Ok, so basically I am looking to improve my aerobic fitness by supplementing my weekly muay thai training (4-5 session per week, ~2 hours medium-to-intense cardio) with the following:

Coenzyme Q10
Citrulline Malate

Basically I've read/discovered that CoQ10 is responsible for practically creating ATP, so the more CoQ10 the more ATP I get. I'm sure this will also work well with some form of creatine supplement as well, actually. Thoughts on this?

As for the citrulline malate, I've read/discovered that it reduces ammonia & lactic acid which pretty much means that musce fatigue won't kick in for a lil while, which can be a bitch when you're trying to push yourself weeks before a fight.

So yeh, anyone want to comment / add?

I might also add that I notice Citrulline Malate is foundin No Xplode and other similar supplements in small amounts... am I better off just taking some NOXplode kind of supplement or sticking with the pure CM?