I'm six feet and three inches tall. I weigh two hundred and sixty five pounds. I try my best to go to the gym three days a week but two at the minimum, purely weight lifting. My bf% is probalbly around twenty percent give or take a little. Twenty three years of age. Played college football last in 2006. I've made muscle and strength gains by consistently lifting for the past 10 weeks. I'm going to dedicate a month of solid gym time lifting four to five times a week. Im going to make sure I take in an access of 3,000 calories. If I take double the one pill a day dose (since I'm allready big) will it help me? Is it worth my time?

Bench: 300 lbs
Goal: 315 lbs by end of month

Currently not taking anyother supplements but also considering creatine.

(please no "keep your head up brother" messages I would prefer people with real experience using Halodrol. And nobody under 200 lbs, unless your talking about strength gains. Thank you.)