.5) Oatmeal 50g (cal180, carbs31, pro5, fat4) Grapefruit Juice (cal95 carbs21.5) TOTALS - cal387 carbs55 fat4.5 pro28

    2:00-3:30 Workout & Drills

    (3:30) 30 min PWO - 2 scoops whey (cal212 pro 50) TOTALS – Cal212, pro 50

    (4:30) 1 hr PPWO - 300g chicken (cal330 pro70 fat3.7) in 100g Brown Rice (cal370 carbs 80 pro7.9 fat2.9) Veg, TOTALS - cal700 carbs80 pro77.9 fat6.6

    (6:30) meal 5 - 300g chicken (cal330 pro70 fat3.7) 100g Brown Rice (cal370 carbs 80 pro7.9 fat2.9) Veg TOTALS - cal700 carbs80 pro77.9 fat6.6

    (7:30) Meal 6 - 300g chicken (cal330 pro70 fat3.7) Veggies (cals vary fat varies), Fish oil (cal90 fat10g) TOTALS - cal510 fat23.7 pro70

    (9:30) Meal 7 - 300g chicken (cal330 pro70 fat3.7) Veg, Coconut oil (cal90 fat10g) Fish oil (cal90 fat10g) TOTALS - cal510 fat23.7 pro70

    Protein: 551.9
    Fats: 88.4
    Carbs: 423.8
    Total Cals: 4650
    Yes, I understand this is a potentially rough stack. I have done SD and have taken gear and understand what I am getting into. I will keep up as much as possible with mass, wieght, and strength gains.

    I will begin after I return from "Winter Break"...sometime around January 10-14
    Last edited by HighandWide; 01-07-2008 at 04:04 PM.

  2. #2
    No One Knows's Avatar
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    Damn bro...

    Basically you wanna run 30mg of superdrol and pheraplex for 10 straight weeks?

  3. #3
    HighandWide's Avatar
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    altered dosage and bumped for comments

  4. #4
    bcaasdirty's Avatar
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    ok ill make sum comments...

    i lol'd on the 225x18 on bench, crazy volume shit like that is cool

    how have u liked the slingshot training thus far?

    otay now onto the cycle...
    1)9 weeks is WAY too long to b on
    2)where r the rest of your support supps? bp, cholesterol, lethargy
    3) WAY too long to b on
    5) y taper the dosage of sd? thats bass ackwards...going from 30mg to 10mg isnt going to net you much of nething except more stress on your body

    i would advise against running this cycle...its just WAY too overboard in terms of length...there was a post a while back of some dude that wound up in the hospital from being on sd too long ill see if a can dig it the mean time we gotta do some major reworking of yer plan of attack

  5. #5
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  6. #6
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    please DO NOT run this cycle. when ur eyes start telling yellow you will know why. go read my sticky on everything and anything about SD. I have stacked this before and trust me, ur body does NOT want you to run this toxic chems for 10 weeks.

    AND your pct is crap... or is there a pct? whats the deal with the 6-oxo? throughout? the sd and pp will not aromatize, so theres no need for an antie throughout the cycle. ecspecially 6-oxo... its a crap anti - e anyway.

  7. #7
    HighandWide's Avatar
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    Yeah I read that article..didn't the kid take like 80mg ED?

    I ran 30mg of SD for 7 weeks in the past with no sides sept for the usual and with very little crash. Figured adding in the P-plex and bumping up 2 weeks wouldn't be that bad. Apparently it is.

    I was going for Inhibit-E but can't find it anywhere (sold out)
    I was advised to take this (Inhibit-e) but am up for suggestions being that I have not run this

    I ran 6-oxo with my previous SD cycle with no problems and I figured if it ant broke don't fix it. Are you suggesting that it is pointless?

    No i did not list my PCT- very standard Clomid MyoGen + other support liv 52 milk thisle ect. But figured people you understand that if I was to run such a harsh cycle that I would have PCT already taken into account.

    What I have listed here are the main competitors in the cycle ..Don't feel listing ALL the support supps and dosage was that important.

