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Thread: Amplify 02 & RawMCC Creatine from | My Review

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    Exclamation Amplify 02 & RawMCC Creatine from | My Review

    First of all, I want to thank Kaioken for his help in maximizing my gains using Ampo2. He sends me PMs me with tips and advice which is great.

    A little background, I've taken Armageddon, NOxplode, and the new N0 shotgun V3.

    Between those 3, Armageddon was the strongest, (I was taking the max 3 scoops per serving). I wanted to try something new so I decided to order AGXsports "strength stack".

    After my first time using it I knew this was going to be my permanent pre-workout supplement. The intensity and focus of my workout was better than I could have imagined. Not only that, the endurance I experienced was great. I have to force myself to stop lifting to keep from over-training.

    Note : I started taking AMP02 without any break between the other pre-workout supplements I was taking. Armageddon, NOxplode, and the new N0 Shotgun V3 all were losing their effect, ESPECIALLY when it came to endurance and the feeling of "crashing".

    I have noticable strength gains during my week of using RawMCC and Ampo2. I am currently not taking any other creatine product. Here is how I take ampo2 and raw MCC, Kaioken can step in with any other tips and advice.

    2 hours after my last pro/fat meal.

    Ampo2, (pre-workout)
    1 slice of whole grain bread, (pre-workout)
    1 Banana, (pre-workout)
    Lots of H20
    1/2 scoop of purple wraith 35-40 minutes after taking Ampo2, (pre-workout; just before I start lifitng).

    Purple Wraith BCAAs, (post workout)
    Waxymaize, (post workout)
    RawMCC, (post workout)
    5 grams of L. Glut, (post workout)

    60 grams of Whey 30 minutes after Waxymaize, BCAAs and L. Glut.

    Thanks for reading.

    P.S I have NO connection to, I'm sure many of you who read my previous thread would know that.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    T T T

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Obsidian , Q
    Oh WOW thankyou Sir

    It will get better and better too!

    Wait till week 2, magic time

    Canthookit= tough love btw lol

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaioken View Post
    Oh WOW thankyou Sir

    It will get better and better too!

    Wait till week 2, magic time

    Canthookit= tough love btw lol
    No problem, I will keep everyone updated on my progress.

  5. #5
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    Jul 2002
    Strength is through the roof! I set a record for my highest bench and was able to do it for 8 reps! I've been taking the RawMCC with ZMA daily which may attribute to my strength gains.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Obsidian , Q
    The Amplify 02 also Amplifies Strength do to Rapid dispersal of CEE, AEE, CitruEE etc..


  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Callao, Virginia
    I just take amp02, and to be honest the first couple times I used it, it was decent. But now after using it 4+ times, its amazing. I can really actaully feel the focus and pumps getting stronger everytime I use it, unlike noxplode. I actaully have been lowering the dose slightly too to like 5 pills a workout.

    My review = simply awsome.

  8. #8
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    Obsidian , Q
    Quote Originally Posted by g0dsend View Post
    I just take amp02, and to be honest the first couple times I used it, it was decent. But now after using it 4+ times, its amazing. I can really actaully feel the focus and pumps getting stronger everytime I use it, unlike noxplode. I actaully have been lowering the dose slightly too to like 5 pills a workout.

    My review = simply awsome.
    wow only 5?

    Try to work up to 7-9 as this is the Ideal BUT strong

    but good!

    ps THANKYOU Sir

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Callao, Virginia
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaioken View Post
    wow only 5?

    Try to work up to 7-9 as this is the Ideal BUT strong

    but good!

    ps THANKYOU Sir

    Yah I was taking that many but it was to strong for me. I lowered it a little and I think its perfect. I drink tons of water, and have a tuna sandwich with it too to get some carbs in.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Another bump! Strength gains are steady and pumps/focus are the same as the first time I took it! I noticed there is a lot of hype for ampo2 on here, trust me it is well warranted!

    BTW, I stopped taking purple wraith right before my workouts. It was giving me a little heartburn which I attribute to both products containing niacin. I now take xtend right before my workout and no more heartburn!
    Last edited by CanthookitLs6; 07-25-2008 at 04:13 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Obsidian , Q
    Thats Fantastic!

