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  1. #1
    NSHOOTER320 is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2002

    L-glutamine question

    I know that if L-glutamine is taken with food or protein within an hour after taking it, the L-glutamine will not be digested at all due to the presence of other substances. I was wondering if it had the same effect with creatine and ALA. I'ts a real hassle to take it an hour before a meal on a completely empty stomach.

  2. #2
    NSHOOTER320 is offline Junior Member
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  3. #3
    mekler's Avatar
    mekler is offline Associate Member
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    the guy at the nutrisport i go to said to drink the glutamine mixed in with some juice or water, and to not put in a protein shake as i had stated i was going to do. he said something about the amino acid chain getting mixed up.. hell if i know, i'm no scientist, just a lowly computer nerd

  4. #4
    YellowJacket's Avatar
    YellowJacket is offline Junior Member
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    Thats a myth my friend, many protein powders have Glutamine already mixed in, take it in your post workout shake, but make sure you have extra carbs in there (dextrose, grape juice) to help absorbtion between 100% whey and glutamine.

  5. #5
    mekler's Avatar
    mekler is offline Associate Member
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    yeah i have my protein shake with half a peanut butter sandwhich on whole weat. mmm tasty

  6. #6
    FromFleshtoSteel's Avatar
    FromFleshtoSteel is offline Associate Member
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    i read that the stomach's acidic environment is to much for the free form l-glut to handle and it begins to break down. when you take it with food it keeps the glut in the stomach too long and it doesn't reach the intestine to be digested. that is why alot of the glutamine found in powders and shakes is the bonded form, it can withstand the acid better.

  7. #7
    BigBad's Avatar
    BigBad is offline Banned
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    For a post-workout shake try mixing one scoop of gatorade powder with 5-10 g of glutamine. I would do this for several reasons: 1-The human body craves simple sugars after muscle tissue has been broken down (ie after a workout). 2-Post workout simple sugars have also been shown to increase GH levels. 3-Insulin is one of the most anabolic hormones in the body, and insulin sensitivity is the highest after a workout. So, a spike in insulin levels at the right time (ie post workout or immediately after you get up in the morning) drives amino acids (which make up proteins) into the muscles at an incredible rate. So, I would suggest taking the gatorade/glutamine drink immediately after training and a whey protein drink about 15 min. later (cuz carbs also help drive protein into the muscles). Good luck. -BB

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