Guys, I was wondering if anybody has taken the legal roids as advertised on this site and many others on the net? If so, do they work well or no? I was considering them but wasn't sure if they are worth the money.
Guys, I was wondering if anybody has taken the legal roids as advertised on this site and many others on the net? If so, do they work well or no? I was considering them but wasn't sure if they are worth the money.
save your cash
Can u drink winny? did LL cooj, carrot top, 50cent juice?lol NO they are not real, they contain 0, I repeat 0 hormones.
Thats what I figured. Thanks
ha i ordered the tren stuff ha cant really tell if it did anything at all ha i think closest thing to legal steroid is LG Sciences Methyl -D
There are so many skeptics man... I used the Tren 75 stacked with Deca 200. It was the bomb man! I gained a solid 8 pounds LEAN mass over an 8 week cycle. I ate right and worked hard too.. no joke.
Personally I think individuals should just try the supplements out for themselves to see how they work. Everyone's different.
The supplements may work, but no they are not steroids, and no they will not produce results that can compare to steroids
Im looking to pick up the "mass stack" consisting of D-anabol 25 ,Deca 200, & Tren 75 as well as the growth hormone from www.b u y s t e r o i d ..has anyone used any of these products? If so, are they legit or is it all a waste of money?
Any input greatly appreciated,
If you try that mass stack let us know how it worked for you. I personally have never tried those products but I have always been curious.
The roid store has hard core oral anabolics.
Bro, they aren't steroids!
Fake stuff!
Just don't see how there advertised on here if there fake? Anyone actually used them and what was they like?
Keeping away from them but would like to know what peoples views on them who have used the website.
I'm afraid you'll have a hard life searching for someone that used successfully these kind of products mate...
You won't find any positive views. I was watching one of my favorite shows on tv and this commercial kept coming on telling me if I take their pills I can eat whatever I want and not gain weight. Clearly that's bs, but I don't blame the show that the commercial was in, it's just an advertisement. It costs money to run a site like this, and contained within this site is the most comprehensive collection of diet, training, and steroid tips you will likely find in one place. Along with that there are a few advertisements, but as in anything, let the buyer beware. At least we give honest reviews of the products when asked.
Cheers for the advice/help on the matter, much appreiciated.
I tryed the legal roids bs when i was n high school and it didnt do shit. Save ur fvckn money
save your money bro my friend got like 300 or 400 bucks on that stuff and didnt do anything...
hey guys im taking deca and winn 50 i play footy im a back need speed and strenth wud lak ta tone up abit,any ideas!!!!thanks
i want to know also thinking of ordering dbol
I only shop at the roid store. That is why I am the same weight I started at.
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