I'm taking a Superdrol clone, come 6:00pm I feel like laying around and sleeping, real tired (I know this is a common side)

My problem though, is I have no F'in appetite, don't wanna eat!

All I've had to eat today is

Half a bagel w/natural PB
5 hardboiled eggs
a bannana
half a piece of chicken breast
a cucumber
2 cans of tuna
2 whey shakes
couple bites of sweet potatoes and green beans

This is half the food I normally eat, it looks like a lot more now that I typed it out, but I usually have atleast 2 pieces of chicken, a piece of steak, another shake, more veggies, more eggs.

This sucks, the thought of food makes me woozy. Is this a side of Superdrol?? I hope I'm not getting sick.