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Thread: Cutting Questions..

  1. #1

    Smile Cutting Questions..


    I am new to the cutting supps as I just finished playing college football and we tried to keep on a good amount of wt.. Since the season has been over Ive been busting my butt to lose the extra weight, I have dropped about 10lbs and have a 4-pac... but my fitness goals are to get the ever coveted 6 or even 8 PAC! I do not really care much about muscle mass anymore since that's what I have been concentrating on my whole life, I just want you to give me a BandAde Cuz Im Cut! haha... Anywho, looking at the attainable supps like Hydroxy Hardcore, Lipo 6, ect what do you think would be best to just get me over the edge to where I want to be....
    Also, if I could ever get my hands on any of the big time stuff, what would be best for what I want to do? Ive read Winstrol is very good, Tren, and Clen are great for getting ripped. Also, ANAVAR looks soo interesting to me, because I am not looking to just lose water weight, but build some lean muscle and lose the rest of the fat. And with Anavar there is no need for PCT (post cycle therapy). Do you need any PCT with CLEN?... Clens description just seems like a better hydroxycut or something, is that true? Finally, which of those supps are most easily attained?
    Sorry for the rookie questions! Thanks for the knowledge bros.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Central Texas
    you need to read up bro. any and all AAS require pct. Diet and Exercise are what you need. theres no magic pill. If your diet isnt in check ull never c a 6pack. sorry I know thats not what you want to hear.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Central Texas
    also you dont need a pct for clen. just click on the word "clen" and that should help.

  4. #4
    BIG swol_je

    Thanks for the knowledge bro... its appreciated!

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