  8. #8
    HighandWide's Avatar
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    Slingshot training as gone okay. I am not sure if I fully like or understand its overall benefits..especially for an athlete..but was very intrested and thought I would give it a try. I am not exactly following how it was set up on this website...someone has it posted somewhere...but I am going for every 2 days of slingshot I am doing 1 day of general strength i.e. olympic lifts... Yes that means squats, cleans, push jerks, pulls, etc...I know i got alot of people here shaking there heads but I am an athlete and need mobility. Something I can imagine you lose with a full slingshot training schedule.

    So anyway I am stilll open to suggestions being that I am only increasing a previous cycle by 2 weeks. When I get this figured out and everything I will post my lifts and weights for that day when I start my Log...

    Hoping to begin January 14....I will let this marinade on the forum until then to hear more feedback.

    O and about my maxes...I never 1 rep max...Just a personal thing...Try to stick around 3 reps but football here tests at 225 so that is why I have that

  9. #9
    bcaasdirty's Avatar
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    ya betta re read that...he went only up to 20mg/day but it was for the extended time period that did him in

    but either way, even if you haev ran it for 7 weeks in the past, and you think adding a couple weeks on w/ another toxic designer roid isnt a big is

    sure you may feel OK now, BUT the biggest problem w/ designer steroids is the complete absence of long term studies

    what could a crazy cycle like this merit 20 year down the road? heart attacks, strokes, liver failure, kidney failure, the list goes on and on and on

    but then again nothing could happen...if it was me id rather b safe than sorry

    theres a difference between responsible use (running the standard 4 weeker, not going high on doses, not stacking 2 methyls etc etc) and abuse, which some could argue your cycle is

    again i would strongly urge against this for sake of your current health and future health, but this is only my opinion and its a free country so do as you feel!

  10. #10
    No One Knows's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HighandWide View Post
    altered dosage and bumped for comments
    Thats better than what you had before.... Still not very wise and quite hepatoxic, but you already realize that so you're good there... Personally I'd go

    1-4 phera
    3-6 sd

    10 weeks is irresponsible.

  11. #11
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    10 weeks...ouch

    can you say jaundice? Nose Bleeds?

    When running that long, the risks far outweigh the benefits

    not a good idea IMO

    Id rather run 2 separate 4 week cycles, end up with better results, and way less sides/risks

  12. #12
    HighandWide's Avatar
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    Damn you all have gone and done it. I won't run this cycle. You f*ckers are scaring the sh*t out of me now. I guess I was a young punk with that "nothing can kill me" mentality. Thanks for the heads up and clear warnings everyone. Understandably there is not that many long term studies which at times appear like speculation to me. Anyway not to sound like a total PU$$ is what I am NOW thinking

    Week 1+ 2 PP 30mg
    Week 3 + 4 PP 45mg
    Week 5 + 8 PCT and cruise on MyoGenX
    Week 9 + 10 SD 20mg
    Week 11 + 12 SD 30mg
    Week 13 + PCT and cruise on MyoGenX

    Or again is this too much

  13. #13
    HighandWide's Avatar
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    Damn but now I need to Stack log for 13 weeks...f*ck me

    Oh and someone else mentioned this one??

    Week 1-2: PP 30mg
    Week 3: PP 15mg/ SD 10mg
    Week 4-7: SD 20mg

    On thing I forgot to mention earlier is MyoGenX dosage...

    It would be 8 pills a day dosed at 500mg....I think
    Last edited by HighandWide; 01-08-2008 at 09:45 PM.

  14. #14
    No One Knows's Avatar
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    Stop the SD at week 6 and you should be good. 5 weeks of sd is too is 4....

  15. #15
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    rule of thumb, time on = time off

    1-4 PP
    5-8 PCT
    9-16 myogenx and food, more so food
    17-20 SD
    21-24 PCT

    I know its not what u wanna hear, but its whats best, lol trust me

  16. #16
    lilnardey is offline New Member
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    Last edited by lilnardey; 03-31-2008 at 03:49 PM. Reason: x

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