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  1. #1
    ricogl40 is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2006

    saw palmetto and PHs

    so i dont know much about saw palmetto other than it is for prostate wellness. but i heard the way it works is by blocking the conversion of test to some form .... not really sure. basically my question is- is saw palmetto going to affect my test and have a negative impact on my workouts/ gains from my prohormone cycle? or is it smart to have to keep the ol prostate happy?

  2. #2
    Garnelek's Avatar
    Garnelek is offline Associate Member
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    In the toilet
    I haven't heard before that it can interfere with test production.I would def buy some just to be safe with ur ph cycle

  3. #3
    TheDoctor is offline New Member
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    May 2008
    i not sure of the interactions but not many things will negate the effect of putting 400mgs of synthetic hormones into your system every week. anti estrogens work because they bind to certain sites but i doubt saw palmetto would do the same for test since no conversion takes place, your body simply uses the test directly. id say it should have very little impact if any on your gains. but i only have a doctorate in medicine not in chemistry so i could be wrong.

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