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  1. #1
    sloth9's Avatar
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    Lg Sciences aka legal gear

    ok guys I have alot of legal gear stuff left over from what I like call my polo cycle days ( I was buying a bunch of crap that looked good but it didnt do much for me) any way I have about 2-3 cycles left of methyl masterdrol, methyl 1-d, formadrol and a few others that dont do to much, and 3 bottles of leukic. My question is should I keep these for a post cycle therapy or are they really not strong enough for anything. I also have some novadex xt left over and I was wondering if itsgood enough to prevent gyno, I am not saying this because novadex and nolvadex sound close I actually have friend who worked for gnc at one time and he was always juiced up, well he said xt was just as good for gyno as nolvadex. Now I find it hard to believe thats why I am asking. I dont have any problems getting rid of these supplements on ebay or some other place because they are all sealed and within there expiration dates, but any way if they can be used I wuld love to put them to use. Thankyou again

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    I moved this to the supplement section for you, you may get better answers here.

  3. #3
    sloth9's Avatar
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    lol, sounds good I figured it was cool here cause I was talking about a pct thats cool though, I did see that forum though and thought about putting it there but said well I am not trying to use them for growth but for a pct. Sorry forthe mix up, your the man!

  4. #4
    RaWRZ0R!'s Avatar
    RaWRZ0R! is offline Associate Member
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    hmm never heard of that stuff besides the leukic but yeah uhm if you tell me what it is i can let you know if you need the pct or not

  5. #5
    silversurfer's Avatar
    silversurfer is offline Junior Member
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    how old is lg sciences stuff? does it say Lg Sciences or legal gear? is the masterdrol red pills or brown pills?

  6. #6
    wukillabee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sloth9 View Post
    ok guys I have alot of legal gear stuff left over from what I like call my polo cycle days ( I was buying a bunch of crap that looked good but it didnt do much for me) any way I have about 2-3 cycles left of methyl masterdrol, methyl 1-d, formadrol and a few others that dont do to much, and 3 bottles of leukic. My question is should I keep these for a post cycle therapy or are they really not strong enough for anything. I also have some novadex xt left over and I was wondering if itsgood enough to prevent gyno, I am not saying this because novadex and nolvadex sound close I actually have friend who worked for gnc at one time and he was always juiced up, well he said xt was just as good for gyno as nolvadex. Now I find it hard to believe thats why I am asking. I dont have any problems getting rid of these supplements on ebay or some other place because they are all sealed and within there expiration dates, but any way if they can be used I wuld love to put them to use. Thankyou again
    Id get rid of it, sell em if u can but i wouldnt waste my time with that useless crap. Youll have better gains with food and creatine, haha. Sell it bro, ive never used their wannabe stuff but i knowpeople who have and its really a waste. novedex xt u can save for a test booster to aid in pct but by no means is a pct in itself. COuld also save the formadol for an aid as well for pct but still, the u are not a pct, unless of course ur cycling this crap methyl-d (hyped up name fo dhea) and masterdrol (no one really knows what this crap is but heard its not much better than their methyl-d). With so many real ph's out there still i dont know why people still spend money on this crap. Guess its those catchy ads in the magazines and jay cutler only uses muscletech, haha. Bottom line, sell the crap and could maybe use the others i mentioned to aid in pct for a real ph cycle if ur still into doing ph's or if not, sell it all.

  7. #7
    sloth9's Avatar
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    ok the methyl masterdrol is the legal gear brown capsules I have 2 of those un opened

    the methyl 1d is red normal lg sciences you get anywhere I have 6 of those and then I have 4 formadrol extreme red pill, lg sciences

    I also have 4 trib extreme and 4 Igh-1 these are trash they are in the blue bottle everything I tried from Lg in the blue bottles suck thats the two previously mentioned, and transform, and speed all suck and the pills have a nasty taste I almost threw up needless to say think I will sell this stuff thankyou very much guys.

  8. #8
    silversurfer's Avatar
    silversurfer is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sloth9 View Post
    ok the methyl masterdrol is the legal gear brown capsules I have 2 of those un opened

    the methyl 1d is red normal lg sciences you get anywhere I have 6 of those and then I have 4 formadrol extreme red pill, lg sciences

    I also have 4 trib extreme and 4 Igh-1 these are trash they are in the blue bottle everything I tried from Lg in the blue bottles suck thats the two previously mentioned, and transform, and speed all suck and the pills have a nasty taste I almost threw up needless to say think I will sell this stuff thankyou very much guys.
    I think u have the orginal masterdrol from a couple years ago...its good. You'll definitly gain strength off that. specially if u havnt taken lots of products like that in the past. Far as the red 1-d i dont think was as good as the old 1-p. i would just sell that. All the things in the blue bottles..yes garbage.
    Formadrol, very good for PCT. i actually used it insub for nolvadex after a cycle.

    ALSO, the old legal gear i THINK says take up to 8 weeks. definitly wouldnt do that. 4-6 max

  9. #9
    sloth9's Avatar
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    Thanks surfer I appreciate the info that does help I dont know how true it is but my buddy who used to work for gnc and he actually competes in some shows said the red methyl 1d you had to double the dose to get close to the old stuff. I didnt do it cause I like my liver. I appreciate it alot

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