Has anyone or would anyone take a PH with gear? The reason I ask is that I am on HRT and take test cyp at a very low dosage every week and was thinking of doing a PP cycle. I also have over the counter test and wondering how that would work, thanks.
Has anyone or would anyone take a PH with gear? The reason I ask is that I am on HRT and take test cyp at a very low dosage every week and was thinking of doing a PP cycle. I also have over the counter test and wondering how that would work, thanks.
I've read about people begining cycles with PH's before their gear cycle. Search around and you should find some posts. Wish i could help more
I used sd n my last cycle and it was fvckn awsome... But u beeing on HRT u could keep ur test the same and add deca and other compounds and not need to worrie anout PCT.
get some dbol pills ....Love pink
I did test and superdrol and I had sweet gains on it. Actually I think most of the gains were from the SD over the test.
Would Methoxy Test 17b-methoxy-trienosterone 2mg work well with Test Cyp? My stack would look like this
I would definetly go with SD over pp, better compound and gains in my opinion. Also easier If you don't want to deal with sources of course for real gear.
Also the new 2perdrol is the SD compound with a couple extra things to enhance the test your using for HRT right now.
Theres a thread in this supps forum of one of the mods on HRT and using 2perdrol and he got some great gains. Its called " Anthony Roberts new supplement 2perdrol" or somthing like that. Lots of good info in there.
Also if you have any other questions don't be afraid to PM me.
Last edited by K.Biz; 04-23-2008 at 12:23 PM.
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