What are your thoughts on it? I was going to take some Superdrol, but have heard of to many side effects. I'm 6"4 205lbs.....Would epistane work to gain 10, or is there something else that has low side effects. Thanks
What are your thoughts on it? I was going to take some Superdrol, but have heard of to many side effects. I'm 6"4 205lbs.....Would epistane work to gain 10, or is there something else that has low side effects. Thanks
Last edited by SoonerEye; 04-20-2008 at 09:28 AM.
If your diet is in check, I would run some M-Drol at low dosage of like 10mg per day. Almost zero sides at that dose for 3-4 wks. 10lbs easy with adequate protein.
I would only run M-Drol or other superdol alternatives if you are over 21. You will stunt growth otherwise.
I'm 34
How? Not sure my doc would go for that....A little more info please.
Also what support supps should be taken with it? How to cycle it...etc
and is there a big difference between Superdrol NG and the older superdrol?
To answer your first question, I would run Epidrol over Epistane ( same compound)
I Gained 12 lean pounds on an Epidrol pulse( which everyone on this board thinks doesnt work) in 6 weeks
week 1
10mg on mon, 20mg wed, 30mg fri
week 2
week 3-6
I had very little shutdown if any ( I didn't notice any shutdown like i did on SD or PP, but i'm guessing i had some amount) and now i am running PCT Myogenx for a whole bottle.
Yeah really to break it down for ya guys...I'm only wanting to put on 10-15lbs period. I like to be around 215. I was a wide reciever and like to keep my thin, but cut frame. SD seems a little worriesome to me. I know it works, but to many sides. I have heard Epistane doesn't have near the problems on the side. What support supps should I take with it? The same as I was on SD? Milk Thistle, Hawthorn, etc...and what good PCT should go with? Thanks for your help. I'm just getting started again, so I have been out of the loop.
Same support supps you would always use.
Only take the liver support on off days if you pulse like i did.
Myogenx for pct works great for me since it was a failry weak compound, but i had
clomid on hand just in case.
Good luck
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