    Avoiding attenuation was a big focus

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Strength gains are still great. I have only gained a couple lbs since using this strength stack, but I seem to have lost body fat and gained lean body mass. Great all around product, maybe down the road i'll try the lipoflame and see how that works.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    where is the cheapest place to purchase Amp02 online?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flex-Appeal View Post
    where is the cheapest place to purchase Amp02 online?
    I believe you can only order it direct from their site, not 100% sure though.

    I got my order really quick. Ordered on Monday, will get here today!

  15. #15
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    In the Gym, if i could

    only place to get it..
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    to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially
    one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.

    If you get scammed by an UGL listed on this board or by another member here, it's all part of the game and learning experience for you,
    we do not approve nor support any sources that may be listed on this site.
    I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
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  16. #16
    im thinking about ordering it. all i hear is great things about it. if i just got one of each(RAW MCC and AMP 02) how long will that last it a 1 month supply?

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    yea one month pretty much.

  18. #18
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    1 yes

  19. #19
    ok cool, im gonna place an order. hopfuly it works for me. how long does it usually take till ill get it

  20. #20
    Does anyone know why AGX is not taking orders from California? I tried ordering Lipoflame twice and my order would be refunded a few days later. I tried calling and emailing and no response. Any insight on this would be great.

  21. #21
    isnt amplify just a arginine product?

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by 777adonis View Post
    Does anyone know why AGX is not taking orders from California? I tried ordering Lipoflame twice and my order would be refunded a few days later. I tried calling and emailing and no response. Any insight on this would be great.

    having some bad seeds from that area being an annoyance

    give it 2 weeks more and order

    AGX sold out of stock do to demand for a week as well

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Central Texas
    When is the amp 02 gunna be back in stock. Im trying to place an order

  24. #24
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    Jul 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by RATTLEHEAD View Post
    isnt amplify just a arginine product?
    It's got the best ingredients of any preworkout supplement out there.

    Here is a list of ingredients from their site.

    • Creatine Ethyl Ester HCL (CEE)
    • leads to rapid uptake of Creatine which allows it to pass more freely into the blood stream. Muscles become quickly primed for immediate strength increases, endurance increases, and muscle cell-volumizing effects with NO bloating.

    • Arginine Ethyl Ester Di HCL (AEE)
    • leads to rapid uptake of Arginine and converts to Nitric Oxide. In the body Nitric Oxide it is known as a cell-signaling agent. It aids in nutrient delivery, oxygen uptake, glycogen storage, and also expands blood vessels for blood flow, vascularity, and the appearance of muscle fullness. Stacked with Ornithine Ethyl Ester and Aminopentanoic Acid one has an unbeatable stack for pumps and health.

    • Citrulline Ethyl Ester HCL (CitruEE)
    • Known as �Aerobic Creatine� helps Amplify Endurance through the bodies Aerobic pathways, and helps clear lactic acid along with ALCAR. Using the esterfied version amplifies effects and synergy with the other Exotic and rare compounds present in *********.

    • Ornithine Ethyl Ester Di HCL (OEE)
    • leads to rapid uptake of Ornithine and aids in conversion and has considerable synergy with Arginine Ethlyl Ester to sustain potent nitric oxide pumps. It is also important because Ornithine initiates the release of growth hormone in the body. Ornithine can be very helpful with fat metabolism and general health. OEE also increases the blood plasma level of Arginine along with Aminopentanoic Acid in Amplify 02�, thus contributing to even greater nitric oxide stimulating effects. OEE also has HGH synergy with ALCAR.

    • Glutamine Ethyl Ester HCL (GEE)
    • leads to rapid uptake of Glutamine. In this form Glutamine or GEE may amplify recovery, focus , and aid is synergy with the neurotropics in *********.
    • Sodium Phosphate will help with Cellular hydration, Cell volumization and in of it self acts as a gate keeper in regard to ATP use and formation.

    • Aminopentanoic Acid
    • inhibits the arginase enzyme thus increasing arginine concentrations for enhanced conversion to nitric oxide.

    • N-Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALCAR)
    • Transports long chain fatty acids to the inner most section of the mitochondria where they are used to create Adenosise Triphosphate (ATP), Acetyl-l-Carnitine increases VO2 MAX , which is the highest volume of OXYGEN a person can consume . Acetyl-l-Carnitine also reduces LACTIC ACID buildup a delays fatigue in the body's Anerobic and Aerobic Pathways. ALCAR also recycles ATP that is spent as the muscle contracts. Users also report Neurotropic and cardioprotective benefits.

