cytogainer two shakes a day with lowfat milk
methyl 1-d
megamen dietary supplement pack
and n.o. explode
is this anygood?
cytogainer two shakes a day with lowfat milk
methyl 1-d
megamen dietary supplement pack
and n.o. explode
is this anygood?
Usually a diet consists of food.
it doesnt look like a diet to me
erm where is the actual food though?
ahh u beat me to it lol
ok the food.
i dont know how many calories my food has in it.
i eat alot of beef. i live in a town with nothing but beef.
im in school from 8 - 3 so its not like i can get a normal diet and cram it down my throat. i wish i could but i start failing like i did last semester.
i started failing because i was eating everything i could get my hands on.
except trans fat stuff. eww i hate candy and stuff like that. i hate little debbies and all that nasty cake crap.
i just wanna know what to eat to make me super me. ive lost all my water weight from this summer from the cytogainer and so im skinny again but ripped but i used to be kinda big and now im just a stick.
i dont know what to eat. tuna? chicken? beef? salad? i wish i could get all that and blend it together and drink it. but i cant.
i need some sort of diet. because i dont know how to set one up.
i need guidance from the almighty
basically i willto know a good diet for me that is suitable for my schedule.
read the stickies and cytogainer will or should not be the only food u eat to cut and u did not lose water weight and i garentee it cuz ur getting 6g of creatine a day from cytogainer
so what did i lose?
i still lift the same weight. i bench 225
can curl 115 10times three sets
so what did i lose?
muscle and fat
but how am i still lifting the same and still but not quite as ripped as i was?
go read diets in the diet forum and take food that u see and make your own diet
dude u need soild food ..whatever ur weight is try and do 2x that in protein intake ..aim for 4 meals a day and 2 shakes if u can do that .. thats a good start.. try b-12 if u cant eat enough .. in a short time u might wanna go to 5 meals a day and shakes etc .. keep it goin up
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