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  1. #1
    peachfuzz's Avatar
    peachfuzz is offline Anabolic Member
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    post workout nutrition...

    my question is regarding waxymaize corn starch. I have heard nothing but positive feedback on this but my question is this...

    supposedly this corn (or rice) starch bypasses the intestines and is absorbed 80% faster than dextrose with no propensity for fat storage.

    how is this possible? your body can only restore glycogen levels so fast. so by dumping glucose in the blood stream once your muscles, liver, etc are restoring glycogen at their peak rate, what happens to the excess glucose circulating the blood stream? it doesnt just hang out and wait to be utilized by your muscles. wouldnt your body begin storing it elsewhere? such as adipose tissue.

    im still not convinced on this yet and research is to new to make any concrete decisions about it. its been around for 100 years now. why the sudden "maize craze?"

    if you use it can you please provide with some feedback on it...

    sorry for the long post. (i just made it longer haha)

  2. #2
    Garnelek's Avatar
    Garnelek is offline Associate Member
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    Waxy Maize Starch is an extremely fast acting carbohydrate.WMS is proven to be diggested 80% faster than dextrose!This is due to the fact that it has the lowest osmolality (the lower the osmolality,the faster the carb will be utilised) of any carbohydrate available on the market today and therefore it passes through the stomach and into the intestines restroring energy (glycogen levels) extremely quickly.In that,WMS is superior to any other fast-acting carbohydrate.Its low osmolality enables it to pass through the stomach 80% faster than dextrose and restore muscle glycogen 70% quicker.It can be taken pre, during and post workout.Taking WMS immediately after a workout with products like Whey Protein, Creatine or Amino acids will force these nutrients to the muscles promoting recovery and growth!Because WMS is in the stomach for a very short period of time,stomach discomfort is higly improbable to occur!Furthermore,WMS does not draw water from the bodies reserves,it actually promotes hydration!
    Last edited by Garnelek; 01-29-2008 at 08:21 AM.

  3. #3
    jackjackson's Avatar
    jackjackson is offline Senior Member
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    So is Pure Vitargo better or this waxy stuff
    I've used pure vitargo, just hard to find
    Im not talking about this >>>>>

    Why is Waximaize the hottest new physique supplement on the market?

    WAXIMAIZE is a modified starch, a very unique complex carbohydrate capable of changing your physique in minutes! WAXIMAIZE is absorbed lightning fast into the bloodstream by “bypassing” digestion in the stomach. Once in the bloodstream WAXIMAIZE actually makes you look leaner by pulling subcutaneous water (water from just under the skin!) into the blood, increasing blood volume! This results in paper thin skin with thick veins popping out and full throttle blood flow to fully carb loaded muscle peaks! Training with WAXIMAIZE brings new meaning to the word “pump”. With overloaded glycogen stores and amplified blood volume, WAXIMAIZE will overtake you in minutes!

    WAXIMAIZE is a corn based modified starch with unique properties in the human body. While most complex carbohydrates from normal food sources remain in the stomach to be digested, broken down into shorter carbohydrate sugar chains before entering the bloodstream, WAXIMAIZE with its unusually high engineered molecular weight “Drops” through the stomach at twice the speed! Because of this, WAXIMAIZE remains a complex or long chain carbohydrate as it enters the small intestine for absorption. In addition to this, WAXIMAIZE has a very low Osmolarity which allows it to quickly and effortlessly cross into the bloodstream intact.

    Effects Stage 1. Once in the bloodstream WAXIMAIZE draws subcutaneous water (Water trapped just under the skin) into the bloodstream, quickly increasing blood volume. This initial response reveals definition in muscles previously washed out by the thin film of what was previously perceived as body fat. Stage 2. This increased blood volume causes visible veins to appear in the limbs to carry the increased blood volume to muscles. This vascularity adds to the appearance of a leaner physique. Stage 3. This increased blood volume delivers WAXIMAIZE to waiting muscles, overloading glycogen stores for an unparalleled “full” feeling. This glycogen loading fills muscle bellies revealing previously unseen peaks and size.

    Steps 1, 2 & 3 occur in only MINUTES!!
    Last edited by jackjackson; 01-29-2008 at 09:48 AM.

  4. #4
    PEWN's Avatar
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    how about protein and grape juice ... everything you need and chea p......

  5. #5
    jackjackson's Avatar
    jackjackson is offline Senior Member
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    If you wanna go cheap.
    What kind of protein, im assuming whey or whey + casein.

  6. #6
    PEWN's Avatar
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    nope pure whey isolate ..... and grape juice .... everything you need ...

  7. #7
    TR'05's Avatar
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    Of course if you take in too much WMS, as with anything, it can potentially lead to storage, bro.

    That said, WMS taken properly and in moderation is my go-to for glycogen replenishment. The whole high molecular weight carbohydrate pre, peri and, especially, post workout protocol is only going to gain momemtum IMHO. I know PVL has released their own HMW product and I am sure others also have products in development.

    For a solid article, check out Justin Harris "High Molecular Weight Carbohydrates"

  8. #8
    Garnelek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pewntang View Post
    nope pure whey isolate ..... and grape juice .... everything you need ...
    Why do u like grape juice so much?I don't like it as a carb source

  9. #9
    jerseyboy's Avatar
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    I use waxy maize in the form of Vitargo or not after every workout especially when I'm using slin. Much easier to stomach than 80 grams of dextrose.

  10. #10
    naturalsux's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garnelek View Post
    Why do u like grape juice so much?I don't like it as a carb source
    i like pineapple and apple juice not from concentrate.

  11. #11
    Garnelek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by naturalsux View Post
    i like pineapple and apple juice not from concentrate.
    But i assume u drink it only post or during workout right?

  12. #12
    naturalsux's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garnelek View Post
    But i assume u drink it only post or during workout right?
    i drink it in the morning with cottage cheese, just the pineapple though.

    i drink the apple juice at other times for carbs. im a ecto, they dont bother me.

  13. #13
    jerseyboy's Avatar
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    I drink orange juice all day long just cause I like it and I want the vitamin C. I don't like grape juice.

  14. #14
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    I use WMS as i find it is kinder to my stomach than dex and i dont experience such a carb crash as i do with other sugars. I would not use fruit juice as it is mostly fructose which is not helpful in restoring muscle glycogen although it will replenish liver glyco.

  15. #15
    solid-d's Avatar
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    Grape juice..... What about Cherry Tart juice.. I heard that cherry tart helps rebuild the muscle.. And its much better and healthier then grape.. Anyone have input on this..

  16. #16
    naturalsux's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by solid-d View Post
    Grape juice..... What about Cherry Tart juice.. I heard that cherry tart helps rebuild the muscle.. And its much better and healthier then grape.. Anyone have input on this..
    looks pretty good. whats it taste like? i never seen it in the store.

  17. #17
    jerseyboy's Avatar
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    Unlerss I'm using insulin I just stick to my PWO shake. It's got maltodextrin in it to spike insulin levels and BCAA's plus tons of protein especially when I throw in some egg white, oatmeal and PB.

  18. #18
    naturalsux's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jerseyboy View Post
    Unlerss I'm using insulin I just stick to my PWO shake. It's got maltodextrin in it to spike insulin levels and BCAA's plus tons of protein especially when I throw in some egg white, oatmeal and PB.
    what kind of egg whites do you use? raw or pasteurized kind?

  19. #19
    jerseyboy's Avatar
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    I get the pasteurized stuff in the carton.

  20. #20
    roidboyjnr is offline Junior Member
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    im ordering mine today, thanx guys

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