    • N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine
    • is a powerful precursor for the various neurotransmitters, epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine, and thyroxine.

    • Caffeine
    • stimulates the Na+ and K(+) -ATPase activity in skeletal muscle, and stimulate neurological control by increasing intracellular levels of cyclic AMP.

    • DMAE
    • is an antioxidant and a precursor of the neurotransmitter Acetycholine. It responsible for feelings of well-being and the ability to sustain increased work capacity. DMAE may Increase energy levels during High-intensity physical activity and athletes may notice shorter recovery times.

    • Idebenone
    • is a powerful antioxidant and positively affects brain chemistry .Idebenone has been shown to promote information transfer across the corpus callosum, the membrane separating the right and left brain hemispheres. Idebenone increases nerve growth factor (NGF) in the brain. Idebenone can increase production of the brain neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine, adrenaline, and noradrenanline. It has also been show to help with ATP formation and utlilzation, and has been show to be an ANTIOXIDANT under a low oxygen environment; this is especially needed while enaging in intense exercise.

    • Vinpocetine
    • has been shown to be effective by increasing 2,3 DPG levels (Oxygen delivery capacity), ATP (energy levels), and antioxidant activity. Vinpocetine also increases blood flow and increases levels of noradrenaline and dopamine for focus. Vinpocetene also helps with vision and acute thought processes.

    • Vitamin B-3 (as Niacinamide)
    • may help reduce inflamation and cholesterol, provide antioxidant activity and help with a natural energy rush.

  25. #25
    Ok, I have a few questions about these AGX products. First, Does lipoflame contain a diuretic of any kind? If so, or either way, doesn't it defeat the purpose of taking a creatine product while taking a fat loss supp? So why do they promote taking RawMCC/Amp02 while taking lipoflame at the same time? I just feel like the fat loss supp might alter the overall effects of the creatine products. Also, Ive read a decent amount of studies done on the effects of arginine and caffeine and Ive seen that studies show it can cancel each other out. So wouldn't stacking these products ultimately be a waste?

  26. #26
    I just read up on lipoflame and it does contain a diuretic.

  27. #27
    Nobody has anything to say about that?

  28. #28
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    Jul 2002


    Quote Originally Posted by RATTLEHEAD View Post
    Nobody has anything to say about that?
    I've never heard caffeine reduces the effectiveness of arginine. Likewise, I've never heard of fatloss products reducing the effectiveness of creatine. Creatine is for increased strength, Lipoflame is to reduce bodyfat, I don't see how the two are correlated? However, keep in mind I have no experience with lipoflame, just AMPo2 and RawMCC. Maybe someone else who has used all three products can chime in.

    Now, I have heard that caffeine may reduce the overall effectiveness of creatine. However, I don't know if this is a proven fact, there are a lot of "theories" posted through-out the internet. All I can attest to is my personal results using this stack. I have made steady strength gains, and I continue to get an unbelievable pump along with great focus during my workouts.

  29. #29
    I read it in MensHealth a long time ago about the Arginine and Caffeine issue. But the reason why I asked about this is because creatine's main functions are to saturate the muscle with water (volumizing the cells) and a diuretic's main function is to reduce water in the body. Which contradicts each other. So to me it seems like a waste to stack those products but diuretic's and creatine is one issue i'd like to learn more about, so anyone who may know more about this, let us know what you think.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by RATTLEHEAD View Post
    I read it in MensHealth a long time ago about the Arginine and Caffeine issue. But the reason why I asked about this is because creatine's main functions are to saturate the muscle with water (volumizing the cells) and a diuretic's main function is to reduce water in the body. Which contradicts each other. So to me it seems like a waste to stack those products but diuretic's and creatine is one issue i'd like to learn more about, so anyone who may know more about this, let us know what you think.
    The debate on this point is rife; Any diuretic, even caffeine will reduce Creatine hydration to a certain extent. Dehydratants such as alcohol and soda will also reduce Creatine hydration. Proper diet and plenty of water will conteract these reductions to an extent. You can't have it every which way, if you want to cut body fat, increase strength and ultimately increase lean body mass at the same-time I don't see a better solution, (without going into aas at least )

    It's also a known fact creatine retention and intake is reputed to be enhanced by supportive nutrients such as L-Glutamine and Taurine.

