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Thread: bad mood post cycle.....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    outer space

    bad mood post cycle.....

    hey has this happend to anyone everytime ill take something like dymatrimme extreme or a pre workout energizer the next day im in a pissy mood.. are my beta 1 being fried or is there something wrong with my receptors other than that i love the stuff i have awsome workout with it.
    im in a slump guys help

  2. #2
    Ok... I dont know exactly what Dymatrimme is, but if you mean beta-2 antagonists (yeah, it hits beta-1 and beta-3 also, to a lesser extent) then I dont know... I use Ephedrine on a very consistent basis (probably too much ) but I have never experienced any type of burnout, though one of my friends gets burned out after prolonged/heavy doses. Could just be a personal response. Are you new to using this supplement? Anything else your taking have a negative impact on it?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    Tons of people who use thermogenics have problems with irritability. Not just after workouts but some people gennerally are a pain in the ass when jacked up on an ECA stack of sort. If you think you may be burned out, then take a few days off, try taking some kava kava, and sam-e, take them a few days or a week and re-evaluate your goals. If it's just that the ECA stack puts you in pissy state then realize it and adjust or don't use it except pre workout.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    i'm in a bad mood regardless of whether i am on something or not (well...vitamin E not withstanding... ) so now i'm just in a bad mood all the time but with energy and size

    seriously though...i have had friends who have done extended "cycles" of ECA (like everyday for 6+ months) and they go off and go into some serious depressed states for a while.
    What happens here, stays here

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    [i]seriously though...i have had friends who have done extended "cycles" of ECA (like everyday for 6+ months) and they go off and go into some serious depressed states for a while. [/B]
    After going through a horrible period training clients 16 hours a day slamming my ECA stack 4 times a day, and sleeping 4 hours a night, when it came time to "clean out" the bod, OH MY HOLY MOTHER OF SLUGSVILLE! I think it took more energy for me to brush my teeth then that it takes to pump out 10 reps at 275 on the bench. NEVER AGAIN!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    outer space
    i can take clenbutrx , adipokinetix,tetracal and bacisly any fat burner and stay on it for months with no probs maybe little sleeplessness but thats it. i took the red rage pre work out and had a great workout then next day mid morning i was irratable.
    i only have had that prob with eph33 and red rage
    what is the difference eph33 and those fat burners??
    is there a way to nurish those precious little beta receptors i dont wanna give up a good metal thrashing workout

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    2 things

    1. Don't use them every day. Take at least the weekend off and at least 1 month every 3.

    2. Switch brands often. Go to an actual ECA stack then back to herbal, then another brand.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    never heard of red rage...what exactly is in it?
    What happens here, stays here

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    i used the dymexatrime extreme, and i would get mad and couldnt stop talking when i was taking it, the next day i didnt feel like that, xenadrine works much better for me, but the dymexatime extreme did make me act loony!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    ECA makes me a real ASS. At least I blame it on ECA. I get a great rush from the stuff though. Maybe Ill have to try some kava kava. Never thought of using it for ECA. Good call dumbells.

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