I did a search and didnt come up with anything. What I'm wondering is if anyone has used PowerFull by USP labs and what your results were.

Here are the label claims;
Scientifically proven to increase natural Human Growth Hormone (HGH) production by at least 221% in just one dose!
Significantly increase natural Testosterone production by at least 53%!
Dramatically increase quality of sleep.
Significantly increase endurance
Get more out of each hour of sleep
Drastically increase sex drive and libido!
Improves skin tone through regeneration
Increases blood flow to penis – Your unit will be engorged with blood, leading to increased size and pleasure!
Last longer in bed –Bang like a porn star!
Helps restore natural hormonal production after a cycle of steroids or pro-hormones.
Greatly enhanced Mind/Muscle connection
Improves athletic movements and increase contractile strength with weight training.