    Let your personal results and the results of others speak for itself, don't get caught up in theories as most of the time they've yet to be proven.
    Last edited by CanthookitLs6; 09-03-2008 at 04:29 PM.

  31. #31
    Let your personal results and the results of others speak for itself, don't get caught up in theories as most of the time they've yet to be proven.
    I agree with that. good statement. Also, MensHealth is legit as **** when it comes to the science aspect of things. Also, they always site exactly where they got the info from and it's usually a university study. But this question concerning diuretics and creatine has been something I've been meaning to get an informed answer on for a while. I think I'm going to just test it out for myself and post the results after a month.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by RATTLEHEAD View Post
    I think I'm going to just test it out for myself and post the results after a month.
    Come back and share your results with us, something tells me you won't be disappointed..

  33. #33
    Now this is off the topic but I was wondering if Lipoflame is now shipping to California. And if not, how much longer because I am dying to try lipoflame.

  34. #34
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    Adonis Sure

    Just know AG X got restock plus has a new item so they are about 5 days slow do to demand again

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    Obsidian , Q

    Might as well post this here:

    Guys We are 5 Days Behind on Shipping
    We will manually apply Discount to each order more then 5 days out.

    ~We Sold out for 3 days do to demand
    ~Created our NEW LipoSTIM3 at the same time:

    Lipostim3!!!! Unreal!!!!

    ~ And then the Large Demand after New Stock

    This happens a couple of times a YEAR but the wait is Worth it!
    WE will be back to 3 days Shipping on MONDAY!


  36. #36
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    In the Gym, if i could
    thanks for the update, the product if it's anywhere near as good as the 1st products, and all subsequent products is worth the wait..

    thanks again for the update..
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    to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially
    one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.

    If you get scammed by an UGL listed on this board or by another member here, it's all part of the game and learning experience for you,
    we do not approve nor support any sources that may be listed on this site.
    I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
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  37. #37
    Join Date
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    LipoStim3 Feedback JUST coming in:

    "I took my first dose of LS3 today and it is unbelievable! I started with a full serving because I am stim junkie and this is absolutely sick. The first two hours I was cranked out of my head. No jitters or uneasiness. Just clean focus and crazy energy unlike anything I have ever experienced. The buzz is crazy almost druglike. I have took everything imaginable and nothing can compare to this feeling. I took them four hours ago and I still feel it working. Not as intense as the first two hours but still very much there."


    "Update!!! The buzz from these lasted a solid seven hours. There was no crash or groggy feeling at all at anytime with these. Just smooth focused energy. Most stims I have taken loose that feeling within an hour or so. These start out really strong and seem to taper down into a smooth ride. I am looking forward to reading some good bros reviews. I know a lot of you jumped on these, so please share what you think. ***** really stepped his game up with these."

    "You have created an amazing product. I have never experienced such a feeling from anything I have ever taken. I really mean that. Those first three hours after I took them was a very intense experience. There was a few times I said "holy shit" out loud in amazement for how I felt. I wasn't over stimulated, but it was sort of a sensory overload. I felt great. I think three pills is the sweet spot!

    The pronounced effects wore off after about 7 hours, but there was no crash at all. I took three Lipos pre cardio and as much as I love Lipo, L3 is in a league of it's own. I am looking forward to seeing more users post their experiences, because this really is a special product. Thank you for putting this out"
    Last edited by Kaioken; 09-11-2008 at 08:26 PM.

  38. #38
    I have a few questions. Whats the difference between Lipostim and lipoflame? why should I take one over the other? Also, I dont want to change the subject of this thread at all, but what are the active ingredients in the "Clenbuterol" this website is selling?

  39. #39
    Also, why aren't AGX products sold at local retailers? I can barely afford my credit card payments, thats really why i want to know. I like to pay everything I possibly can in cash.

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    Well i can say this...WOW, i am on my second week of the Amp 02 and it is a great prework out supp. I have only been taking 5 pills all last week. Today i may try 7 but not sure if its even needed.
    I only take it with a piece of fruit, should i incorporate anything else with the fruit for better absorption?

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