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  1. #1
    jackjackson's Avatar
    jackjackson is offline Senior Member
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    Exclamation JW Review By Doc with tests

    This is jacked from another forum.

    I been on JW, PRO-Anabol, and Lean dreams for 3+ weeks now.
    Might just cycle off at 4 weeks or
    Might go ahead and do 8 total with restore as PCT or novid and clomid. and I might do double Pro-anabol.
    I'm stacking all this with creatine-monhydrate + beta-alanine
    Currently bulking up for a show.

    So far I went from 170 - 182
    My strength in everything has went up and the gains just keep coming.
    Gaining 2+ pounds a week at 4000 calories a day.
    If all is true, im doing a natural show and hope this wont come up in the test.

    Jungle Warfare the True

    I am a Danish doctor who works for the past 3 years in an hospital in Bangkok ,
    I train in a local GYM and Bodybuilding was always my favor sport since I was a teenager,
    I recently bought JW after a long consideration since all the rumors that going on ,
    I got the red bottle with blue capsules ,
    I added "Liver Support - Perfect Cycle" , to JW since JW has 17a-methyl structure which put him in
    the C17 alpha alkylated group and that mean It absolutely will stress the liver to a
    certain degree , do not confuse "methyl" and "17a-methyl" which refer to the 17 alpha position ,
    structure that would be notably resistant to breakdown by the live ,
    I also added Niacin (B3) to keep my HDL as high as possible.
    (I attached here JW pic , and all test result but please wait and read every thing first to be able to understand the results)

    Any how since I don't what to take any chances with my body I decided to run
    blood test in 3 different points in the cycle and since I am a doctor it is no a problem for me to do so ,
    The first (before use) and the third (at the end) will be the same test - liver enzymes(AST,ALT) and lipid profile ,
    The second test after 14 days will be Total Testosterone and Estrodiol value , and that will determine if it's a steroid or not
    and let me explain , if JW is a Pro hormone or a steroid , base on Testosterone structure it will increase Total Testosterone
    right a way , that's mean if I take one capsule and check my Total Testosterone after 2-3 hours it will be much more
    higher then the usual , how ever if it is not the exact same structure it will be undetected in the test and that's way I wanted to
    wait 14 days , and let me explain here , once you present an androgenic component to the body it will suppress the production of his own
    Testosterone (even if it is not the same structure), so after 14 days Total Testosterone will be much less then the usual ,
    how much less is depend on how androgenic the component is , and the dose you are taking ,
    I didn't check my Total Testosterone right before I started because I checked it many times before and mostly
    it is around 5.75 ng/mL (in the US it will be equal to 575), and for example after the use of 6-OXO for 2 weeks my test was 8.4 ng/mL,
    after the use of Nolvedex XT for 4 weeks my test was 11.0 ng/ml , and my Estradiol value was under 20 , the usual value of my Estradiol is around 30 ,
    I done the test after 12 days , I took one dose in the morning and another after 4 hours waited 2 hours and done the test ,
    the results came the day after but I was so busy with my shifts in the hospital I took the results after 7 days (Day 19),
    I was shock when I saw the results , I was left with quarter of my own test production , which were 1.70 ng/mL,
    it was clear to me right a way that the component in JW is a strong suppressive and PCT will be needed ,
    I was so pissed off , this was supposed to be clear noted from ALRI side , on every Website
    There is no doubt here Jungle Warfare is a designer steroid !!! and PCT and other caution should be taken while using this stuff ,
    I saw people's reviews and logs that saying "No PCT is needed" or "this is a good product to take between cycles"
    you should understand that 8 weeks with this stuff without a good PCT can cause reduce sperm count and male fertility for good,
    This is not a stuff for use between cycles and it should be treated as all AAS ,
    Now I know there lots of guys will say I was not suppress and had good results with JW ,
    How do you know you were not suppress ? did you do blood test ? you have to understand that testicular atrophy (testicle shrinkage)
    will not necessarily occur in all cases and most likely will happen with component like Anadrol 50 or Dianabol or Test which are
    super suppressive and strong , and you have to understand that good results are a point on a scale , same as bad can be good
    compare to very bad this supplement show good result compare to natural Testosterone booster but compare Epistane or
    Havoc or any other AAS this give very poor result and will be a poor choice to go with ,
    Since ALRI knew that , they decided to market this as a natural booster and since Natural Supplement don't need PCT
    they had no choose and to lie , this is how I see this .
    Now the other test I did liver enzymes(AST,ALT) and lipid profile , (See attached file)
    liver enzymes were higher by 30% & 50% then baseline and that after using Liver Support , so Liver support is absolutely needed,
    and as for lipid profile my HDL (the good cholesterol) went down significantly as will happen with all oral steroids ,
    it went from 50 mg/dl to 33mg/dl (below the normal range) , even that I was taking Niacin (B3) which is the best supplement
    to rise your HDL , and keep you lipid profile in check ,
    Please note that low HDL in long terms can lead to cardiovascular disease , so be aware ,
    LDL was left at the same range 129 to 126 and my Total cholesterol went done from 182 to 168 and that probably due to a low
    cholesterol diet I was on ,

