Can any woman on the board give me some advise for a female. She doesn't work out that much so it doesn't ahve to be just a lifting supp. Just some basic vitamins for health and energy.
Can any woman on the board give me some advise for a female. She doesn't work out that much so it doesn't ahve to be just a lifting supp. Just some basic vitamins for health and energy.
Well Im no woman, but I can help you out. Most woman tend to lack of Calcium, and iron. You want to make shure that she is hitting a minimum of 1000mg of calcium daily, and 18mg of iron. Another important factor is when one consumes calciuam it has to be balanced with magnesium, and vit D help absorb calcium. The other factor to all this is that vit D is a fat soluble vit, meaning she should take her vitmins after her meals with some sort of EFA's. To make things easy on her, pick up some Womans multi-vit from GNC. These are all natural, and completely balanced.
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