    Jungle Warfare is not a weak steroid , it is a steroid with weak anabolic potency ,
    weak steroid will not suppress you that much , for example Anavar 10mg per day will probably give the same or better
    results then JW with not suppression at all , we treat patients with wasting syndromes with 0.1mg per every body kg ,
    but to be able to see mass results you will have to go with 20mg to 30mg a day but then it will suppress your own Testosterone
    production , but please note that as a doctor I do not recommend using any kind of steroids , and this kind of treat is given
    to patients with HIV or cancer only.

    For all of you guys who used this in the past and didn't do PCT and didn't take other cautions , you should be consult with your doctor
    and at least should check Total Testosterone , liver enzymes and lipid profile (HDL) , even if you used it a year ago.

    If you still choose to use this then follow this :
    * Take at least 5 to 6 gram of fat with ever dose you take , oral steroids need fat to be able to absorb ,
    do not take it with your protein shack , especially if you mix it with water or non fat milk ,
    all fats will be ok except MCTs
    * Do not use Saw Palmetto or any thing that will reduce conversion to DHT , this might lead to hormones imbalance
    and can end in gynecomastia , Jungle Warfare have 5A in his structure which mean 5-Alpha reduced ,
    lack the capacity to interact with DHT convert enzyme , in other word it should not convert to DHT , and when shout down occur
    you might be left with too low DHT compare to Estradiol which can lead to hormones imbalance .
    * Take Liver Support
    * Take Niacin (B3) with multi vitamin or B complex , with your meals
    * Take at least a 1000mg of Vitamin C
    * Plenty of good Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs)
    * Up your calories slowly by +500 or +1000 from complex crabs
    * PCT is absolutely needed.

    Choose your PCT wisely , in those days you might need a PCT to your PCT , and it is not a joke !

    Hope that helps
    Dr. Q.

  2. #2
    No One Knows's Avatar
    No One Knows is offline Senior Member
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    Injecting in the bathroom
    LOL... I've seen ppl using this shit in their pct too b/c of the way its marketed...

    I wouldn't touch it personally

  3. #3
    jackjackson's Avatar
    jackjackson is offline Senior Member
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    Using what in there pct?
    Restore or what he is saying?

  4. #4
    Bryan2's Avatar
    Bryan2 is offline Supplement Guru
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    hes right it is infact a steroid .

  5. #5
    No One Knows's Avatar
    No One Knows is offline Senior Member
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    Injecting in the bathroom
    Quote Originally Posted by jackjackson View Post
    Using what in there pct?
    Restore or what he is saying?
    Jungle warfare

  6. #6
    jackjackson's Avatar
    jackjackson is offline Senior Member
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    Jun 2007
    Will this make me fail a test in a natural show?
    Should I take something to cleanse my system say 8 weeks out?
    Currently I take 1.5g of vitamin C a day and 1g vitamin along with my multis and fish oil and liver support.

    Well overall this stack is working great, acne has picked up a little say around my back, Not alot but like 4-6 pimples versus none.
    Last edited by jackjackson; 01-26-2008 at 09:58 PM.

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